Voting record - named votes only

 Windsor Area Development Management Panel, Wednesday 4 September 2019 7.00 pm

Item: 16/01725/FULL - Charles Morris Fertilizer, Hythe End Farm, Hythe End Road, Wraysbury, Staines, TW19 5AW

To delegate the approval of 16/01725/FULL Charles Morris Fertilizer, Hythe End Farm, Hythe End Road, Wraysbury, Staines:

Motion status:Carried

Councillor Clive Baskerville For
Councillor John Bowden For
Councillor David Cannon Against
Councillor Gerry Clark For
Councillor Andrew Johnson For
Councillor Neil Knowles Abstain
Councillor Gary Muir Against
Councillor Shamsul Shelim For
Councillor Amy Tisi For