There are a number of organisations which are independent from the council, but have an impact on its service areas.
In order that the council can maintain effective partnerships with a number of these organisations, representatives of the council, usually elected councillors, sit on the various committees and forums that are responsible for them.
To find the contact details for the council’s representative on a particular outside body please follow the relevant link.
- Adopt Thames Valley
- Age Concern - Windsor
- Age Concern - Wraysbury & Horton
- Age UK Berkshire
- Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Council Of Governors
- Berkshire Historic Environment Forum
- Berkshire Local Transport Body
- Berkshire Maestros
- Campaign To Protect Rural England - Windsor & Maidenhead Branch
- Charles Davis Trust
- Charters School Community Recreation Centre Trust
- Citizens Advice Bureau - East Berkshire
- Clewer Non Ecclesiastical Charities
- Community Safety Partnership
- Cox Green Community Centre - Board of Trustees
- Cox Green Community Centre - Management Committee
- Disability and Inclusion Forum
- Elizabeth House, Cookham
- Flood Liaison Group
- Frimley Health Council of Governors
- Heathrow Community Engagement Board
- Heathrow Noise and Airspace Community Forum
- Heathrow Strategic Planning Group Member Board
- Housing Solutions
- iESE Limited
- International Partner Towns Committee
- Joint Minerals and Waste Members Board
- Local Access Forum
- Local Authorities Aircraft Noise Council
- Local Government Association - General Assembly
- Maidenhead Arts Council
- Maidenhead Civic Society
- Maidenhead Town Partnership Board
- New Windsor Community Association and Social Club
- No.22 Youth Counselling Agency, Maidenhead (Windsor & Maidenhead Youth & Community Counselling Service)
- Older People's Advisory Forum
- One Borough
- PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London)
- People To Places
- Poole and Rings Charity
- RBWM/All Parishes Meeting
- Relate London North West, Hertfordshire, Mid Thames & Buckinghamshire
- Royal Berkshire Fire Authority
- Rural Forum
- South East Employers
- South East England Councils
- South East Reserve Forces & Cadets Association
- Spoore, Merry & Rixman Foundation
- St Luke's Community Hall
- Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
- Standing Conference on Archives in Berkshire
- Strategic Aviation Special Interest Group
- Sunninghill Parochial Charities
- Swan Lifeline
- Thames Basin Heaths Joint Strategic Partnership Board
- Thames Regional Flood And Coastal Committee
- Thames Valley Athletics Centre Management Committee
- Thames Valley Athletics Centre Trust
- Thames Valley Berkshire LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership)
- Thames Valley Police And Crime Panel
- The Old Court
- Tourism South East
- VisitWindsor Partnership Board
- White Waltham Airfield Consultative Committee
- Windsor & Eton District Scout Council - Executive Committee
- Windsor and Eton Business Partnership Board
- Windsor and Eton Society
- Windsor and Maidenhead Christian Trust
- Windsor Festival Society
- Windsor Municipal Charities
- Windsor Old People's Welfare Association
- Windsor Plastic Free Committee
- Windsor Royal Free Foundation