Meeting documents

Windsor Forum
Thursday 15 October 2009


15 OCTOBER 2009

PRESENT: Councillors Bursnall (Chairman), Mrs Quick (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Bursnall (substituting for Councillor Maxwell), Fido, Gard (substituting for Councillor Bicknell), Mrs Newbound (substituting for Councillor Richards) and Wiles.

Also attending: Councillors Mrs Endacott, Mrs Evans, Penfold and Mrs Yong

Officers: Liz Hornby and Ben Smith


    Apologies were received from Councillors Bicknell, Maxell and Richards

    None were received.

    The Minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 15 June 2009 were approved.
      Councillor Fido referred to the item ‘Prolonged Road Works at the Junction of Clarence Road, Peascod Street and St Leonards Road’ in relation to information being placed in ‘Around The Royal Borough’ and noted that this information had not been included in the latest issue. Ben Smith agreed to liaise with David Perkins in regard to this matter.
        It was noted that Mr Malia’s name had been misspelt.

      4. ITEMS
        i) Community Crime Fighters in Inner Windsor - Presentation
            The Forum received a presentation on Community Crime Fighters in Inner Windsor from Pat Gare and Jenny Gray. The CCF were recruited directly by the Home Office and provided training to increase skills and knowledge of how the justice system worked. The CCF has been asked to work with people in the local community to pass on information to encourage people to play their part in making the community safer.

            It was considered important for a body to be able to ‘bridge the gap’ between agencies of the Criminal Justice System i.e. the police, local council, the courts to the probation service who were all making changes to become more ‘public-friendly’.

            At the conclusion of the presentation it was noted that the Home Secretary had set a budget of £5m to train and support 3600 CCFs and that there would be one CCF per neighbourhood. Currently there were two CCFs in the Royal Borough who both covered Inner Windsor. The budget had been set in 2008 and with a general election to be held within the next 7 months, it was advised that should any further CCFs wish to be set up, that money should be applied for as soon as possible.

            Please find the presentation attached.
          ii) Airtrak Update

            The Forum noted the report that had been attached to the Agenda and noted that there was no further update since the report was published.

            It was also noted that Peter Hooper had been misquoted and that he hadn’t put forward a wish for Ascot instead of Bracknell.

            The Forum noted that should a link be built between Windsor and Terminal 5 at Heathrow, the level crossings would be in more constant use at Datchet than at present.
          iii) St Leonards Road Archway

            The Forum noted a written report that had been marked ‘To Follow’ on the Agenda entitled St Leonards Road Archway.

            The proposed archway would be placed at the bottom end of Peascod Street in an effort to encourage shoppers to use this area and also top St Leonards Road as it was generally agreed this area was not accessed as much as the top end of Peascod Street and King Edward Court.

            A suggested of raising the level of Victoria Street to provide a more pedestrian-friendly area was raised. Peter Hooper commented that he had been to King Edward’s hospital to see if the car park was being used at weekends by shoppers, and reported that very few cars had been parked in the car park specifically set aside.

            It was agreed that both ends of Peascod Street were two different entities and that some measure of cohesion between the two should be sought. It was also noted that some areas of the pedestrianised part of Peascod Street were in poor repair, and that work would be carried out after Christmas and the New Year sales had taken place.
          iv) Thames Street, Windsor, Traffic Improvements
            Ben Smith reported there was an article in relation to the Thames Street traffic improvements that had been published in the current edition of ‘Around the Royal Borough’ and commented that there was a questionnaire within the article for residents to have their say. Questionnaires were also being sent out to stakeholders and other local businesses. The closing date for the consultation was 13 November 2009 after which answers would be collated and referred to Councillor Rayner for a decision.

            The Forum noted that the questionnaire was also available online. Ben Smith confirmed that postcodes were an integral part of the consultation as they would help when collating the answers.

            It was noted that the present scheme was put in place 10 years ago and the new proposal was to take the traffic back to the way it was before then.
          v) Extending the Pedestrian Area in Peascod Street
            Ben Smith reported that a similar process to the above scheme was being carried out and that interviews would be carried out by BMG with local residents.

            John Holderstock, Chairman of the West Windsor Residents Association commented that residents were strongly opposed to the re-siting of the of the bus stop from William Street to Charles Street as it would cause many residents inconvenience being that much further away than the present bus stop site. Mr Holderstock commented that the new bus stop would be less accessible than at present with no disabled access to that side of King Edward Court. Mr Holderstock also commented that the new site would be further than the 150 yards stated in the proposal and that the relocation was against the current Manifesto. Mr Holderstock asked on what basis was the Royal Borough considering policies.

            Councillor Fido commented that in 1995/96 there was a similar proposal which was rejected. The Forum noted that the Chamber of Commerce had been against the decision to re-site the bus stop and the pedestrianisation of the lower part of Peascod Street and recommended that the modification not proceed.

            Councillor Mrs Endacott commented that a petition raised by residents who were against the scheme had been handed over with over 1,000 signatures. Councillor Mrs Endacott also reported that a list of questions had been handed to Stephen Brown, Head of Highways and Engineering, but had to date only received 2 replies of the 17 questions asked. Councillor Endacott asked how much the re-siting of the bus stop would cost.

            Ben Smith replied that the cost of re-siting the bus stop would be an estimated £50,000 and commented that there was no budget to do the works at present. If the scheme should go ahead, then it would be funded through the Capital programme. Mr Smith commented to Councillor Endacott that he would liaise with Stephen Brown in respect of the questions asked and would ensure they were answered. Mr Smith also confirmed that the hours that van/car deliveries could be made in Peascod Street was between 6.00am and 11.00am and again between 4.00pm and 8.00pm. At all other times, Peascod Street was for pedestrians only.

            Councillor Bursnall commented that he supported the proposal and that he had walked the route between the present bus stop and the proposed new site and had worked out the distance was less than the quoted 150 yards.
          vi) Update on Imperial Road Traffic Lights
            Ben Smith updated the Forum in relation to the Imperial Road traffic lights and commented that there was still some work to be carried out on the phasing of the new traffic lights due to issues in the summer which had been identified.

            Residents expressed concern that with increasing traffic to Legoland, particularly during the summer months, that traffic on Imperial Road, Winkfield Road and Clewer Hill Road would be deadlocked. It was also noted that once the proposed hotel at Legoland was built, this could potentially cause more traffic load. It was noted that the traffic in the summer had been backed up to the M4, and residents were concerned that once the work on the relief road began, that traffic would be affected even more.

            Councillor Mrs Endacott presented a 48-page petition in the meeting to Highways.
            The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday 15 February 2010 at 7.00pm

              Ø Castle Car Park, Clamping Issues