Meeting documents

Constitution Sub Committee
Monday 16 March 2015 5.00 pm

To listen to an audio recording of the Part I section of this meeting, go to:


16 MARCH 2015

PRESENT: Councillors David Burbage, Phillip Bicknell and John Fido.

Also in attendance: Councillors Malcolm Beer and Jesse Grey.

Officers: Maria Lucas and Karen Shepherd.





    RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Sub Committee held on 20 February 2015 be approved.


The Sub Committee considered a motion proposed by Councillor Beer at the last full Council meeting held on 24 February 2015. Members had been received a copy of the speech Councillor Beer would have made at the meeting, if the item had been debated in full rather than being deferred to the Sub Committee for consideration.

The Chairman stated that he agreed with Councillor Beer that there were times when Forum meeting updates were provided verbally or presentations were made at the meeting and it was therefore difficult for people to register in advance if they did not know the content. He therefore proposed that an additional sentence be added to Part 7 F4 of the Constitution, as follows:
      ‘At Forums, and at the sole discretion of the Chairman, items may be added to the agenda and/or additional public speaking be allowed at the meeting.’

Councillor Beer commented that he felt the restriction of three people speaking on an item for a total of nine minutes was very limiting. In many forum meetings issues developed and comments were precipitated by what other attendees may say.

Councillor Bicknell commented that as the former Chairman of the Aviation Forum he often allowed discussions among the core members. The key was to ensure the Chairman was able to keep control of the meeting. He suggested the change be made and monitored; a good chairman would apply the rules well. Councillor Grey highlighted that it was important to maintain the distinction between decision making Panels and Forums. It was in the skill of the chairman to allow discussions without the meeting being hijacked.

Councillor Fido requested a couple of minor changes (in italics below) to the current text in part 7 4F of the constitution, for clarity:
      ‘Any Members of the public wishing to speak may only do so in relation to an item on the agenda of the meeting…….The council wishes to provide the opportunity for the public to speak at the meeting before the Members take their decision.’

The Democratic Services Manager highlighted that there were a number of Statutory Forums (including the Admissions Forum, the Local Access Forum and the Schools Forum) which would have their own regulations. It was therefore agreed to add the word ‘non-statutory’ to the earlier proposal by Councillor Burbage.

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Part 7 4F of the Constitution be amended:
    i) To include the statement that ‘At non-statutory Forums, and at the sole discretion of the Chairman, items may be added to the agenda and/or additional public speaking be allowed at the meeting.’
    ii) To read as follows: ‘Members of the public wishing to speak may only do so in relation to an item on the agenda of the meeting…….The council wishes to provide the opportunity for the public to speak at the meeting before the Members take their decision

The meeting, which began at 5.05pm, ended at 5.20pm.

