Agenda item

Maidenhead Station

To receive a presentation on the redevelopment of Maidenhead Station forecourt.


Members received a brief presentation on the potential layout of Maidenhead Station. There would be cycle parking storage for 300 bikes in a well-lit area. The presentation showed possible sites for a pedestrian bridge and an all use crossing which would be wide enough to allow cycles to use it.


Members of the Cycle Forum stated the station was a key area for the Town Centre but in its current state, it was a mess. The Principal Transport Officer stated the current drawings within the presentation were conceptual. There would be seating and landscaping with attractive paving. The new layout would provide much more space. Residents said they found it disheartening that cyclists would not be able to use the footbridge. Putting both cyclists and pedestrians on the bridge would allow the free flow of traffic underneath the bridge. The Principal Transport Officer said it was challenging as all the roads that led to that area came from all different directions and the area was not big enough to allow a bridge wide enough for multi-use. It would not be possible to shut Queen Street due to it being used as an exit for the service roads from nearby buildings. There was also a flooding issue there. Susy Shearer said she was concerned about cycle parking due to ad hoc parking of bikes being chained to the railings of the train station. The new layout was too far away from the ticket hall which made continuing to use the railings far more attractive to cyclists. The Chairman responded that Network Rail did not want parking for bikes on the railings. The site of the proposed cycle parking was Council owned land and the parking would be covered, safe, secure and well-lit, therefore, making it more attractive to cyclists. The new parking would be right next to the all use crossing and the entrance to the forecourt of the station.


Councillor Yong stated she would be difficult to persuade to use the footbridge after a long day at work and would be more likely to use the crossing, she felt a better solution was needed. The Chairman said the Borough had been in discussions with Network Rail to extend the platform to create a link between Stafferton Way so pedestrians and cyclists could get across to the station but, Network Rail did not agree. The Principal Transport Officer confirmed that no consultation had taken place regarding the changes to Maidenhead Station and it was still in the initial stages of design.


Councillor Yong suggested building an underground tunnel to be used as a crossing. The Principal Transport Officer said that would not be good for disabled access as the ramps would not be long enough. Also, people did not like to use subways due to security issues, there would also be flooding issues due to rainwater and sewers. Councillor Love stated residents had contacted him with concerns regarding the maintenance of cycles parking and was concerned about the lack of maintenance there currently was. The Principal Transport Officer offered to write to Network rail in order to address the issue.


v  Action: The Principal Transport Officer to write to Network rail raising concerns regarding the lack of maintenance to the cycle parking at Maidenhead Station.