Meeting documents

Children's Services and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Tuesday 2 October 2007


2 OCTOBER 2007

PRESENT: Councillors Lenton (Chairman), Mrs Pitteway (Vice-Chairman), Baskerville, Mrs Bursnall, J Evans, Mrs Luxton and Mrs Stock.

Also present: Councillor Mrs Bateson and Grey

Officers: Mr Abrahamson, Ms Cannon, Mrs Dackombe, Mr Herlinger, Ms Hills, Mr Mist, Mr A Scott, Mr D Scott and Mr Turner.


Councillor Mrs Pitteway declared a personal interest in relation to the item on the Agenda relating to ‘Appointment of School Governors’ as a school governor.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 1 August 2007 be approved.


Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 25 October 2007 on a petition relating to Bruce Walk, Windsor. The petition, which had been handed in at the full Council meeting on 31 July 2007, related to anti-social behaviour by youths in Bruce Walk, Windsor.

Members were advised that the matter had been investigated and a number of issues had been identified, including youths gathering in large numbers in and around Bruce Walk, youths perpetrating anti-social behaviour outside residents’ properties and trespassing into their front gardens, and youths displaying threatening and abusive behaviour and language to residents when challenged. The Officers had met with residents and it had been determined that there appeared to be no one simple solution to the problem and that that best way forward would be for a multi-agency meeting to take place, in order to identify a number of possible solutions.

Arising from the discussions, Members of the Panel were satisfied with the action being proposed and requested that a report be submitted to a future meeting of Panel on the outcome of the implementation of initiatives to address the problem.

RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 25 October 2007, which advised Members of vacancies that had arisen or would shortly arise for education authority represenatatives on governing bodies within the Royal Borough, and of nominations received.

Arising from the debate, Members were of the opinion that, in order that the Panel was able to comment appropriately on future reports, full details of the candidates to be considered for appointment should be provided, to include a copy of the application form and the notes from the Head Teacher/Chair of Governors. It was also suggested that, subject to clarification being sought on the status of the guidance, the code of practice be made more explicit with regard to Governors’ responsibilities under the Every Child Matters agenda.

RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval, subject to the comments above also being included.

34/07 SCHOOL FUNDING CONSULTATION 2008-2009 TO 2010-2011

Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 25 October 2007 on the 2008-09 Schools Formula Budget consultation process, together with proposed delegations in respect of the process.

The Officers responded to a number of questions/comments raised by Members and provided further information on the funding of repairs and maintenance of school buildings and on the work that was being done across all Key Stages to raise attainment in Borough Schools. Arising from the discussion, Members of the Panel made the following comments on the report:-
      · The delegation to the Director of Learning and Care to agree the schools funding formula changes should also be in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance and the Chairman of the Children's Services and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Panel.
      · The report should include the membership of the Schools Forum.
      · Resources should be targeted to raising the attainment of underachieving pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2.
      · A summary of objectives should be included at the beginning of the report.
      · The tables in the appendices should include the names of the schools and the total budget per school.
      · A glossary of acronyms used in the report should be provided.

RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval, subject to the comments outlined above being included.


The Panel received and noted the latest 2007/08 Children’s Services and Leisure monitoring report. Members noted the overspend in respect of Foster Care placements and recognised that it was not surprising due to the volatility of the service. The Officers commented upon the reasons for the reduced level of library income and advised that new options and opportunities to optimise income were being explored.


Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 25 October 2007 on Community Participation. The report provided progress on the 4th year of the SMILE (So Much Improvement with a Little Exercise) project, the 4th Summer holiday activity programme for 13-19 year olds, the GP Referral and THROB (The Heart Rehabilitation Organisation of Berkshire) schemes, the Get Active programme and the leisure centre activity programmes for under 13 year olds.

In response to a question on youth centre activity, the Officers advised that youth centre activity was not fully reported and updated details would be included in due course. During the course of the debate, the Panel endorsed the recommendations in the report and congratulated the officers on the excellent performance of the schemes. However, the Panel expressed concern at the implication for the continuation of some of the schemes if alternative funding streams were not secured when the current external funding allocations ceased, although it was noted that the results of bids to alternative sources were still to be determined.

RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval with the above comments.


Members noted the items that had been identified for submission to the next meeting and identified a number of items for inclusion in the work programme. It was as confirmed that the report on the School Consultation Funding would not be submitted to the next meeting if Cabinet agreed the proposed delegation at its meeting on 25 October.
      RESOLVED: That the following be included in the Panel’s work programme:-

      · Every Disabled Child Matters
      · An update on the Re-provision of Holyport Manor School
      · School Meals – Take up by entitled Children.
      · School Transport Plans and Home to School Transport
      · Terms of Reference for the Panel.


The meeting, which began at 7.30pm, concluded at 8.55pm.

CHAIRMAN: …………………………………………..

DATE: ……