Meeting documents

Leisure, Culture and Libraries Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Monday 20 June 2011 7.30 pm


20 JUNE 2011

PRESENT: Councillors Bullock (Chairman), Ms C Stretton (Vice-Chairman), Ilyas (substituting for Councillor Jenner), Lawless, Mrs Mills and Penfold.

Officers: Mr Mist, Mr A Scott, Mrs Shawcross and Mr Taylor.
part i
      Resolved: That Councillor Bullock and Councillor Ms C Stretton be appointed Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively of the Panel for the 2011/2012 Municipal year.


    An apology for absence was received from Councillor Jenner.




    The Panel received a presentation from Mrs Christabel Shawcross, Strategic Director for Adult and Community Services, Mr Kevin Mist, Head of Leisure Services and Mr Mark Taylor, Head of Libraries, Arts and Heritage on the services that fell within the remit of the Panel.

    Mrs Shawcross provided a brief overview on the role of local authorities, in conjunction with partner organisations, in promoting health and well being for its residents and explained how the services provided by the Directorate addressed health inequalities, improved literacy and learning and enhanced the enjoyment of the Arts and the Borough’s cultural heritage.

    Mr Mist referred to the facilities that were provided and the activities held at the various leisure centres provided by the Council thorough the Borough. He referred to the number of birthday parties that were held at the Magnet Leisure Centre and commented upon initiatives that had been introduced to increase the number of people using the swimming pool. He highlighted the excellent gym facility at Windsor Leisure Centre and commented upon the increase in revenue that had been generated from the new all-weather sports pitch. He advised that the new Cox Green Leisure Centre, which had opened in September 2010 and had been funded from a grant from the football foundation and Section 106 money, was well attended and he explained how the improvements to the Charters Leisure Centre, in particular the new vehicular access arrangements, car park and third generation sports pitch, had raised its profile.

    Members were advised that the Borough’s 56 Parks and open spaces attracted approximately 7 million visitors per annum, with 6 of the Parks achieving Green Flag status. Mr Mist commented upon the facilities and the events that were held, in conjunction with partners, leaseholders, clubs and organisations, within the Borough’s parks and open spaces. He also highlighted the Borough’s responsibilities with regard to the provision of allotments and cemeteries.

    Mr Taylor commented upon the services provided by the Libraries, Arts & Heritage Service. He advised that the Royal Borough had a statutory duty to provide a comprehensive library services and commented upon the range of activities that were provided for both adults and children by the libraries services in the 11 libraries within the Borough, the Mobile Library, which was driven to 149 stops every three weeks, and the Container Library, which was delivered to five locations each week. He advised that there was around 251,000 items of library stock and that there had been about 839,000 loans of library items in 2010/11. He commented upon how the Borough was maximising technology wherever possible to provide residents with greater choice and enabling them to self-help, whilst ensuring the cheaper delivery of the service.

    Mr Taylor commented upon the range of museum activities that were provided for residents and visitors of all ages and advised that the new Museum in Windsor Guildhall had attracted over 7,000 visitors since its opening in March 2011. He advised that Arts provision within the Borough was mainly delivered through partner organisations, such as the two Arts Centres, Windsor Festival and Fringe and Community Arts. He also highlighted the opportunities that existed for volunteers to assist with the provision services.

    Mr Mist and Mr Taylor both highlighted a number of projects that had been undertaken in 2010/11 and outlined a number of schemes that would be carried out in 2011/12.

    After the officers had answered a number of questions, the Chairman, on behalf of the Panel thanked them for their informative presentations.


    Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 27 June 2011 on a number of issues regarding moorings on the River Thames between Boulters Lock and Maidenhead Bridge. Members noted that there were a number of unlicensed and/or illegally moored craft along a short stretch of the river close to Maidenhead Bridge and that the Council owned the riparian rights to some stretches of the river, 3 islands (not the riparian rights) and had a claim to other river bank areas. The proposed action plan contained within the report set out practical steps the Council, in conjunction with the Environment Agency, could take to regularise boat moorings.

    In response to a number of questions, Members were advised that the Council was working closely with the Environment Agency to check the status of the piles that a number of boats were moored to. However, it was noted that, although the Environment Agency had the authority to remove any unlicensed piles, the Council may have to make a contribution to secure their removal due to the lack of resources at the Environment Agency. The officers also outlined how legitimate moorings along the river would be controlled and managed and how income would be collected from boat users.
      RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Cabinet be advised that the Panel endorses the proposed action to deal with unlicensed and/or illegally moored craft, however, it has concerns at the potential expenditure that could be incurred to satisfactorily address the problem, particularly as the potential costs would significantly outweigh any revenue that could be generated from legitimate moorings.


    Members noted the items that had been identified for submission to the next meeting and discussed the start time for future meetings of the Panel.

    The Panel also discussed the setting up of a Task and Finish Group to provide recommendations to the Lead Member for Adult and Community Services on the nature of the Council’s support that should be provided to Norden Farm in the light of their loss of Arts Council England funding. To ensure that there was no unnecessary delay, it was suggested that the proposed Scope and membership of the Task and Finish Group be drawn and be circulated to members of the Panel for consideration and approval.

      a) That future meetings of the Panel commence at 6.30pm.
      b) That a Task and Finish Group, to be chaired by Councillor Mr C Stretton, be established to provide recommendations on the nature of support that should be provided to Norden Farm. The Scope and proposed membership of the Task and Finish Group be drawn up and circulated to the Panel for consideration and approval.

    07/11 MEETING

    The meeting, which began at 7.30pm, ended at 9.25pm.