Cabinet & Cabinet Sub-Committees
Regulatory Panels
- Appeals Panel
- Appointment Committee
- Audit and Governance Committee
- Berkshire Pension Fund Committee
- Councillor Standards Panel
- Licensing & Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Sub Committee
- Licensing Panel
- Maidenhead Development Management Committee
- Rights of Way & Highway Licensing Panel
- Windsor and Ascot Development Management Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Panels
- Adults, Children and Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel
- Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Panel
- Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Other Panels and Forums
- Achieving for Children Joint Committee
- Aviation Forum
- Corporate Parenting Forum
- Grants Panel
- Health and Wellbeing Board
- Maidenhead Town Forum
- Windsor Forum
Other bodies administered by RBWM Democratic Services
- Berkshire Pension Board
- Disability and Inclusion Forum
- Flood Liaison Group
- Local Access Forum
- Rural Forum
- Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
- Youth Council