Meeting documents

Adult, Community Services and Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Friday 4 February 2011 7.30 pm



PRESENT: Councillors Mrs Endacott (Chairman), Mrs Evans (Vice-Chairman), Baskerville, Mrs Kemp, Lenton, Mrs Napier, Mrs Proctor and Mrs Yong.

Non-Member: Councillors Dudley and Kellaway

Officers: Mr Mist, Mr Herlinger, Mr Scott, Mrs Shawcross, Mr Skerman & Mr Taylor.
part i


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Majeed.


Councillor Mrs Napier declared a Personal Interest in agenda item 5 – Budget 2011/2012 – as her son was in receipt of Direct Payments from the Council.

Councillor Mrs Proctor declared a Personal Interest in agenda item 5 – Budget 2011/2012 – as a Board Member on People to Places.


Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 10 February 2011 that provided an update on the use of Lean Systems Thinking in the Council. Members were advised that each Directorate had provided relevant commentary with the report to provide Members with an overview of progress of Lean within their specific service areas.

In response to a number of questions, the Officers provided further details on the Comm Cells and explained how they operated. It was noted that the ‘hot box’ was used to the store tarmac to ensure that it was kept maleable for a longer period of time. The Officers also explained the role of the Lean Academy and how it had assisted particular service areas within Adult and Community Services.

Arising from the general discussion, Members endorsed the report, subject to the following comments:
  • the bullet point relating to Home Carers being encouraged to make decisions themselves should be amended to clarify the process as to how those decisions were being made.
  • Members were of the opinion that it would be helpful if the sections from each directorate were presented in a more standard format to enable a better comparison between the individual teams within directorates and the directorates themselves.

    RESOLVED: That Cabinet be advised that Panel endorses the report, subject to the comments as outlined above.


The Panel received and commented upon the latest service monitoring report for activity within the Adult, Community and Health Services during the third quarter of the current financial year. The report also outlined the key achievements in the last quarter, the achievements expected in the next quarter, expected future pressure concerns and performance trends.

Arising from the discussion, the Officers responded to a number of comments/questions raised. In particular, the officers commented upon the financial pressures arising from an increase in the number “wealth depleters”, which the Council were required to support and stressed need to provide people with better advice at an earlier stage.

72/10 BUDGET REPORT 2011/12

Members received a report that sought to inform the Panel of progress to date in the preparation of the 2011/2012 Budget, which would be considered by Cabinet on 10 February 2011 and then Council on 22 February 2011.

The officers and the Lead Member for Adult and Community Services then responded to a number of questions/comments on specific savings proposals. It was noted that Slough and West Berkshire Councils had withdrawn from the Sensory Needs Consortium Joint Arrangements and that the savings to be made would be achieved through changes to the block contract and a reduction in the management overhead costs. With regard to the review of service provision for people with mental health/learning disabilities with complex or severe needs, Members were advised that a report would be submitted to the next Cabinet meeting detailing on how the Council proposed to address the issue and how an alternative pattern of service could be provided. Members were advised that discussions would be held with the PCT and GP Consortia later in the year on revised funding arrangements for jointly funded posts. It was noted that the B5t funding, which related to the Transformation of Adult Social Care, had been time limited and would be discontinued as the Council had achieved what it had set out to achieve.

Arising from the discussion, Members made a number of comments on the report, as follows:-
  • the Panel would welcome a report to a future meeting that provided feedback on the consultation carried out with service users on the replacement of transport related cash payments with alternative transport schemes, such as dial-a-ride.
  • with regard to the new homes bonus, it was suggested that the figures provide a breakdown based on new builds, empty homes brought back into use and number of affordable units.
  • the commentary relating to Concessionary Transport should state that the new National Concessionary Fares Scheme was being introduced in a phased way.
  • with regard to the Capital Programme, although the Panel were of the opinion that some of the schemes within the programme should be given a higher priority, Members were satisfied with the lead Member's reassurance that all schemes within the programme would be funded.
    RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Panel’s comments on the Budget Report 2011/2012, as outlined above, be forwarded to Cabinet for consideration.


The meeting, which began at 4.00pm, ended at 5.20pm.