Agenda item

Transforming Care Partnerships update

To receive the above presentation from Fiona Slevin Brown.


The Berkshire Transforming Care Partnership Board held a shared vision and commitment to support the implementation of the national service model to ensure that children, young people and adults with learning disabilities, behaviour that challenges and those with mental health and autism receive services to lead meaningful lives through tailored care plans and subsequent bespoke services to meet individuals needs.


The Berkshire Transforming Care Plan had four big aims:

1.    Making sure less people were in hospitals by having better services in the community.

2.    Making sure people did not stay in hospital longer than they needed to.

3.    Making sure people got good quality care and the right support in hospital and the community.

4.    To avoid admissions to and support discharge from hospital, people would receive and be involved in a Care Treatment review (CTR).


There were the following work streams and project groups:

Ø  Works Streams (Themes)

o   Demand and Capacity

o   Market Shaping – Housing and care Providers

o   Inpatients

o   Intensive Support Team

o   Communities and engagement

o   Communications and engagement

o   Children and Young people

o   Workforce Development and Culture

o   Co-production

o   Joint Commissioning and Integration

o   Risk Management

o   Programme Management

o   High Impact Actions.

Ø  Project Groups

o   Finance and Activity

o   Housing and Accommodation

o   Autism

o   Intensive Intervention service

o   Occupation and Employment

o   Berks East Capital ‘Home’ Project

o   Co-productions (People’s Voice Service)

o   Experts by experience Steering Group

o   Communications and Engagement.

Ø  2016 TCP Achievements

o   Regular TCP briefings to all partners and communication teams to keep them up to date with national and local news

o   Secured:

§  2016-2017 funding from NHS England for Shared Housing Provision in RBWM for up to three individuals from across Berkshire with complex LD and challenging behaviours

§  2016-2018from the DfH for 10 x Hold Ownership Schemes for people with long term disability

§  2017-2018 national funding for interim intensive support service and respite

o   Co-opted carer and family experts by experience into the programme on voluntary appointment contracts, as members of the finance and activity project group, capital ‘home’ project group, and TCP Board, with further appointments planned in 2017

o   Commenced experience based co-design project with Point of Care Foundation – weekly BHFT led group with service users

o   Undertaken a desk top gap analysis of local authority LD and ASD strategies and, reviewed capacity and demand projections until 2019, to inform prioritising of the work plan for 2017/18

o   Started to map local authority and CCG work streams already in place for Children and Young People, to avoid duplication in work

o   Developed a repatriation timetable for NHS England specialist commissioned patients and Clinical Commissioning Group out of area placements.

o   Will be linked into STP funding

o   Autism was a key part with agencies working much more collaboratively

Ø  Intensive Support Team:

o   All TCPs nationally were looking to commission a new service model in the community called an Intensive Support Team (IST) or Intensive Intervention Service

o   An IST would provide proactive community based support for people with a learning disability and/or autism who have associated mental health needs and/or present with behaviour that can challenge. Offering support to people in their own homes and preventing in-patient admissions where possible, the IST would provide access to specialist health and social care support.

o   There was a stream of work that was centred around primary care and that linked in with services for health checks and accessing services. The work was ongoing.

Supporting documents: