Agenda item


To receive the above verbal update.


Sue Fox, Principal Commissioning Officer, introduced Joseph Hitchman as the new Project Centre Lead Local Authority, which was previously held by Mohammed Mamun. Sue Fox said she and Joseph Hitchman worked together on a flood risk management monitoring report to keep track of all activities strategically and operationally with VolkerHighways and the Emergency Planning team. The subheadings in the report included:


·         Strategic flood risk matters in partnership with the EA and Thames Water. This would consist of the flood risk management plan and contributions made to other regional strategic initiatives. 

·         Strategic flood risk project. This would include alternatives to Channel 1 of the River Thames scheme with the EA by exploring catchment area studies and funding opportunities available for flood risk management.

·         Council’s capital programme. There were several propositions in the budget 2021-2022, which would include flood risk management schemes, localised highway and surface water drainage schemed and other initiatives.

·         Emergency planning. Busting silos during emergent responses, including the winter flood planning for 2021, working with parishes and defining roles and responsibilities.

Sue Fox updated on the site visit of the clearance of the Wraysbury drain and the actions agreed were:


·         To review existing culverts and CCTV footage for blockages.

·         To carry out works required with the riparian owners to ensure there was free-flowing water near Feathers Lane.

·         To investigate the route of the culvert upstream and identify blockages and work with the riparian owners or use land enforcement powers if necessary, to reinstate free flow.

An alert was placed with the district enforcement service to patrol the area for ongoing fly tipping in the open sections of the drains. Fly tipping in the area could be reported through the RBWM website. The weir at the confluence of the Horton drain was repaired and raised by 1cm as a trial to evaluate the impact to the waterflow before Christmas 2020. Whilst there was water in the middle of the drain, this was surface water rather than from the weir. A walked inspection was planned to identify any blockages, working with riparian owners to remove or take enforcement actions.


Sue Fox updated on Old Windsor’s wet spots, two of which were addressed offline by Malcolm Beer:


·         Meadow Way had a longstanding surface water flooding issue, and a plan was ready to execute, subject to prioritisation of the budget. Malcolm Beer said officers had documented findings on Meadow Way and Straight Road in the past, which would be available in the archives, rather than starting from scratch.

·         Straight Road had a problem of surface water overflowing the main road. Whilst the parking area in front of the shops was private land, the drainage system appeared to flow into the highway. Gully cleaners would be dispatched to investigate the area, with a discussion with the landowners, should further work be needed.

·         The Priest House/Burfield Road junction suffered during heavy downpours and was deemed to be resolved with neighbouring Surrey County Council. However, this appeared to be a reoccurring issue, and an investigation to identify the flooding causes, costs and repairs needed was planned.

Ian Thompson asked for an update on the barrel arch works in Datchet, and the Group was informed that a CCTV survey was carried out and was to be looked at by structural engineer to determine whether structural or cosmetic work needed to be done. Works would restart in Spring 2021.


Councillor Larcombe asked when Wraysbury Drain was likely to flow, particularly from the railway line and down the Dive Centre. Sue Fox restated the weir was raised to review if this made an impact and a walked inspection would take place to identify the blockage, once it was safe to proceed.


The Group noted the item.