Agenda item


To receive a verbal update.


The Panel received a verbal update on the SEND inspection presented at the last meeting.


The Panel were informed that the inspection took place over July / August 2017 and the inspection field work included visits to eight settings and conversations with 150 parents. The inspection letter was published by Ofsted in September 2017 and a review of the findings was with officers, schools, health partners and parent forum.  A report on the findings was presented to this Panel.


In October 2017 a written statement of action and work streams would be established with the written statement of action and key targets for improvement being signed off by Cabinet in November 2017.  There would be quarterly monitoring by the Department for Education with oversight by this Panel.


The Panel were provided with examples of the targeted outcomes that were expected to be achieved and were informed that the layout had been set by Ofsted.  This included targeted themes that listed what Ofsted and CQC said and the outcomes trying to be achieved. 


The Panel were informed that a working group of schools, health partners, parents and LA staff had developed a range of ideas that will be proposed to be included in the action plan and some of these were:


       Training and expertise to help schools develop approaches to inclusion.

       Developing pre-EHCP services based on local experience and outreach models of delivery so that everyone is up to date.

       Targeting resource to support the most inclusive settings.

       A local “Inclusion Mark” that services, settings and schools are assessed for.

       Developing a “problem solving” resource for young people when the current plans are not working.

       Refresh the Local Offer and raise awareness of reasonable expectations.

       Support wider awareness of charity and support groups for particular needs.

       Improve ability to give feedback in a consistent way across all services.


The Chairman mentioned that it was good to see progress being made and that she look forward to a more detailed progress report when they consider the Cabinet paper at the next meeting.


Cllr Jones questioned the waiting times for assessments and therapists and if this was a resource issue rather than a change in the system.  The Panel were informed that the issues raised in the Ofsted report related to the change in health and care plans.  With regards to staff turnover this was because of the loss of expertise rather than resources. 


With regards to access to therapy resources have been identified and CCG would be commissioning more.  With regards to autism there would be a drive to try and identify it earlier. 


Cllr E Wilson mentioned that there did not seem to be the urgency that was mentioned in the Ofsted report.  The Panel were informed that we could do quick fix initiatives but there was a need for tangible progress in the right direction.  With regards to comments at the previous meeting by Walter Boyle, Head of Holyport College, the director did not recognise an issue in accessing pupil premium.


The Chairman thanked officers for bringing a progress report to Panel.