Agenda item


To consider the report.


The Chairman briefly introduced the item.


The item began with a brief discussion on whether the report and the recommendations within it should have been proposed and seconded before the Officer introduced the item. After a lengthy discussion, the clerk suggested that the Officer introduce the report and then a panel debate take place and then for Members to propose and second the recommendations.


Greg Nelson, Trading Standards & Licencing Manager, introduced the report.


Councillor Davies recommended that the Safeguarding Partnership be added to paragraph 1.3, as well as, the statutory consultees, consult on the future policy as there was overlap of licensing and safeguarding.


This was seconded by Councillor Hill.


Councillor Cannon was very happy to support the recommendation made by Councillor Davies for the future policy when it was next reviewed.


ACTION: Greg Nelson to include the Safeguarding Partnership to  consult on the future policy when reviewed.


Councillor Baldwin asked for clarification on the actual anniversary date of the expiry. Greg Nelson suggested that it had technically expired in January 2021. Councillor Baldwin commented that this was coming to Panel four months after it had expired. Councillor Baldwin asked why it was so late coming to Panel and Greg Nelson informed the Panel that they had been working with the Home Office to see if the borough would get dispensation.


Councillor Baldwin commented that since the Panel had debated statutory consultees and voluntary consultees, he had noted from the report that even though the policy had no impact on adults, Hilary Hall had been consulted. Councillor Baldwin asked why Kevin McDaniel had not been consulted even though children were impacted. Greg Nelson informed the Panel that Hilary Hall had been consulted as she was the Head of Service of the team that Greg Nelson worked in.


Councillor Hilton commented that he was totally in agreement all attempts to make the documents clearer and easier to understand by residents. The document would give a very clear understanding to anyone reading it.


Councillor Cannon reassured Councillors that the consultations that had been carried out by Greg Nelson were all statutory and required consultees that had been consulted, mentioned in paragraph 1.3. It had been identified that these were the people that needed to be consulted. Trade had not been consulted as it had not been possible. Councillor views on safeguarding are in addition to the required consultees.


The clerk took a named vote on the proposal that Councillor Davies made and was seconded by Councillor Hill. This was to add the Safeguarding Partnership to consultee list for the future policy.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the proposal made to add the Safeguarding Partnership to the consultee list for the future policy.


The clerk took a named vote on the recommendations in the report. This was proposed by Councillor Cannon and seconded by Councillor Hill.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Licensing Panel recommends to Full Council that the RBWM Licensing Policy Statement 2021 - 2026 be adopted (noting the interim nature of the Policy as set out in paragraphs 2.8 - 2.10)



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