Agenda item

Financial Update

To receive the above update.


Cllr Saunders informed Members that a number of overspends had been identified in recent months, which primarily related to services where there had been a greater number of customers than had been anticipated by the budget. These included services for children in need and home to school transport, particularly for pupils with Special Educational Needs. Cllr Saunders stated that as a result, Cabinet and the Senior Leadership Team had reviewed all aspects of expenditure and identified a number of services which had net budget underspends. Many of these related to adult services, where the number of customers had fallen below budget expectations. Cllr Saunders informed the Panel that a net underspend of £18,000 was expected across all service areas as a result. This meant that reserve levels remained at around £8million, well ahead of the recommended minimum of £5.8million.


Members were informed that arrangements over the amount that the Council was expected to contribute towards Achieving for Children’s working capital were still to be completed. The initial outlay had been £3.5million, although the maximum amount to be paid was £11.7million


It was highlighted that there had been an unexpected reduction in funding for the Children’s Capital Programme, with the capital allocation for the School Expansion Programme having to be revised as a result. However Cllr Saunders informed Members that Officers were satisfied this would not result in a reduction or restriction in the delivery of the School Expansion Programme.


Responding to a point from Cllr Dr Evans about delays to two service areas under Community Protection, Cllr Saunders stated that this had been due to concerns that had been raised during the approval process, rather than by Overview and Scrutiny Panel. Cllr Saunders said ongoing work needed to be done throughout the process before the projects could be properly implemented to Officers and Members’ satisfaction.


The Chairman raised the issue of a projected shortfall on the income targets for tourist information and the use of the Windsor Guildhall that had been identified in the report, and requested that a Task and Finish Paper be presented at the next meeting. He stated that it needed to be ascertained why some groups had stopped using the Guildhall on a regular basis. Cllr Quick stated that some groups no longer used it as previously they had been supplied the venue on a free lease or on a heavily subsidised basis. She added that the Windsor Urban Development Management Panel would sometimes have to move to an external venue if another booking was made for the same night as a meeting. She stated however that if the cost of hiring another venue exceeded that of the income derived from the booking, the Development Management Panel would remain at the Guildhall.


Cllr Saunders stated that the Council had budgeted prudently in order that at least £2.5million could be set aside into the Development Fund, which could be devoted to particular projects should the need arise.


Cllr Saunders stated that the Council had maintained its Reserves and Development Fund levels despite not having to make cuts to services or increasing Council Tax, as had been the case with other Local Authorities. However it was not possible to draw a comparison of the Royal Borough’s performance against other Councils as there were too many factors.


The Panel Agreed to recommend the report to Cabinet, to request a Task and Finish Paper on the projected shortfall on income targets for tourist information services and the Windsor Guildhall, and to thank the Lead Member for attending. The motion was proposed by Cllr Dr Evans and seconded by Cllr Quick. Cllr Beer abstained from the vote as he was a late attendee to the meeting and stated that he was not fully aware of all of the issues relating to the report.


Cllr Quick congratulated Cllr Saunders and the Finance team for their work in ensuring the budget was on track. Cllr Saunders said the major contributor to this was the Adult Services team, led by Alison Alexander.


The Chairman was pleased that the Lead Member was able to attend the meeting to present the report.


Cllr Saunders and Rob Stubbs left the meeting at 7.02pm.


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