Agenda item

Thames Valley Police Update

To receive the above item.


Inspector Tracey Croucher, Thames Valley Police (TVP), introduced the item and said residential burglaries were down, except in Windsor West. This was due to the lockdown restrictions and residents being home.


Theft from motor vehicles was also down due to COVID-19, with cars safely in garages or driveways. It was requested to not leave valuables on display in cars. It was advised to double check cars were locked, to not leave a car turned on unattended and to defrost cars for greater visibility.


Business burglary had increased due to empty premises, and an increase of patrols were taking place around these premises.


Vaccine centres were patrolled daily. The number of COVID-19 related incidents in the borough that were attended (including gatherings, house parties, not wearing face masks) were:

-       81 between 6-12 January 2021

-       82 between 13-19 January 2021

-       61 between 20-26 January 2021


The number of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued related to COVID-19 incidents were:

-       8 between 6-12 January 2021

-       24 between 13-19 January 2021

-       13 between 20-26 January 2021


Incidences had increased since Christmas 2020, which was taking up both officer time and resources. FPNs would only be issued if there was a breach of legislation and there were repeat offence locations such as the Long Walk. The Crown Estate and residents requested for more police patrol.


Inspector Tracey Croucher said she was leaving her post in March 2021, and Inspector Mike Darrah was returning.


The Vice Chairman asked if there was a breakdown of FPNs and incidents within Windsor and what the most common offence was, and the Forum was informed that this Windsor breakdown would be circulated offline. The Form was informed the most repeated offence was gatherings and not wearing face masks indoors. 


ACTION: Inspector Tracey Croucher to share the number of FPNs and COVID-19 related incidents in Windsor offline.


Councillor Tisi asked if it was possible for the borough’s Communications team to increase messaging on social media in hotspot areas for COVID-19 related incidents, and the Forum was informed the TVP was working with the team to spread the message.


Councillor Tisi said she noticed anti-vaccination stickers on bins and asked how residents should report this. Inspector Tracey Croucher said the TVP should be informed and David Scott said the precise location of the stickers could be reported on the borough’s website to be removed.


Councillor Price said areas like the Long Walk that were advertised widely by the borough may attract non-residents and therefore should be reviewed. The Chairman specific posts of this nature could be referred to the Communications team. He said it was not just the borough’s posts, but social media at large that and individual posts that advertised local places.


Councillor Price asked if assaulted victims of crime had access to victim support services, and the Forum was informed that they were referred to services, with their consent. Victims First was the service for adult victims and another service for under 18s.


Councillor Knowles suggested having a traffic flow system in the Long Park, to encourage social distancing and the Forum was informed this was suggested to the Crown Estate.


Jeffrey Pick, Thames Valley Police Community Engagement & Resilience Officer, said he received great response from residents regarding intelligence on suspicious activity. The Chairman thanked Jeffrey Pick for promoting the Forum.


The Panel noted the item.


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