Agenda item


To consider the Head of Plannings report on planning applications received.


Full details on all planning applications (including application forms, site plans, objections received, correspondence etc.) can be found by accessing the Planning Applications Public Access Module by selecting the following link.



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the order of business as detailed in the agenda be varied.


The Panel considered the Head of Planning’s report on planning applications and received updates in relation to a number of applications, following the publication of the agenda.


NB: *Updates were received in relation to planning applications marked with an asterisk.


Item 1



Hedsor Cottage

11 Maidenhead Court Park




Erection of detached dwelling following demolition of existing garage and annexe.





Item 2



Land At

29 Cranbrook Drive


New dwelling following demolition of existing extension and garage at No. 29 Cranbrook Drive.


Councillor Ilyas put forward a motion to refuse the Officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Bullock. The proposed dwelling due to its scale, height and closeness to the side boundaries of the site would detrimentally impact the open nature of the estate and harm the amenities of the neighbouring property by reason of its overbearing impact. The harm identified would not be significantly and demonstrably outweighed by the benefits of the additional dwelling.


A Named Vote was carried out.


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be REFUSED, against the officer’s recommendation.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Alison Lee, Objector and Antonia Lewis, Applicant).


Item 3



Land West of Crown Lane Including Part Hines Meadow Car Park And La Roche And The Colonade High Street


Reserved matters (Landscaping) for redevelopment following demolition of part of Hines Meadow car park, La Roche and The Colonnade to include 162 apartments, 363m2 of Class B1 office space, 1045sqm of retail space (Class A1) and 987sqm of restaurant/cafe space (Class A3), creation of basement car parking, a new footbridge over York Stream and the replacement of the existing vehicle bridge to the existing car park, new pedestrian links, landscaping and alterations to the waterway to create a new public realm as approved under planning permission 12/02762/OUT and varied by 15/04274/VAR [varied as follows: without complying with condition 1 (approved plans) to replace two plans and 65 (completion of waterways) to vary to the following, No dwelling within Block A (as identified on plan 747-2000E) shall be occupied until the works to the York Stream shown on plans 747-2000E and 747-3000B have been completed].


The Officers recommendation to permit the

application was put forward byCouncillor Wilson and seconded by Councillor Smith. The proposal is contrary to Local Plan Policies H10 and H11 and NPPF Para 64 Core Principle 4 of the NPPF.


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be PERMITTED as per the officer’s recommendation.


Item 4



Huston Cottage Moneyrow Green




Installation of 7 No. dormer windows.


Councillor Hunt put forward a motion to refuse the Officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Burbage. Whilst the overall floor space is significant the infill nature of the proposal i.e. not raising roof line or extending the footprint and small size of the dormers results in a scheme which is not considered disproportionate to the original dwelling house.



  1. Time
  2. Materials
  3. Remove Pd rights Class B

4.    Liaise with applicant regarding obscuring glazing to front windows.


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be APPROVED, against the officer’s recommendation.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Mr Karl Stannard, Applicant).

Item 5



Riverside Primary School And Nursery

Donnington Gardens Maidenhead


Provision of 2 additional classrooms.


The Officers recommendation to defer and delegate the

application was put forward byCouncillor Wilson and seconded byCouncillor Bullock.


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be DEFERRED AND DELEGATED as per the officer’s recommendation subject to no new material objections being received by 13th June 2017.



Supporting documents: