Meeting documents

Community Partnerships Board
Monday 12 October 2009 9.30 am


Monday 12 October 2009, 9.00am
Council Chamber, Town Hall, Maidenhead

    John Chetter Maidenhead Chamber of Commerce
    Lisa Clark Victim Support
    Tim De Meyer Thames Valley Police
    Linda Evans JobCentrePlus
    Carolyn Finlay Berkshire East PCT
    Davy Jones Davy Jones – Freelance Consultant
    Patricia Lattimer Citizens Advice Bureau
    John Petitt Maidenhead District Housing Association
    Jean Robertson East Berkshire College
    Fiona Winrow Windsor & Maidenhead Voluntary Action

    Ian Trenholm (Chairman) RBWM Chief Executive
    Cllr Mrs Bateson (Vice Chairman) RBWM
    Cllr Chelani RBWM
    Zena Chittenden RBWM Family and Community Learning Manager
    Nicola Davidson RBWM Partnership Co-ordinator
    Andrew Elkington RBWM Head of Policy & Performance
    Cllr J Evans RBWM
    Cllr Mrs Herdson RBWM
    Liz Hornby RBWM Democratic Services
    Harjit Hunjan RBWM Community & Business Partnerships Manager
    Brian Martin RBWM Community Safety Co-ordinator
    John Scaife RBWM Joint Commissioning
    Angela Wellings RBWM Head of Children’s Commissioning


    Welcome by Chairman

    Ian Trenholm welcomed members to the forum and outlined the Agenda for the meeting.

    Ambition Group Performance Update

    Healthier Communities

    Carolyn Finlay reported that the target NO146 was difficult to achieve but that target NI8 was on target and was confident that the next survey would over achieve on target. The number of people with BMI >30 losing 3% of their total weight through structured exercise and weight loss programmes had over achieved.

    Decisions and recommendations to the Board were –
      Ø The Healthier Communities Ambition Group would like the Community Partnership Board to be aware that there continued to be concerns about meeting the LAA designated target NI146 – Learning Disabled in Employment due to the downturn in the economic climate.
      Ø The Community Partnership to note that the Smoking Cessation Targets for the BME; Young people and the overall target for the 15+ age group had been achieved. The additional work through the BE Community Health Services and Solutions for Health had delivered excellent results.
      Ø Adult participation in sport – action plan was being agreed and would report back to the next CP meeting.

    Children & Young People

    Angela Wellings reported that an action plan was being developed for the Children’s Trust to take forward recommendations for local action from Lord Laming’s report into Child Protection. Members of the Children’s Trust Board had contributed to the annual refresh of the Joint Strategic Needs (JSNA). The Children’s Trust Board had briefings on the requirements and preparation needed for the Inspection of Safeguarding and Looked After Children.

    Target NI56 – Obesity among primary children in Year 6. It was noted that there was no data available until November.
    Target NI54 – Services for disabled children. This was a high priority target and it was noted that the Royal Borough was one of 30 Local Authorities who took part in a pilot scheme. It was noted that the national level was 59 out of 100 and the Borough level was placed at 62 out of 100.
    Target NI117 – Percentage of 16-18 year olds who are not in EET (local target). Despite the Royal Borough always having low figures for this target, it was noted that the rise in figures was a worrying trend.

    Decisions and recommendations to the Board were –
      Ø Request the Community Partnership Board consider possible joined up initiatives to help increase opportunities for children and young people to benefit from education, employment and training.
    Safer Communities

    Brian Martin reported on the following targets –

    NI16 Serious Acquisitive Crime – this target had significantly improved with figures to the end of August showing that a target of 4/5% had been achieved which was worse than the plan.

    NI49 -The number of primary fires and related fatalities and non-fatal casualties. Although this target was off-track it was recognised as a target that could be slowly improved by engaging in increased activities around Home Fire Risk Assessments and awareness raising exercise.

    Reduce Anti-Social Behaviour: People’s perceptions of ASB issues – Brian Martin reported that work around perceptions was being carried out with a new CS booklet in association with Trading Standards and the Housing Association.

    Decisions and recommendations to the Board were –
      Ø That the Community Partnership Board noted the chances of achieving the LAA Reward target on Acceptable Behaviour Contracts with interventions would be enhanced by the appointment of a temporary contract worker.

    Stronger Communities

    Fiona Winrow reported that One Borough was now in operation. Results for the annual volunteering survey would not be available until 2010 when the report would also be issued. The Board were requested that should anyone have links with schools, that they be encouraged to complete the questionnaire and return it as soon as possible.

    Decisions and recommendations to the Board were –
      Ø Advice required on how to further encourage and engage with volunteer groups (incentives, ways to communicate). Information was required from Partner organisations on volunteer numbers.

    Sustainable Environment

    John Petitt commented that he had recently taken over as Chairman of this Ambition Group and reported the following –

    NI155 – Number of Affordable Homes delivered. This target was still on track to exceed the 3-year LAA target.

    NI186 – Per capita CO2 emissions in the LA area. Figures would not be available until Autumn 2009.

    NI188 – Adapting to climate change. The Royal Borough review performance and submission to DEFAR. Level 1 of the target had been achieved and was recognised as an important stretch target.

    The Board were informed that in relation to school transport, if a child lived more than 3 miles from the nearest designated appropriate school, transport would be provided. The Board also noted that School Transport Plans were submitted once a year and tended to be at the same time.

    The Board were informed that a new safe Cycle route was to be installed in Maidenhead which would end at Newlands Girls’ School.

    Economic Vitality and Inclusion

    NI163 and NI164 – Proportion of population aged 19-24 for males and 19-59 for females qualified to at least Level 2 and 3 or higher. It was noted that the Borough had achieved the second highest level in Berkshire.

    Sustainable Communities Strategy

    Davy Jones, a freelance consultant introduced himself and explained he had experience in local government and had previously been employed at the Audit Commission. Davy Jones outlined the challenges and priorities the Borough faced in relation to the LAA 3 year programme.

    The Board then moved into groups for the following Challenges and Priorities.

    Challenges and Priorities

    Next Steps

    Harjit Hunjan noted that in the first instance, ideas should be captured and circulated to partners and Ambition Groups as soon as possible to gain feedback. It was noted that this would also be circulated to those partners who were not attending at this session to gain their feedback also.

    Once feedback had been received it was suggested to place an article in Around The Royal Borough and on the RBWM website to gain residents’ feedback.

    The Board noted that the timeframe would be self-imposed and not a government target. Councillor Mrs Bateson commented that the Strategy was due to be taken to Cabinet in December, but that it could be deferred if deemed necessary.

    Summary and Close

    Ian Trenholm thanked everyone for attending and appealed for alternative venues for future meetings. Should anyone have the space to accommodate the Board, to please contact Harjit Hunjan or Nicola Davidson.

    Next meeting

    The next meetings of the Community Partnership Board were –
    Tuesday 26 January 2010 at 8.30am – Desborough Hall, Town Hall, Maidenhead.
    Tuesday 27 April 2010 at 8.30am – Council Chamber, Town Hall, Maidenhead