Purpose of committee
Key Decisions that shall be made at Cabinet meetings must be added to the Cabinet’s Forward Plan at least 28 days before the decision is due to be taken. This is updated regularly & published every month.
Cabinet Terms of Reference (Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution)
The Cabinet is the main Executive decision-making body of the Council. Once a decision has been made by Cabinet and the record of the decision has been published, the call-in period shall commence and be valid for 5 working days after the meeting. Once this time period has elapsed, the decision can be implemented.
- Councillor Simon Werner (Chair)
- Councillor Lynne Jones (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Richard Coe
- Councillor Geoff Hill
- Councillor Catherine del Campo
- Councillor Adam Bermange
- Councillor Karen Davies
- Councillor Jack Douglas
- Councillor Mark Wilson
- Councillor Amy Tisi
Contact information
Support officer: Oran Norris-Browne. Email: