Agenda item


To consider the Matters arising below:



Partnership Progress update

(Achieving for Children, Optalis, Highways & Transport)




Maidenhead Station

Gordon Oliver (RBWM) and Alison Hanscomb (Station Manager, GWR)



Guildhall Access update

Julia White (RBWM)



Nicholsons Car Park

Neil Walter (RBWM)



Local Access Forum

Lisa Hughes











6.1       Partnership Progress update (Achieving for Children, Optalis, Highways & Transport)


Lynne Penn, Transport & Access Team Leader gave an update on the partnership progress. See attached.


Points raised by Forum Member included:


·         Where would RBWM staff be located? Councillor Coppinger informed the Forum that all staff would remain as now except after the refurbishment of York House, Children’s Services would join Adult Services there.

·         What age did Children’s Services cover up to ? Councillor Coppinger informed the Forum, the age was 25 years, however, for a period, both Children’s and Adults would have involvement.

·         Councillor Coppinger informed the Forum that benefits of the partnerships would include retention of staff as there would be more opportunities. Unitary authorities tend to be smaller and staff turnover tends to be high as a result of lack of opportunities.


6.2       Maidenhead Station


Eric Waters and Alison Hanscomb, Great Western Railways, gave an update to the Forum on the main changes at Maidenhead Station. These included:


·         There will be additional stairs on platforms 2 and 3 and on platforms 4 and 5 to allow a better flow of passengers.

·         A new enhanced ticket office will be available.

·         There will be ten gates in total, the southern entrance would have four gates instead of two.

·         The entrance is being considered as currently it included more than one building which had too many pillars.

·         The platforms will be extended to cater for the extra long CrossRail trains.

·         The power supply will be increased in seven weeks.

·         All trains will be fully electric. Currently these only operate between Hayes and London Paddington. After the increase in the power supply, they will travel between Maidenhead and London Paddington. And from January 2018, they will travel between Didcot and London Paddington.

·         The carriages on the trains will increase, with eight carriages on all stopping trains and twelve carriages on the limited stop trains.

·         Canopies will be extended, with two additional bays on each platform.

·         The subways will be refurbished.

·         Two current lifts on platforms 2 and 3 will be moved to a more central position. There will be a new lift on platform 1.

·         All platforms will be raised for the ease of use for wheelchair users, however ramps would still be required. The issues of ramps and staff were discussed, especially when unbooked. The Forum was reassured that assistance would be available from the station office.

·         Currently there are toilets on platforms 4 and 5, which are wheelchair accessible. There are no plans to increase the number of toilets.

·         The coffee shop will remain as present.

·         The latest design for the forecourt includes a wider pavement from the road to the station and disabled parking closer to the station entrance.


Gordon Oliver, Principal Transport Policy Officer, updated the Forum on the modelling work that was being carried out on the crossing between the town centre and the station. Options will be discussed at a meeting with the LEP on 11 April.


Councillor Hollingsworth enquired about a path behind the station leading to Grenfell Road and who owned it. It was suggested that it was owned by Network Rail.


The work would all be complete by December 2019.


6.3       Guildhall Access update


Julia White, Visitor Manager, was unable to attend the Forum but sent the following update:


We have investigated options with Stannah to fit a wheelchair platform in place of the stair lift but they have advised it is not possible.  I’m not aware of any progress as far as installing a lift into the building.  I believe Margaret Kirby previously carried out a feasibility study and that a conservation officer was involved in discussions but I’m not sure that a firm proposal was put forward.  There have been changes in staffing subsequently and I’m not sure who the project now sits with.  My team is responsible for the sales and marketing of the venue and the building maintenance etc. sits with the property services team.


6.4       Nicholsons Car Park


Neil Walter, Parking Principal, updated the Forum that he had no budget to install the barrier at Nicholsons car park but he was discussing with the lead Member. A case for the finances had been put forward and results would be known in few weeks. The Chairman stressed that this was unacceptable and that the finances had to be found as it was very dangerous site, putting the lives of ShopMobilty staff and users, at risk.


6.5       Local Access Forum



The East Berkshire Ramblers were carrying out additional metrics on footpath access. Lisa Hughes had used illustrative examples to show what issues people faced especially at crossing points. Lisa Hughes had offered to go and identify issues with them. The footpath survey was due to begin. The Chairman was glad to see assistance from the ramblers.

Supporting documents: