Meeting documents

Local Plans Working Group - expired May 2019
Wednesday 12 August 2015 7.00 pm



PRESENT: Councillors Christine Bateson (Chairman), Derek Wilson (Vice-Chairman), Phillip Bicknell, David Hilton, MJ Saunders, Claire Stretton and Leo Walters.

Also Present: Councillor Malcolm Beer

Officers: Sarah Ball, Ian Bellinger, Phillip Gill, Chris Hilton, Peter Lerner, Shilpa Manek and Rebecca Williams.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor George Bathurst.


There were no declarations of interest.


Members considered the minutes of last meeting, 30 June 2015 and requested the following changes:
    Page i – Councillor Phillip Bicknell was in attendance at the meeting but was not present according to the minutes.
    Page iv, point 07/15 – Edge of Settlement analysis – it was not clear of the outcome of the comments requested to Phillip Gill by 13 July, officers understood that the amendments were to be made and then the document was to go straight out to consultation. Members would have liked to see the amended document before sending it out for consultation. It was agreed unanimously that the amended document with the comments be circulated to members with all amendments highlighted.

ACTION: Sarah Ball to send out amended document with all changes highlighted to members as soon as possible.

ACTION: Clerk to check the recording of the last meeting (30/06/2015) to find out what was agreed and report back to the Chair and Vice Chairman.

ACTION: Edge of settlement document to be on agenda of next meeting.
    The document: Borough Local Plan Summer 2015 Consultation, Consultation Statement concerning First Preferred Options Consultation, June 2015 – Councillor Saunders asked if the document had been agreed as there was no reference to it in the minutes of the last meeting. Members questioned whether they had all received the document.
ACTION: Check recording of the last meeting to see if the document was discussed.

ACTION: Sarah Ball to send the “Borough Local Plan Summer 2015 Consultation Statement concerning First Preferred Options Consultation June 2015 to members and to democratic services.

ACTION: Councillor Saunders and any other members to contact Sarah Ball directly with any comments.
    Councillor Hilton highlighted and stressed that all “to follow” papers should be sent to all members whether attending meeting or not.
    Peter Lerner suggested that an “Inventory of documents” including dates of dispatch and officers name that dispatched should be created for all meeting – This was unanimously agreed by members.
    Councillor Stretton suggested that all agenda items be listed in minutes with discussion and decision beneath them.
    Councillor Wilson stressed that it was a very valid point and evidence should be available to show that all items on the agenda were considered.

It was unanimously agreed that the points raised with the minutes would be clarified and signed off at the next meeting.

12/15 Update on the Borough Local Plan Consultation

Phillip Gill, Senior Planning Officer explained that the consultation was not yet complete and the information presented at the meeting was as it was on the day. The total sample size was 480, mainly aged between 45-64 years and 95% of responses were from residents.

Councillor Saunders highlighted that since Cookham was the “e.g.” in the question about Local Green Space, residents felt it may already a done deal and therefore there was no reason to give their thoughts. Caution must be used when looking at the number of responses.

Phillip Gill explained that further updates would be given to the group and the consultation was due to close at the end of September.


Rebecca Williams, Senior Planning Policy Officer explained the report to the group, explaining that since the paper was circulated, additional sites had been received. Rebecca Williams informed the group that the plans of the submitted sites could be circulated if required and that first a HELAA methodology had to be agreed.

Points raised by the group included:
      Councillor Hilton asked if the land owners for the sites had agreed to the sites being suggested. Rebecca Williams informed the group that most sites had been suggested by the land owners themselves.
      Councillor Stretton inquired what category Ascot Hotel fell into. Rebecca Williams informed the group that Ascot hotel was proposed as a hotel through the neighbourhood plan.
      Councillor Walters inquired if it was standard practice to complete a ‘Call for Sites’ and was advised by Peter Lerner that it was.
      Councillor Bicknell referred to point 2.6 in the report and asked who the sites are considered by as part of the HELAA process and how they were considered. Peter Lerner advised that Rebecca Williams was leading on this and decided if the site fell within the agreed criteria. The outcome of the HELAA would then feed into and inform other evidence based documents.
      Councillor Bicknell also referred to point 2.7 in the report and asked if there was a timeline in place. Rebecca Williams explained that initially a HELAA methodology would need to be agreed and the team were in currently in discussion with the Housing Market Area on this matter. After the HELAA methodology is agreed the Council must check the suitability, availability and deliverability of sites and those that were successful would then get published within the HELAA which would form part of the evidence base in the Second Preferred Options consultation. Councillor Bicknell asked about the flood plains and if there was any mitigation in place. Ian Bellinger explained that if the site was in a functional flood plain then it would be out. In flood plain 2 or 3a, these would be possible to consider. He explained that officers would carry out an initial assessment then the suggestions would be agreed at the Local Planning Working Group. It would take at least a couple of months to complete the assessment of sites process.
      Councillor Stretton raised the issue that numerous debates on methodology’s had previously taken place with the group and conclusion’s had previously been reached. Councillor Stretton suggested that the HELAA methodology should broadly reflect these historic methodology considerations. Rebecca Williams informed the group that the HELAA methodology was anticipated to be broadly the same as the SHLAA methodology but national policy changes needed to be reflected. All (old and new) sites would be considered and inspected and reviewed under the HELAA methodology.

Other points raised included:
      Councillor Hilton asked how the HELAA would account for green belt land. It was noted that all would go through the separate Edge of Settlement analysis and the Council would consider green belt reviews as part of the evidence based process. The HELAA methodology would consider designations and constraints which would exclude sites from the HELAA.
      Councillor Saunders asked what the actual economic target was for the BLP. Peter Lerner informed the group that further work was required to understand the working economic market as part of the FEMA (Functional Economic Market Area), the economic strategy with CrossRail and the expansion of Heathrow. The strategy would be out later in the year around autumn and this would inform the borough. Councillor Saunders suggested that the group look at this issue again at this point.
      Councillor Wilson informed the group that this issue was also being considered by the neighbourhood plans and those thoughts would also come back to this group.
      Councillor Bicknell suggested that there had to be a balance between residential and commercial, this was currently difficult as it could change.
      Councillor Walters asked if the green belt alterations that have already been made through the plan process and applied as part of the analysis. Peter Lerner explained that the same analysis would be done for all sites both new and old suggested sites to ensure consistency of approach. The ways of analysis may have changed since the SHLAA but will still be done.
      Councillor Beer confirmed that all the sites done in the past and new ones would all be considered. He suggested that it may be better to do in two stages to have a baseline from the old sites. Peter Lerner thought that was a good idea as a way to explain to explain any changes to members but that at examination inspectors would wish to see a review of all sites.
      Councillor Stretton asked if the owners of the sites that had previously been rejected could come back until the BLP is adopted which could increase the appeal levels. Rebecca Williams and the Chairman confirmed that all sites from January 2014 and all new ones would be considered using the same methodology and if there is a change of approach since the SHLAA that the older sites could then be incorporated into the HELAA.
      Councillor Bicknell wanted to know when the HELAA and associated methodology would come back to the group. Rebecca Williams advised that a draft methodology would come to the next meeting and then a final HELAA document to the October meeting to support a November BLP consultation.
      Councillor Walters informed the group that the second analysis sounded as though it was an improvement on the first analysis.
      Councillor Beer suggested that it would be good to know if the site had been proposed by the land owner or someone else and also if it is going to be released or not when such information was re-presented to the group.
Councillor Hilton summed up the discussion by reminding the group that if there were any queries about any of the sites then Rebecca Williams would be happy to help.

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: Members agreed the way forward proposed by officers.


Peter Lerner, Interim Planning Policy Manager, informed the group that the consultation was now complete. Peter Lerner advised that only thirteen people that responded but since CIL was a very specific subject, that was a good response rate. The responses were being considered. There were some issues with viability so we had gone back to the consultants. Peter Lerner also informed the group that the government also wanted to make changes to rents of affordable housing so this also needed to be considered. Cabinet needs to approve CIL charges as soon as possible and the borough needs to formally accept CIL charges by the end of 2015. This will be reported back to Local Plans Working Group.

Other points included:
      Councillor Saunders asked how were CIL arrangements that were already agreed going to be considered. Peter Lerner advised that we had been advised by ministers that we would be able to do this if we had evidence. We would need to ensure that our infrastructure would be supported by CIL.
      Councillor Wilson advised that we must try and get CIL implemented. For affordable housing, a 1% reduction in rental levels for each year, up to five years, has been introduced by the government and the implications need to be assessed. A paper will be brought to the Local Plans Working Group in due course to achieve a better CIL rate if this was then possible.
      Councillor Stretton reminded the group that a resolution must be made.
It was proposed by Councillor Stretton, seconded by Councillor Wilson, and:

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: Members agreed the way forward proposed by officers.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting whilst discussion takes place on following items 5-7 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1-7 of part I of Schedule 12A of the Act.