Title: Social Housing Champion
Party: Independent
Political grouping: Local Independents
Ward: Oldfield
Other councillors representing this Ward:
More information about this councillor
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Contact information
Correspondence address:
C/O Democratic Services
St Ives Road
Mobile: 07498 282559
Email: cllr.taylor@rbwm.gov.uk
Download Councillor Helen Taylor contact details as VCard
Committee appointments
- Adults, Children and Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Chair)
- Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Reserve)
- Corporate Parenting Forum (Reserve)
- Council
- Health and Wellbeing BoardChair of People Overview and Scrutiny Panel
- Licensing Panel (Reserve)
- Maidenhead Development Management Committee
- Maidenhead Town Forum (Vice-Chair)
- Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Reserve)
Terms of Office
- 07/05/2019 - 08/05/2023
- 08/05/2023 - 10/05/2027