Agenda item



Mr Candido Rodrigues asked Mr Higgs if he agreed that they had only met twice at the premises and if the first time was with Mr Higgs and a colleague, which Ben Higgs agreed to. Mr Candido Rodrigues then asked if the second time was at the premises two weeks ago (at the time of the meeting) to check the number of chairs in the premises and to remove one chair. Mr Higgs explained this was not entirely correct; Licensing requested to check how many seats were at the premises as there were only meant to be 66 seats, whilst the premises had 67 seats. Mr Higgs said he did not remove any chairs and simply informed Mr Candido Rodrigues that he would report his findings to Licensing. Mr Candido Rodrigues asked if he agreed that Mr Higgs said he will not leave the premises until the chair was removed, with a customer witness to this. Mr Higgs refused and stressed his role was only to report his findings and not to enforce the order.


Mr Candido Rodrigues asked if Mr Higgs met and had a conversation about him threatening to kill the neighbours and carrying the meat cleaver, which Mr Higgs confirmed. Mr Candido Rodrigues asked why the neighbours did not report the incident to the police if he ran after the neighbours with a meat cleaver. The Chairman stated this was a question Mr Higgs could not answer.


Mr Candido Rodrigues stated to Debie Pearmain that he disagrees any incident took place on February 23rd 2020, unless the date and time was wrong. He expressed he checked the premises CCTV footage and found no evidence of any persons in the car park. He asked Debie Pearmain if the date was correct, which she confirmed with the time of approximately 0000 hours. She stated that the report stated the male said prior to him going missing, he was at Pazzia with his partner and friend. Mr Candido Rodrigues asked Debie Pearmain if she was aware that there were two restaurants with the name Pazzia, which she agreed.


Mr Candido Rodrigues addressed the Thames Valley Police incident report in the agenda pack of a male being in a ‘lock in’ the restaurant, who was accused of cheating on Mr Rodrigues’ wife and was punched by Mr Rodrigues. He asked Debie Pearmain if the address of the restaurant the incident occurred in was incorrect (stated as Pazzia Ristorante, London Road, Ascot). This led to minor facial injuries and an ambulance was required. Debie Pearmain advised that she does not think the address was incorrect as the details were shared in the previous hearing. Mr Candido Rodrigues stated that the ambulance may have attended Pazzia in Sunningdale and not Pazzia Sunninghill and could be confirmed by the ambulance service. The Chairman said Debie Pearmain cannot speak regarding this matter but asked if the objector had challenged this point in the previous hearing, which he confirmed he did.


Ms Barnes queried if the allegations that Mr Candido Rodrigues chased the neighbours with a meat cleaver was substantiated with evidence. Debie Pearmain said was unable to answer this as it was information from the last hearing. The Chairman asked if there were any further allegations of this incident, which Debie Pearmain did not have. The Sargent also did not have any evidence of this incident apart from what was collected from Ben Higgs.


Ms Barnes queried if there was any mediation between the neighbours and the restaurant owners; Debie Pearmain said it was not something that would be executed by the Thames Valley Police. Ms Barnes asked if the calls made regarding the incident on 14th September 2019 at 2320 hours were from one set of neighbours or various neighbours, and Debie Pearmain confirmed it was the former. Ms Barnes furthered if there was any written evidence or complaint from other neighbours, which Debie Pearmain was not aware of.


Mr Candido Rodrigues asked Debie Pearmain how many incidents have taken place at the premises involving police in the last 19 years of business. The Chairman addressed that the police cannot provide a complete history of incidences and can only provide information within the period related to the hearing.