Voting record - named votes only

 Adults, Children and Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel - expired May 2022, Wednesday 9 June 2021 6.15 pm

Item: Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

Appoint Cllr Tisi as Chairman of the Adults, Children and Health O&S Panel:

Motion status:Rejected

Councillor Maureen Hunt Against
Councillor Christine Bateson Against
Councillor Carole Da Costa For
Councillor Amy Tisi For
Councillor Julian Sharpe Against

Appoint Cllr Hunt as Chairman of the Adults, Children and Health O&S Panel:

Motion status:Carried

Councillor Maureen Hunt For
Councillor Christine Bateson For
Councillor Carole Da Costa Against
Councillor Amy Tisi Abstain
Councillor Julian Sharpe For

Appoint Cllr da Costa as Vice Chairman of the Adults, Children and Health O&S Panel:

Motion status:Rejected

Councillor Maureen Hunt Against
Councillor Christine Bateson Against
Councillor Carole Da Costa For
Councillor Amy Tisi For
Councillor Julian Sharpe Against

Appoint Cllr Sharpe as Vice Chairman of the Adults, Children and Health O&S Panel:

Motion status:Carried

Councillor Maureen Hunt For
Councillor Christine Bateson For
Councillor Carole Da Costa Against
Councillor Amy Tisi Against
Councillor Julian Sharpe For