Agenda item

Update on Pool Cars and Electric Charging Points

To consider the above report.


Ben Smith introduced the item and reminded Members that Cabinet had considered a report on pool cars and electric charging points earlier in the year and had asked for an update report in six months’ time. Members were reminded that it had been proposed that the current pool car fleet of 13 petrol cars be replaced with a fleet of ten electric or hybrid cars, and that a pilot car club scheme which allowed staff access to the cars at weekends had also been put forward.


Members were informed that the installation of on-street charging points that residents could use was being investigated, and that a number of locations had been identified. Ben Smith informed Members that the Highways, Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Panel had recently agreed to ask ward members to consult with their residents to see if further locations for charging points could be identified. Ben Smith confirmed, following a question from the Chairman, that residents pay for using the on-street power points. He stated that there was grant funding available from central government to pay for 75 per cent of the costs of installing public charging points; the remaining 25 per cent could either be met by the Council, which would then see the Council retain any profit, or it could be met by a third party which would pay for the contract to install the charging points and maintain them on behalf of the Council but then be entitled to the profits.


Ben Smith confirmed that a decision on the Mayoral car did not form part of this update being considered by Members.


Cllr Quick expressed her concern that staff members using the pool cars for long journeys would not necessarily have the opportunity to recharge the vehicle due to a lack of public charging points, particularly if they had to recharge them at home. She added that the report made it difficult to compare the benefits of electric cars against hybrid cars. Cllr Quick also stated that one of the roads where it had been requested on-street charge points be installed – Elm Road in Windsor – was particularly narrow and questioned how residents would be able to park along the road without obstructing access to the charging points. She suggested waiting until the end of the current lease for the existing pool cars, as by then it would be likely that a greater range of electric or hybrid cars would be available for consideration. Cllr Quick noted that only one supplier for the cars was being looked at.


The Chairman stated that in his business career it was common to test a vehicle for a six month period before making a decision on whether to make a purchase, and suggested that a test period should be undertaken before the decision to buy a new fleet of ten cars was confirmed. He added that he had rarely seen a public charging point being used by a vehicle that was being recharged.


Cllr Dr Evans stated that although it should be welcomed that the Council was seeking greater sustainability, she expressed concerns that the technology relating to electric vehicles had not progressed as quickly as had been anticipated. She also expressed concern at the feasibility of installing ultra-fast charging points on public streets. Cllr Dr Evans stated her belief that hybrid cars were more economical and had a better mileage range than electric cars.


Cllr Bowden asked if Optalis and Achieving for Children staff had access to the pool cars. Ben Smith confirmed that they did, but that he was not certain of the commercial arrangements.


Andy Jeffs confirmed that the Council would be seeking to install ultra-fast public charging facilities.


The Panel voted unanimously not to agree to the recommendation in the report and instead proposed the following recommendation:


That Cabinet notes the report and:

i) Delegates authority to the Executive Director in conjunction with the Lead Member for Adult Services, Health and Sustainability, and the Deputy Leader of the Council and the Lead Member for Highways and Transport to:

a. retain the existing pool car fleet until the end of the current lease; procure one new electric car on a six month lease or hire and one new hybrid car on a six month lease or hire  for Officers and Members and group of residents to trial to find what would be best for the Council

b. recommend to Employment Panel that new travel policies seeking to increase pool car use are adopted and embedded

c. identify a partner and develop a ‘pilot’ car club scheme ( Running a successful scheme for another Council) Run the scheme with members and officers and a few residents at first to iron out any  problems

d. secure a partner to provide the Council with a fully functional electric charging point and install and maintain it, in order for the Council to ascertain the costings of installation and running of a charging point. The Council also to install it is own fully functional electric charging point to find the all the costs and income, before the Council decides on installing more electric points in-house or placing with a third party.


The motion was proposed by Cllr Bowden and seconded by Cllr Quick.


The Chairman was disappointed that the Lead Member was not able to attend and present the report.

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