Agenda item


To consider the Head of Planning’s report on planning applications received.


Full details on all planning applications (including application forms, site plans, objections received, correspondence etc.) can be found by accessing the Planning Applications Public Access Module by selecting the following link.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the order of business as detailed in the agenda be varied.


The Panel considered the Head of Planning and Development’s report on planning

applications and received updates in relation to a number of applications, following the publication of the agenda.


NB: *Updates were received in relation to planning applications marked with an asterisk.


Item 1



Former Cinema Site Bridge Avenue And Copthall House St Ives Road And 1 To 11 High Street


Pontoon on the west bank of York Stream for mooring boats.


Councillor Wilson put forward a motion to approve the application, in line with the Officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Love.


The Panel VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be APPROVED as per the Officer’s recommendation.

Item 2



Lennox House

Ray Park Avenue



Extension to east elevation and internal alterations to provide 4 new flats and alterations to provide an additional 8 car parking spaces.


Councillor Wilson put forward a motion to refuse the application, in line with the Officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Hollingsworth.


A named vote was carried out. Six Members (Bullock, Hollingsworth, Kellaway, Love, Smith and Wilson) voted for the Officer’s recommendation for refusal and Councillor Hunt abstained from voting.


The Pane voted to REFUSE the application as per the Officer’s recommendation.

Item 3



Land Including Thames Auto Sales And The Amber Centre And Former Unit 5 Oldfield Road


Outline application (means of access, appearance, layout and scale only to be determined) for demolition of existing buildings, erection of a three storey building in the southern part of the site, erection of a part two/part three/part four storey building in the northern part of the site to provide 67 residential dwellings and associated parking.

Item 4



20 And 24 Braywick Road Maidenhead

Construction of x9 dwellings with access, parking and amenity space following demolition of the existing Dwelling.


Councillor Love put forward a motion to approve the application, in line with the Officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Hunt.


The Panel VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be APPROVED as per the Officer’s recommendation.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by John Hudson, Objector and Jake Collinge, the Agent.)

Item 5



Riverside Primary School And Nursery

Donnington Gardens Maidenhead


Temporary modular teaching block comprising four classrooms and toilets and provision of six temporary parking spaces.


Councillor Smith put forward a motion to approve the application, in line with the Officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Love.


The Panel VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be APPROVED as per the Officer’s recommendation.

Item 6




16 Belmont Road



Change of use of existing HMO (Class C4) to a large HMO (Sui Generis) (Retrospective).


Councillor Hunt put forward a motion to refuse the application, against the Officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Smith.


This was for the reasons as recommended by the highway officer regarding the severe parking problems experienced in the vicinity of the site and the limited availability of on street parking given the absence of a pavement opposite the site, the shortfall in parking would have a severe impact harmful to the free flow of traffic and would have a detrimental impact on highway safety. Furthermore the existing on-site parking is tight for the parking of 2 vehicles and providing access to the property meaning that it may not be readily used. The proposal is contrary to Local Plan policy P4 and para 32 of the NPPF.


A named vote was carried out. Five Councillors voted for refusal (Councillors Bullock, Hunt, Kellaway, Smith and Wilson) and two Councillors abstained from voting (Councillors Hollingsworth and Love).


The Panel VOTED that the application be REFUSED, against the Officer’s recommendation.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Murray Pannell, Objector and Tom Leeming, the Applicant.)

Item 7



Land Rear of 4 And 5 And 6 And 7 Woodlands Park Road Maidenhead

Erection of 2 x 3 bed semi-detached and 2 x 4 bed detached dwellings as approved under planning permission 15/01659/FULL to vary condition 2 (Approved Plans) to substitute plans.


Councillor Hunt put forward a motion to approve the application, in line with the Officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Kellaway.


The Panel VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be APPROVED as per the Officer’s recommendation.


Supporting documents: