Agenda item

Budget 2017/18

To comment on the report to be considered by Cabinet on the 9 February 2017.


The Head of Finance/Deputy Director Corporate & Community Services, Rob Stubbs, explained that the report set out the Council budget for 2017/18.  Members were informed that the priority in setting the budget had been to ensure the continued delivery of quality services for all residents, especially the most vulnerable, whilst the Royal Borough remained a low tax council.  The Head of Finance/Deputy Director Corporate & Community Services gave Members a brief presentation on the highlights of the proposed budget for 2017/18 which covered the following:

·         Local Revenue Investments.

·         Revenue recommendations.

·         17/18 Capital investment.

·         Business Rates – for business.

·         Context.

·         Planning & Housing.


It was noted that the budget proposed a 0.95% increase in core council tax (£8.62) and a 3% adult social care precept at band D (£27.75) adding to the 2016/17 precept of £18.14.


The Head of Finance/Deputy Director Corporate & Community Services explained that Fees and charges could be found on page 106 of the agenda, Savings on page 132, Growth on page 145 and Capital (which centred on the BLP and Traveller Local Plan) on page 123.


The registered speaker, Margaret Morgan, was invited to address the Panel on this item. 

Margaret Morgan requested that the Council explained the item in the budget that was described as Project CZ91 “P&OS-Ascot Roundabout War Memorial Fount 2014/15” for £67,000 (2016-17).  It was requested that a breakdown of the expenditure included in Appendix G be provided.


Margaret Morgan went onto explain that a planning application that was submitted by the Borough for the Installation of water fountain with jets and lights was withdrawn in 2015.  Members were informed that the RBWM had now submitted a planning application (17/00188) for the installation of a bronze War Horse statue on a stone plinth on Heatherwood roundabout.  Margaret Morgan went onto explain that Kevin Mist had informed her that there was an approved budget of £80k allocated for the total cost of the scheme.  It was questioned where this was included in the budget.


Margaret Morgan went onto explain that she was concerned about how council funds were applied and this was particularly important at a time of continued cut-backs resulting in damage to the provision of services to residents.


Margaret Morgan stated that she had been informed that the project was zero cost to the Council and suggested saving £40k on a plinth when it could be placed directly on the grass.


The Chairman explained that this was not a Planning matter, and as such the Head of Communities & Economic Development, Kevin Mist, would be happy to meet with Margaret Morgan on his return from annual leave to discuss this matter further.  It was requested by the Panel that the written response from the Head of Communities & Economic Development to Margaret Morgan regarding the breakdown of expenditure for Project CZ91 and where the £80k allocated funds for the bronze War Horse statue could be found in the budget be attached to the minutes. 


In the ensuing discussion the following points were noted:

·      That page 156 (Appendix M) showed the capital programmes during the year.

·      That all Business Rate local reliefs would be maintained. 

·      That appropriate income and cost budgets had been inflated by 2% (based on RPI in September 2016).

·      The Apprentice Levy was primarily about training and the charge was 0.5% of the Council’s Payroll cost to fund this.

·      That the £300k budget for the Borough Local Plan examination costs was the Head of Planning’s best estimate. 

·      That the £100k budget for ‘Traveller Local Plan’ was to have it recommissioned jointly with other Local Authorities.

·      Councillor David Hilton stated his delight at page 81 of the agenda and asked where the other £140k was listed.  The Finance Partner - Corporate Services & Operations, Mark Lampard, explained that it equated to the 3.5 new posts and additional investment. 

·      The Chairman explained that he had received an assurance that there were adequate resources to deal with the volume and magnitude of planning applications.

·      That affordable housing was located within the capital schemes (regeneration).


The Panel requested that the generic terms in the budget be updated to reflect the planning terms (e.g. Project CI32 Planning Policy Supplementary Planning Document be updated to the Borough Design Guide).


The Panel requested that with regard to the ‘temporary accommodation for homeless residents’ written confirmation of the number of residents affected and the number of those who had utilised the services (e.g. halfway house, B&Bs, etc) be provided at the next meeting. 


The Chairman congratulated the Finance Team, and stated that he had found the presentation tonight very readable and clear.


The Chairman went onto thank Councillor Leo Walters for his time as Chairman and for his enthusiasm about the Green Belt in particular. 


The Planning & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Panel unanimously agreed to recommend to Cabinet that they recommended to Council that they noted the report and approved the:


i)       Detailed recommendations contained in Appendix A which includes a Council Tax at band D of £915.57, including a 0.95% increase of £8.62.

ii)     Adult Social Care Precept of 3% (an increase of £27.75 on the £18.14 precept included in the 2016/17 budget) to be included in the Council’s budget proposals, making this levy the equivalent of £45.89 at band D.

iii)    Fees and Charges contained in Appendix D are approved.

iv)    Capital Programme, shown in appendices F and G, for the financial year commencing April 2017.

v)     Prudential borrowing limits set out in Appendix L.

vi)    Business rate tax base calculation, detailed in Appendix O, and its use in the calculation of the Council Tax Requirement in Appendix A.

vii)   Head of Finance in consultation with the Lead Members for Finance and Children’s Services is authorised to amend the total schools budget to reflect actual Dedicated School Grant levels.

viii)Head of Finance in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance is authorised to make appropriate changes to the budget to reflect the impact of the transfer of services to Achieving for Children and Optalis.

ix)    Responsibility to include the precept from the Berkshire Fire andRescue Authority in the overall Council Tax charges is delegated to the Lead Member for Finance and Head of Finance once the precept is announced.


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