Agenda item

School Budget Funding 2021/22

To receive the above report.


James Norris introduced the item and said the purpose of the report was to provide a summary of the results of the consultation from November 2020, decide which budget model should be implemented, give an update on the Growth Fund allocation 2021/22 and decide the proposed de-delegation rates for 2021/22 for maintained schools.


Three models were proposed by the local authority, following response from the consultation. The only difference between Model 1 and Model 2 was the minimum funding guarantee (MFG) at 0.5% and 1.5% respectively.


A total of 23 schools (39%) responded to the consultation representing 8,660 pupils (40%). This was an increase on previous response rates and efforts would be made to increase this response rate further for next year.


Of the schools that responded to the consultation:

  • 65% supported retaining MFG at 0.5%, Model 1.
  • 87% supported targeting funding at local priorities such as deprivation funding.
  • 91% supported the Looked After Children factor to remain at the current rate. Responses suggested this was crucial for the vulnerable groups during COVID-19.
  • 78% supported the proposal to target headroom at lump sum allowance. A small fraction of schools proposed using the headroom suggested as an alternative methodology, based on the number on roll or further funding towards the deprivation factors.
  • 74% supported Model 1, therefore it was recommended to adopt Model 1.
  • 78% supported the proposal to target headroom at lump sum allowance. A couple of schools opposed the approach and proposed a formulaic based approach rather than lump sum.


It was noted that the lump sum would increase from £120,821 to £123,960 per school, while in the initial modelling, the increase was anticipated to be 40% higher. Factors that decreased the additional funding included a 30% increase in the eligibility of pupil’s free school meals and a shift in the number of pupils attracting the Low Prior Attainment funding.


Members voted on the adoption of Model 1.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the adoption of Model 1 be approved.


James Norris said the indicative growth fund for the next financial year was £680,000, based on the forecasted demand on the future level of placements for pupils.


It was proposed that the de-delegation rates for 2020/21 for maintained primary and secondary rates to remain the same. Due to the shift in Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index and deprivation, there was less funding available to support behavioural support services based on the current costing model. Funding received was approximately £26,000 and therefore it was recommended to continue the level of service for the 2021/22 financial year. This was considering the pandemic and the ability to use some of the carried forward to fund the shortfall.


Michael Wallace said one should be prudent to use carried over figures to support the behaviour support team for when schools reopened, in case there were additional needs the team needed to aid in. Moving forward, the impact against cost of each team needed to be reviewed.


On behalf of the primary sector Mike Wallace approved the de-delegation rates. It was agreed that a decision in respect of the Secondary Sector should be deferred until the Vice Chairman was present.


RESOLVED: That the proposed de-delegation rates for 2021/22 for the Primary Sector be approved.


ACTION: The vote for the proposed de-delegation rates for 2021/22 be deferred in for the Secondary Sector until the next Schools Forum meeting.


James Norris said funding rates increased by 8p per hour for two-year-olds and 6p per hour for three- and four-year-olds. It was suggested to perform a low-level consultation to ask if there was an appetite for the funding to be increased, with the results brought back at the next meeting. The rate changes would be effective by 1 April 2021.


Kevin McDaniel said the government adjusted its guidance to enable a census based on the number of children expected post-pandemic, therefore sufficient money would be available next year for early year settings. Sarah Cottle thanked Kevin McDaniel and Clive Haines, Schools Leadership Development Manager, for their support in lobbying the government in adjusting the census.


The Panel noted the item.


The Chairman thanked all officers and Members.

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