Agenda item

Establish a RBWM Youth Council


Cabinet considered the report regarding the proposed development of an RBWM Youth Council.


The Deputy Chairman of Cabinet, Adult Social Care, Children’s Services, Health and Mental Health informed Cabinet that we currently have a number of youth groups in the borough which engage on important issues for young people via a range of forums, we need to give these a say and more substance in representation to do with the council.  He said it was proposed that initially the council would be made up of the following existing forums:  the Girls Policy Forum, Kickback, Youth Ambassadors, the Esteem Project and the SEN Life Skills Group.  The Youth Council would give clear, transparent and meaningful engagement of young people across the Council, building on what already works.


There were currently  number of Youth Council’s across the UK and the LGA encourages their establishment.  The majority of surrounding boroughs have a youth council or parliament.  These give young people an opportunity to engage with national and local politics. 


The Lead Member referred Cabinet to paragraph 2.11 of the report that showed young people will learn personal development skills such as, learning new skill. confidence building. team working, to name just a few that were included.  These were important in development and starting a career. 


The Lead Member said that earlier today the link to the equalities impact assessment had been circulated.  This had been produced on time but misses from the report.  There was nothing but positive impacts for young people. 


He had worked with our Youth Ambassadors and read out a letter they had sent him that said they were excited that the paper was being considered, they think a youth council would be beneficial and help Cabinet to hear the voice of young people.  It will help engagement with young people, to see their views influencing decisions rather than decisions being made for them.  They want to make a difference and for their voices to be heard. 


The Lead Member thanked them for the letter and it showed why the paper should be approved.  He thanked officers for their support, especially Elaine Keating. 


The Lead Member for Housing, Communications and Youth Engagement  informed that he was once the chair of a previous youth council and it had been an enjoyable experience working with young people on this paper.    It was important that they have a work programme that they were interested in and can provide positive outcomes.  This needs to be driven by young people and be able to influence the council.  He reiterated the skills that can be gained by being part of any youth council. 


The Deputy Leader of the Council, Resident and Leisure Services, HR, IT, Legal, Performance Management and Windsor said that she endorsed the paper, the Girls Forum had been an excellent example.  This would help broaden democracy and hopefully we will see future councillors.


The Lead Member for Finance and Ascot said that he had invited students from Charters School to join the Ascot Neighbourhood Group  and he was pleased they had as they made a great considered contribution that challenged and was of value.  He congratulated the two Lead Members for this paper.


Cllr Tisi said that she was pleased to have met the youth ambassadors who had written the letter read out earlier and was impressed with what they had to say.  A young person may not be interested in party politics but they were interested in a number of important issues.  One of the girls had said consultation was often seen as an afterthought they wanted to influence things that was important to them.  It was important that this paper puts them at the heart of decision making and not just as an afterthought.  She said all young people should be considered such as those with special education needs.  It was also important that if we were to involve them with our meetings them a better standard of meeting behaviour was important. 


The Lead Member summed up by saying a thank you for the support of this paper and how it was important that we listen to young people’s views.  It was essential that this Youth Council had diversity and unity. 


Resolved unanimously:  that Cabinet notes the report and:

i)     Agrees to the establishment of a Youth Council to represent all young people within the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.

ii)    Requests officers in Children Services and Democratic Services to develop a framework to support, mentor and guide elected Youth Council members about the functioning and workings of the Council and to work with Lead Members. 

iii)   Agrees to form a Working Group to provide a framework for the governance and participation of the Youth Council in the Council’s policy development and implementation of policy. This will include working with the chairs of Overview & Scrutiny Panels to ensure the Youth Council’s views are represented and considered.  


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