Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST'

  • Councillor Amy Tisi - Personal - Sat on previous planning panels when the application for item 6, Essex Lodge, was discussed at Windsor Area Development Management Panel. Was attending the meeting with an open mind.
  • Councillor David Cannon - Personal - Sat on previous planning panels when the application for item 6, Essex Lodge, was discussed at Windsor Area Development Management Panel. Was attending the meeting with an open mind.
  • Councillor David Hilton - Personal - Sat on previous planning panels when the application for item 6, Essex Lodge, was discussed at Windsor Area Development Management Panel. Was attending the meeting with an open mind.
  • Councillor John Bowden - Personal - Sat on previous planning panels when the application for item 6, Essex Lodge, was discussed at Windsor Area Development Management Panel. Was attending the meeting with an open mind.
  • Councillor Neil Knowles - Personal - Sat on previous planning panels when the application for item 6, Essex Lodge, was discussed at Windsor Area Development Management Panel. Was attending the meeting with an open mind.
  • Councillor Phil Haseler - Other Registerable Interest - Had sent a letter of objection to the application, before he became a councillor in 2018. Councillor Haseler would leave the meeting for Item 4 and the Vice Chairman, Councillor Cannon would sit as Chairman and then hand back to Councillor Haseler at the end of item 4. Councillor Haseler would take no part in any discussion or vote for item 4.