Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


The Monitoring Officer made the following statement:


As the Monitoring Officer and having invited as well as consulted with individual Members in the matter of any disclosable personal interests that would affect their decision making this evening, I have determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 33 (2) of the Localism Act 2011 to grant a dispensation to all those members who would otherwise have a personal interest by virtue of simply residing in the Borough, being therefore no different than any other member of the public living in the borough.  This dispensation will not apply to the following Members who have disclosed a pecuniary and potentially prejudicial interest.  The Members concerned are Councillor Colin Rayner and Councillor Samantha Rayner.


The next matter I need to address is the question of pre-determination on the part of any of the Members.  Having reviewed the provisions of Section 25 (2) of the Localism Act and case law, and in particular, having considered the comments and views that have either been expressed or alleged to have been expressed by individual Members, I have concluded that there has been no pre-determination on the part of the Members here tonight.  I believe that there has been a legitimate pre-disposition as opposed to a pre-determination.  I have sought reassurances from those Members where they have expressed their views and they have reassured me that they have retained an open mind when coming to the meeting this evening to listen to the debate and views of fellow Members before making their decision on the approval of the Borough Local Plan.  It is important that all members (representing their residents) are able to ask questions and debate the Borough Local Plan at the meeting this evening.   It is very much in the public interest that the Members are able to fully engage with their residents and tonight transmit those views and raise any questions before they make their final determination on the Borough Local Plan.          


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Dudley, announced that at a private meeting earlier that evening, the Conservative Group had discussed a report proposing an increase in the budget for the expansion of Lowbrook School. He had not taken part in the debate or vote on the matter. The proposal had not been agreed by the Group, however it had been decided that in the interests of transparency a report would be presented to the meeting of Full Council scheduled for 27 June 2017. The debate would end with a free vote on the matter for all members of the Conservative group, including the members of Cabinet.


Councillor Dudley also stated that the debate on the Borough Local Plan would end with a free vote for all members of the Conservative group, including the members of Cabinet.


The Mayor confirmed that there was no scope for discussion of the Lowbrook item at this meeting. Councillor Brimacombe commented that he felt it would have been appropriate to enable Ward Councillors to respond to the statement in relation to Lowbrook.


Councillor Colin Rayner explained that his interest and that of his wife Councillor Samantha Rayner, as referred to by the Monitoring Officer, related to his family’s land holdings and land trusts in the borough.

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