Agenda item

Matters arising from the last meeting


Ambika Chouhan outlined the above titled item. It was noted that there were two outstanding actions, firstly HA22 which was pending due to queries surrounding the use of the site. It was stated that this land could be used for housing but that this had not been confirmed at present.


Councillor Hunt stated that within the Hurley and Walthams Neighbourhood Plan that there had been an allocation of land for 100 dwellings and that this area was also classed as countryside area land under the designated Public Rights of Way Act. Councillor Hunt highlighted that she had written to the Borough Local Plan examiner and had shared her concerns over the use of land and the duty to comply. A response had been received and officers had been actioned to work with councillors ( who formed part of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering group) and architects to work together proactively to achieve the best outcome possible. The Forum were told that there had been a meeting with the developer, architect and parish councillors and that there was another meeting being held on the 1th October. Councillor Beer highlighted that the provision of housing in the greenbelt should be subject to the rural exception and highlighted that the area was also in the SCHLAR.


Members of the Forum were reminded that the borough was obliged to provide the same amount of area space if this land were to be utilised for housing development. It was also highlighted that Andrew Fletcher had been working with shareholders of Ashley Hill to resolves issues with horse riders. It was noted that there had been delays of up to two years due to the Forestry Commission recommendations. It was highlighted that work was being carried out with landowners who had been affected by the new mains line with open drains and Members were reminded that this could take a considerable period of time to resolve. Councillor Beer stated that he had been involved in the considerations of the Legoland Planning Application and had addressed several issues with horse riders, such as low hanging branches. It was stated that work would need to be carried out to develop and provide a suitable pathway for horse riders.


ACTION- To add Horseriders at Ashley Hill as an Agenda item for ROWHLP


Members were told that the Margaret Bowdery Bridge had been inaugurated by the Prime Minister on the 24th September 2018 and a plaque had been placed in her memory. It was noted that schools had used the bridge along with cyclists and that there had been good use of the bridge. Councillor Hunt highlighted the use of construction materials and it was explained that the bridge had been designed by Ambika Chouhan and she explained that a composite plastic ramp had been used to blend into the landscape. There had been some issues with the budget and ongoing maintenance of the bridge. The bridge had been clad in timber and this was done to keep the bridge within the local aesthetic. Lisa Hughes highlighted that there were some accessibility issues, such as chunky gravel which could prove difficult for those using rollators or wheelchairs and that the level change from the ramp was not smooth. It was suggested that photos of the issues be sent to Ambika and this could be looked at. Members stated that they felt this was a great tribute to Margaret Bowdery.