Meeting documents

Cycle Forum - expired May 2019
Tuesday 3 February 2009


Meeting:Cycle Forum
Date:Tuesday, 3rd February 2009
Present:Cllr Clive Baskerville, Cllr Malcolm Beer (Acting Chair), Karl Benz (Guards Club Road Residents Assoc.), Mark De Souza (Maidenhead resident); Peter England (Cyclists Touring Club), Roy Fabry (Sustrans), David Lambourne (Thames Velo), David Layzell (Maidenhead Cyclists Action Group), Gordon Oliver (Transport Policy Officer), Hanno Schaefer (Silwood Park)
1.Welcome & ApologiesAction
Cllr Beer welcomed everyone to the forum. There were apologies from:

Cllr Maxwell, John Ashford, Margaret Bowdery, Peter Prior, Mark Webb

2.Minutes of Previous Meeting (12th November 2008) & Matters Arising
a) GO will engage with the Primary Care Trust through the Community Partnership and explore joint funding for cycling initiatives. PE to email GO with details of NICE document on the benefits of cycling. Cllr Beer stated that Sport England were allocating funding to promote grass roots cycling, including working with schools – suggested report for next meeting.

b) GO confirmed that an article on cycling had been published in Around the Royal Borough (thanks to John Ashford for photos). The Council were happy to consider future articles.

MDS stressed the need to raise the profile of the Cycle Forum, since most people are not aware of it. DLz commented that Maidenhead Advertiser are happy to do an article. LM to investigate a popular link from the RBWM homepage.

c) GO reported that Thames Valley Police were happy to enforce contra-flow cycle routes with no markings, providing they were designed in accordance with guidelines. Any cyclist involved in a collision with a motorist on such a facility without lights could be reasonably considered at fault, assuming no other factors were involved. There was discussion as to whether this would be suitable for RBWM, but no agreement was reached.

d) GO circulated details of the government’s Cycle to Work scheme together with a list of providers (see attached).

e) DLz to liaise with British Transport Police re incidents at Maidenhead Station. HS commented that there were incidents of bike thefts / damage at Sunningdale Station, with people chaining cheap bikes to expensive ones, preventing owners from removing them. DLz to liaise with HS.

The minutes were agreed subject to correction of the following errata:

Item 2: ‘Thames Valley Police’ should read ‘British Transport Police’.

Item 3: ‘local government’ should read ‘national government’.



Cllr Beer

Cllr Maxwell



3.North Maidenhead Cycle Route
Peter Prior was not available to attend the February Cycle Forum, but had offered to attend in May and suggested the 6th. Cllr Beer highlighted a clash with another meeting. GO to investigate alternatives.

The restrictive cycle gates are still in place and RADAR gates have yet to be installed on the route, despite previous commitment from Peter Prior. The Council has received several complaints in recent weeks from members of the public about being unable to use the path.

RF indicated that motorcycles could still gain access via the gates to the cricket club, which are left open, making the cycle gates superfluous.

Surfacing works at Lightlands Lane have further compromised access. Contractors have been instructed to restore the situation so that access is no worse than before the works were undertaken.

Peter Prior had indicated that the only circumstances in which he would consider removing the cycle gates would be if the route could be effectively policed. GO to investigate options with Thames Valley Police.

The Forum asked whether the council could seek the return of funding used to pay for works along the route.

Cllr Beer suggested a meeting on-site prior to the next Cycle Forum.



Cllr Beer

4.Sustrans NCN Route 50 - Update
Sustrans are hoping to put in a planning application within the next few months to adapt the footbridge over the Thames to Bourne End, with ramps for cyclists and disabled users. Sustrans are currently in dialogue with the Environment Agency over various issues. The route between Cookham and the Thames has yet to be agreed. Sustrans are pursuing options for use of the old railway line between Bourne End and High Wycombe.

DLb indicated that he would oppose access across the moor and suggested that a route around the edge would be better.

PE commented that the former track bed to Wycombe is in multiple ownership. Although a recent planning application to develop part of it was rejected, it was not on the grounds that the track bed would be lost. It is likely that a revised application will come forward. Previous attempts to secure a cycle route along the former rail line came to nothing.

5.Local Authority Cycling Trends / Best Practice
The Department for Transport publication, A Sustainable Future for Cycling, provides material on best practice in delivering increased levels of cycling. The Sustainable Travel Demonstration Towns have achieved increases in cycling of between 25% and 79%, with significant investment in infrastructure and an emphasis on information provision and personalised travel planning.

Other initiatives that have had significant success include:

Bikeability training – 67% of kids say they cycle more after the training

Links to Schools – Schools benefiting from new links have, on average, doubled cycling levels.

National Cycle Network – Cycling trips on the NCN increased 26% in 2 years.

Cycling Demonstration Towns – Government challenge funding has enabled all towns have achieved significant increases in cycling levels through travel plans, marketing and new infrastructure.

Bike It – Dedicated officers working directly with schools to increase cycling have produced cycling levels 5 times national average.

KB asked why RBWM did not bid to be a Cycling Demonstration Town. GO responded that match funding was not available to support the bid.

DLb stressed the importance of communicating the benefits to senior managers in the Council. GO offered to take Cycle Forum minutes to the LTP Project / Programme Boards.

Cllr Beer to ask the Council’s Communications Team for support to promote the Cycle Forum.

KB suggested that forum members should write letters to the papers to stimulate debate on key issues.

DLb highlighted the need for a long-term strategy for cycling. DLz agreed and called for a special meeting of the forum. GO to discuss with Cllr Maxwell.


Cllr Beer


GO / Cllr Maxwell

6.Cycle Training Update
The Council is submitting an application for government grant funding to upgrade existing cycle training programmes to the new national standard – Bikeability.

The intention is to use external training providers, since the Borough does not have sufficient internal resources to be able to train and co-ordinate volunteers.

The grant will provide up to £40 per pupil. However, indicative quotes suggest costs will be in excess of £60 per pupil. The intention is to cover the shortfall by charging a small fee and from internal budgets.

Grant funding is available for the next 3 years. However, local authorities either have to reduce the amount of grant that they apply for each year, or train more children for the same level of grant. RBWM will review the situation after the first year and assess options for ensuring the long-term provision of cycle training in the Borough.

Cllr Beer stressed the need to tap into British Cycling funding for promoting cycling in schools. DLb to talk to the BC regional manager.


7.Cycle Programme Update

Ockwell’s Road – Scheme complete

Maidenhead Station – Cycle parking on station forecourt to be improved and expanded, First Great Western doing design and RBWM contributing to costs. Scheme should be complete April 2009.

Windsor Royal Shopping – Centre manager has agreed to installation of cycle parking, RBWM funding first phase. Scheme should be complete April 2009.

A4 / Moorbridge Road – A revised scheme has been developed, which will concentrate on improving crossing facilities on the A4 and on linking the Riverside area with the town centre. Advanced stop lines at Waitrose may need to wait until other improvements have been undertaken at the junction.

Slough to Eton – Scheme designed. Safety audit highlighted the need for additional works. Required funding now secured and scheme programmed.


The proposed A4 scheme to Newlands School was costed at over £200k, which cannot currently be funded from the cycle programme, even with match funding from Links to School.

Forum members were asked for priorities - £100k is available which will be evenly split between S106 and council funds.

MDS suggested a focus on primary schools.

HS asked for links to Silwood Park to be improved. GO to review suggested routes.



8.S106 Update
S106 funding (developer contributions) has dropped sharply towards the end of 2008. Development activity has slowed and many new developments are not occupied, thus payments are not being triggered. The Council hopes to increase payments through greater enforcement action where payments are outstanding.
a) MDS asked for assistance in making the Maidenhead Carnival a cycle-friendly event (12-14 June). Volunteers are sought for the cycle parking facility – 120 cyclists turned up last year. It was also suggested that the Cycle Forum could have a stall, giving away leaflets, organising bike checks and even arranging cycling films on a big screen in Kidwells Park.

b) Cllr Beer provided an update on the Cycle Circuit. Previously suggested sites at Braywick Park, Ockwells Park and Sunninghill had proved unsuitable. However, a new site close to Maidenhead has been offered by a local landowner. It is a large site and presents exciting possibilities. Funding has been allocated to undertake a feasibility study. If feasible, there will need consultation before a bid can be submitted to British Cycling. Cllr Beer and DLb stressed the need for urgent action in order to secure funding from British Cycling and to ensure that the scheme can benefit from slippages / cancellations of other schemes. Of £24.3 million of lottery funding allocated to British Cycling, £5.7 million is earmarked for cycle circuits. Match funding will be required, but the scheme could access budgets for youth, heath and recreational activities. All members of the Forum were anxious to do whatever they could to support the project and also BC’s enhanced training plans, but were advised that while this was appreciated there was little they could do until plans were progressed.

10.Date of Next Meeting