Agenda item


To consider the Head of Planning & Property/Development Control Manager’s report on planning applications received.



Full details on all planning applications (including application forms, site plans, objections received, correspondence etc.) can be found by accessing the Planning Applications Public Access Module by selecting the following link. or from Democratic Services on 01628 796251 or



16/03438*      Mr Hughes: Alterations and additions to form five no. additional close-care apartments in addition to that approved under 11/00403/FULL at Former Windsor Rackets and Fitness Club, Heston Lane, Windsor  THE PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to DELEGATE authority to the Head of Planning to grant planning permission, with the conditions listed in Section 10 of the Main Report and an additional condition requiring the submission and approval of a revised landscaping scheme, as in Section 3 of the Panel Update Report (as listed below), on completion of a satisfactory legal agreement to secure measures to ensure a safe means of escape in the event of flooding through the development on the site approved under separate planning permission, and to amend and make binding on the additional units the Travel Plan for the development on the site approved under separate planning permission; and to DEFER the application for a maximum of two cycles to enable officers to obtain the outstanding flood risk information. The application must go back to Panel for determination.

                        Additional Condition as per the Panel update report:

1.    No construction operations for the development hereby approved shall be commenced until details of the hard and soft landscaping of the site shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details required shall comprise the design, appearance, construction details, materials, levels and finish for all free-standing or retaining structures and means of enclosure, and all roads, paths, external parking spaces and other hard surfaced areas, and the location, species, size and planting density of all trees, hedges, shrubs herbaceous plants and areas to be grassed, together with programmes of implementation and after care (of a minimum of 5 years). The landscaping scheme shall be completed in accordance with the implementation programme, and any trees of other plants which die, are damaged or destroyed or become no longer viable within 5 years of the completion of the implementation programme shall be replaced during the next planting season with specimens of the same size and species unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: in the interests of amenity, flood risk management and the protection of the water environment, in accordance with national and local planning policy as set out in policies DG1, H10 and N6 of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Local Plan and guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.


(The Panel was addressed by Robin Hughes, the applicant).


17/00042*      Mrs Eves: Part single, part two storey side and rear extension and provision of 2 No. car parking spaces to the front garden at 12 Princes Close, Eton Wick, Windsor SL4 6LZ – THE PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application in accordance with the Head of Planning’s recommendations and grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Main Report.


                        (The Panel was addressed by Beverley Eves, the applicant).


17/00056       Mr and Mrs Lloyd: Alteration to front roof plane to raise the main ridge and L-shaped dormer to the rear at 133 Arthur Road, Windsor SL4 1RU – THE PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application in against  the Head of Planning’s recommendations and grant planning permission as the proposals comply with Policies DG1 and H14 of the Local Plan because the small increase in height combined with the depth would not result in a disproportionate addition and agree with the officers report on living conditions and highways matters.


                        (The Panel was addressed by Neil Lloyd, the applicant and a statement in support of the application was read out on behalf of Councillor Rankin).


17/00111*      Mr Butt: Change of use from registered HMO (10 units) to 3 x 1 bed and 2 x 2 bed flats at 40 Kings Road, Windsor SL4 2AG – THE PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application in accordance with the Head of Planning’s recommendations and grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Main Report and with the additional informatives set out in Section 3 of the Panel Update Report as listed below:


1.    The applicant and their contractor should take all practicable steps to minimise dust disposition, which is a major cause of nuisance to residents living near to construction and demolition sites. The applicant and their contractor should ensure that all loose materials are covered up or damped down by a suitable water device, to ensure that all cutting/breaking is appropriately damped down, to ensure that the haul route is paved or tarmacked before works commence, is regularly swept and damped down, and to ensure the site is appropriately screened to prevent dust  nuisance to neighbouring properties. The applicant is advised to follow guidance with respect to dust control: London working group on Air Pollution Planning and Environment (APPLE); London Code of Practice Part 1: The Control of Dust from Construction; and the Building Research Establishment: Control of dust from construction and demolition activities.

2.    The Royal Borough receives a large number of complaints relating to construction burning activities. The applicant should be aware that any burning that gives rise to a smoke nuisance is actionable under the Environment Protection Act 1990. Furthermore, any burning that gives rise to dark smoke is considered an offence under the Clean Air Act 1993. It is the Environmental Protection Team policy that there should be no fires on construction or demolition sites. All construction and demolition waste should be taken off site for disposal. The only exceptions relate to knotweed and in some cases infected timber where burning may be considered the best practicable environmental option. In these rare cases the contractor would be expected to inform Environmental Protection Team before burning on 01628 683538 and follow good practice.


17/00283       The Provost and Fellows of Eton College: Alteration and amendments to shop front fenestration to match adjoining properties 122 and 123 High street at 121 High Street, Eton, Windsor SL4 6AN – THE PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application against the Head of Planning’s recommendations and grant planning permission on the basis that the proposals comply with Policies CA2, LB2 and DG1 of the Local Plan because the development would not result in the loss of an important shopfront of historical value with the proposals being appropriate to the approved residential use. The proposals would result in a visual improvement and will enhance the Conservation Area and Listed Building.


                        (The Panel was addressed by Eamonn McLarnon, the applicant’s representative).


17/00284       The Provost and Fellows of Eton College: Consent for alteration and amendments to shop front to match adjoining properties 122 and 123 High Street at 121 High Street, Eton, Windsor SL4 6AN – THE PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application against the Head of Planning’s recommendations and grant planning permission on the basis that The proposals comply with Policy LB2 of the Local Plan because they would not result in the loss of an important shopfront of historical value with the proposals being appropriate to the approved residential use. The proposals would result in a visual improvement and will enhance the Listed Building.

                        (The Panel was addressed by Eamonn McLarnon, the applicant’s representative).






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