Agenda item

RBWM consultation on high needs funding

To agree a request to consult on proposals for changes in the way that high needs funding is allocated mainstream schools and colleges.


The Forum considered the report that proposed that the schools forum agreed to a period of consultation, leading to a revised process for allocating High Needs Funding to support Children and Young People eligible for an education, health and care (EHC) plan or statement of special educational needs.


Debbie Verity and Geoff King attended the meeting to present the report to the Forum. 


The Forum were informed that process only applied to high needs pupils in mainstream schools or colleges and did not apply to high needs pupils in resource provision / units or special schools.


The Forum were informed that 1.4 of the report showed comparative spend on high needs block with other authorities, however as this was misleading additional information was circulated that showed the percentage of spend per SEN pupil.  This additional information showed that RBWMs spend was comparatively high when looking at the percentage of DSG spent.  It was questioned why RBWM spend had not increased as much as other authorities and the Forum were informed that RBWM was still spending more when compared with our statistical neighbours.


It is proposed that, once evidence had been received that a pupil met the criteria for statutory assessment, a funding matrix would be used to assess the level of High Needs top-up funding that will be made available.  The matrix would consist of the main categories of need as identified in the Code of Practice 2014 and in use by other authorities.  The proposed matrix shown to the Forum was a starting point and could  be changed / reviewed as required.  Figure 2 of the report showed the proposed example matrix that would be used when consulting on the methodology.


The Forum were informed that the level of funding would not be decreased by the proposed process it was about how the level of funding was distributed. It was noted that the consultation was about the system and not the funding.


In response to questions from the Chairman the Forum were informed that the consultation would take place over the autumn term with the results and proposals coming back to the Forum on December 2016 with implementation in April 2017.


The Chairman mentioned that the following issues may arise from the consultation:


           Who would populate the matrix.

           What level of expertise would those have forming the matrix.

           Moderation and scrutiny.

           Staff planning.

           Existing pupils; what process for transferring existing pupils to the matrix.


The Forum were informed that it was assumed that there would be a transitional period with the use of the matrix being for new assessments and used on existing statements when they were reviewed.


In response to questions the Forum were informed that the consultation would be with as many stakeholders as possible including parents; however the overriding say would be with the schools.


Anne Entwistle questioned what would happen with child transfers and mentioned that we needed to be mindful of the FE sector.  She also mentioned that the report did not mention requests for increases in place funding to support the additional high needs students on roll at BCA and that the BCA currently had a funding gap.  In response the Forum were informed that it was the responsibility of the local authority placing the pupil to pay the top-up and with regards to the BCA funding gap this would be reviewed via the annual place number funding and commissioning process.


It was questioned what the timetable was for consultation and concern was raised that it would be taking place during half term and thus give the impression that it was being hidden.  The forum were informed that it would be going to all schools and colleges and certain parents during half term. 


Resolved unanimously: that the Schools Forum agrees to a period of consultation on proposals for a revised methodology to distribute High Needs top-up funding to mainstream schools




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