Agenda item

Financial Update

To comment on the Cabinet report.


The Corporate Director for Children’s Services introduced the latest Financial Update Cabinet report.


The Panel were informed that items within the report under the Panels remit were:


Paragraph 4.3, placement costs for children in care, had a projected overspend of £873,000 if the demand for placements continued.  Over the last two years there had been an increase in the number of children in care and more children having to be place outside the borough.  Cornerstone had been contracted to run a programme of foster care recruitment.   There was also an associated pressure on legal fees as highlighted in paragraph 4.5 of the report. 


Paragraph 4.4, home to school transport, the £296,000 pressure reported last month remained the same.


Paragraphs 4.6 and 4.7 highlighted the pressures with agency staff costs and additional ICT costs with the transfer of health visitors into the Royal Borough. There was also a pressure to the dedicated schools grant that which had a three years recovery plan in place as approved by the Schools Forum.


Cllr Jones asked for more detailed explanation of the dedicated schools grant pressure as she was concerned about funding pressures on our schools; especially the smaller primary schools. The Panel were informed that the Schools Forum were due to consider  this at their next meeting and if required the report could be brought to Panel. 


Cllr E Wilson asked how many schools carried a budget surplus and how much funding academies get as he is often asked by residents.  The Panel were informed that the report going to the Schools Forum would show the level of surplus carried by maintained schools with regards to academies we would have to ask for their published accounts.    The Director was not aware of any late payments to schools regarding SEND but he would look into this.


Cllr Story asked about the planning for payments around placement costs and legal costs.  The Panel were informed that historically the borough had been good at keeping children in our care however the last 9 months have seen an unprecedented increase in the need for out of borough placements.


The Chairman asked if we had been successful in developing our own social workers and was informed that out of the eight that had been recruited 6 had recently joined as full time social worker, one had decided not to be a practicing social worker whilst the other had decided to work elsewhere.  


Cllr E Wilson asked if there had been any cost benefits of joining AFC and was informed that as it had only been three month it was not expected to see any yet but there had been additional support to services.


Cllr Jones asked if the problems with home to school transport had been resolved and the Panel were informed that there had been a processing issue earlier on due to changes to the contact centre and experienced staff moving to other areas.  Lessons had been learnt and the problems were resolved.


Resolved unanimously:  The Children’s Services O&S Panel considered the Cabinet report and fully endorsed the recommendations under their remit.

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