Meeting documents

Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Monday 12 July 2010


12 JULY 2010

PRESENT: Councillors Meadowcroft (Chairman), Beer, Holness, Mrs Howes, Mrs Kemp and Stretton

Officers: Mrs Bailey, Mr Hitchen and Mrs Hornby

part i

    RESOLVED: That Councillor Mrs Howes be elected Vice-Chairman of the Panel for the ensuing Municipal Year.


Apology for absence was received from Councillor Mrs Hunt.


None were received.


Members considered the Service Monitoring Report and noted that it was the first report for 2010/2011 and the last report in its present format. In future reports, both Planning and Environment would be included. The Panel also noted a £420,000 overspend. Members considered that when budgets were set a risk was taken to include inflation at 1% for waste management contracts. The actual contract inflation based on March RPI of 3.4% was £270,000 above the level allowed for within the budget. Car parking income was, in part, a continuation of recessionary impact. It was noted that the car parking team was investigating how to best market season tickets more efficiently.

Members noted that RPI had increased month on month which made it difficult to predict future RPI figures. It was noted that RPI jumped particularly when VAT was increased back to 17.5%.

Members noted that in relation to car parking that a new half hour parking rate had been introduced which had proved popular although not much income was generated from this. Strategies were being investigated to improve the number of season tickets bought and how to market the scheme. It was also noted that parking particularly in Windsor tended to be seasonal, especially in the coach park. The Panel suggested that a review of parking as a whole needed to be undertaken, and it was reported that a review was currently being undertaken and that the results would be brought to PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY PANEL – 12.07.2010
Planning & Environment Scrutiny Panel once it had been completed. The Panel noted at present there was lots of capacity in Maidenhead for car parking. Members noted that once the ING building proposal was underway, then parking in Maidenhead would change markedly.


The Panel noted that this item had been deferred.


Members considered the report being submitted to Cabinet on 27 July 2010 on the Thames Basin Heaths SPA – Supplementary Planning Document and noted that the TBHSPA was a collection of heathlands which needed to be protected due to its importance for ground nesting birds. All affected authorities were taking part in the arrangements to protect the SPA. Members noted that eleven authorities had agreed to strategic mitigation through a delivery plan, and also noted that the mitigation was part of the South East Plan which very recently was revoked by the Secretary of State. However, it was noted that the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was still required as the SPA was protected by law and continued to provide guidance for developers. There was a zone of 5km around the SPA which consisted of Ascot, Sunningdale and Sunninghill areas in the Royal Borough. Members raised concern whether GOSE would be shut down too although it was unclear at this time but that speculation was that regional offices could be shut down.

Members raised concern that the report was not clear what a developer could and could not do. It was noted that there were two aspects within the SPD which deals with provision of SANG by developers on developments over twenty five dwellings. A small site was deemed as less than ten dwellings and would contribute through Section 106 to mitigate developments. Members noted that S106 funding was collected by the Royal Borough but that the money could be deployed to land elsewhere. The Panel also noted that there was no suitable green space within the Royal Borough although some green space could be identified just outside the Borough boundary. The Panel was informed that other authorities including Bracknell and Surrey Heath had green space to support development in their areas, some of which were suitable as recreation areas and that would not disturb wildlife. The question of who paid for warden cover on areas such as Chobham Common was raised where it was noted it would be Natural England.

Due to the South East Plan being discontinued Members asked whether the Borough would still liaise with the other ten authorities and were informed that there was legislation that protected the SPA which in turn protected the affected areas. This was all put in place before the South East Plan was adopted and that the Partnership Board representing the authorities would continue.

In relation to SANGs it was noted that the green space should be in the locality of the development and not miles away, potentially in another authority so that it could be used as a dog walking area for example. There was an obligation that the Borough would have to provide SANGS in the local area. The Panel wondered whether an arrangement could be made with the Crown Estate and therefore recommended to Cabinet that the search for potential sites for future SANG included liaison with the Crown Estate in relation to the Great Park.
    RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Cabinet be advised the Panel endorsed the report and support the search for potential sites for future SANG including liaison with the Crown Estate in relation to the Great Park.


The following items are scheduled for discussion at the meeting of the Panel to be held on 13 September 2010 –
    Ø Service Monitoring Report
    Ø Parking Strategy
    Ø S106 SPD Projects Review
    Ø Dial-A-Ride and Shopmobility. Report on the process and outcome from the recent tender.


The meeting, which began at 6.35pm, concluded at 7.31pm

CHAIRMAN: ………………………………………..
DATE: …………………………………………