Meeting documents

Cycle Forum - expired May 2019
Monday 2 July 2012 7.00 pm


2 July 2012

PRESENT: Councillors James Evans (Chairman), Councillor Malcolm Beer and Councillor Derek Wilson.

Karl Benz (Guards Club Residents Association), Roy Fabry (Sustrans), David Lambourne (Thames Velo), Mark Powell (Resident) and Paul Messing (Maidenhead Cyclists Action Group).

Officers: Laura Blumenthal, Brian Martin and Gordon Oliver.


Apologies for absence were received from Margaret Bowdery, Peter England and Ben Smith.


There were no declarations of interest.


Ø RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 18 April 2012, be approved, subject to noting that the following statement in the minutes is incorrect: ‘Mrs Bowdery also stated that Maidenhead Cycle Map showed the Sustrans 50 route having an exit onto Summerleaze Road whereas this was not the case.’ The Chairman said that he, rather than the Principal Transport Officer, would look into the approaches adopted in the Borough’s twin towns. The Chairman asked who had used the social media website, Gordon Oliver said that Peter England had. Karl Benz said that he had signed up. The Chairman urged members to use it. In regards to 41/11 the Chairman urged comments to be sent to Stephen Brown and Councillor Beer asked if the title could be changed to ‘Road Maintenance Funding’ as this seemed more appropriate.

    Brian Martin, the Community Safety Manager, addressed the Panel and made the following points:(PDF:15KB)

    meetings_02_07_12_cf_crimestats.pdf Meetings 02 07 12 Cf Crimestats

    Ø He was responsible for tackling anti-social behaviour and for managing the community wardens in the borough.
    Ø The theft of bicycles over the last twelve months had been high, especially in inner Windsor. Clewer East and Park, Eton and Eton Wick saw higher than average levels of crime.
    Ø A group had been started with the police to tackle bicycle crime and it was commented upon that cycle crime probably increased in the summer as more people cycled in the good weather.
    Ø As a result of the joint initiatives with the police there was now a marked downward trend in the number of thefts. Brian Martin said that he could not divulge the tactics of the initiative yet but would when the information was made public.
    Ø Cyclists had been asked if they were familiar with the bicycle registration scheme and were informed that regular bicycle marking events had been held.
    Ø Bicycle owners were being encouraged to register online with services such as ‘Bike Register’. Cyclists did not have to pay for the most basic package. Bicycle retailers would be encouraged to register bicycles online when they were sold.
    Ø An initiative to raise awareness of cyclists’ bicycle safety had been implemented. This used paper collars with a score of how secure the cyclist’s bicycle was. Two high quality locks were recommended to properly secure a bicycle. The collars also gave the holder 10% discount on a new lock if bought from a local business. Brian Martin said that this had been done at most bicycle racks and that he noted that more signage to raise awareness was needed. Councillor Beer and Brian Martin discussed whether the initiative could be extended to Old Windsor.
    Ø Councillor Wilson remarked that outside Sainsbury’s in Maidenhead the bicycles at the back seemed to have had their wheels damaged deliberately and he asked what could be done about reducing vandalism. It was debated if there was not enough passive surveillance in the area and that CCTV or a Community Support Officer present could decrease it. Brian said that crime rates had improved and that there was frequent police access. He said that he would keep the area in mind.
    Ø Karl Benz remarked that some bicycle theft may not get reported and asked how victims could be encouraged to report crime so the statistics were more realistic. Brian Martin stated that his department really do try to raise awareness of the situation and importance to declare a theft.
    Ø Safe bicycle racks were discussed including those that gripped the wheel, Street Pods and those that were present in Belgium, although the Forum agreed that there seemed to be no perfect solution.
      ACTION: The Community Safety Manager would review the comments and concerns raised by the Forum.


    Gordon Oliver, the Principal Transport Policy Officer, gave an update on RBWM’s Capital Programme:

    Ø The Star Lane, Knowl Hill (surface improvement), was being funded from Landfill Tax contributions from Grundons.
    Ø Kidwells Park, Maidenhead (cycle route). Gordon Oliver explained that they were looking to bring cyclists from Marlow Road and guide them through the subway to avoid the Castle Hill roundabout. David Lambourne objected to cyclists having to go down the underpass. He stated that Castle Hill roundabout was difficult for all cyclists to cross as was Bray Wick roundabout but cyclists being guided to underpasses was dangerous and especially this one in particular as it would be less safe for him personally and would be difficult for older people and those with shopping on the handles. He said that if traffic lights were used on the roundabout then this would solve the problems. He said that he was appalled that the council stated that it would never introduce traffic lights. He insisted that traffic lights were the safest option. Roy Fabry said that the use of the underpass would be good for children, and the Forum should consider this. David replied that roads should be being made safer like in Holland. Councillor Beer said that both sides should be considered.
    Ø A4, Maidenhead Bridge to Town Centre (cycle route design only). Gordon Oliver said that this was being considered as part of the town centre regeneration proposals and he was liaising with Gail Kenyon, Planning Infrastructure and Transport Policy Manager, who was the project manager for this. They recognised that the bridge as a busy gateway into Maidenhead and the view from the bridge was important.
    Ø Cox Green School (new cycle parking). It was stated that there would be two new compounds for eighty cycles.
    Ø Clarence Road to central Windsor (replacement cycle parking). It was stated that Councillor Bicknell had looked at the subways that the Windsor Boys’ students used on their bicycles. Although cyclists should not be going down there he had suggested that cyclists would use it anyway and that it should be made safer. Councillor Beer asked if he could be involved.

      ACTION: The Principal Transport Policy Officer to take account of the above comments.


    Gordon Oliver gave an update:
      Ø Stated that there was £7000 to improve the highways for cyclists.
      Ø It cost approximately £50 to raise gulley grating.
      Ø David Lambourne asked if a manhole cover was sunken was it the responsibility of the council or the company (sewage/water) to fix it? It was established that the responsibility varied and that cyclists needed to be vigilant and report a problem if there was one. He said that he had taken legal advice on the matter and that courts considered a pothole deeper than one inch as too low and dangerous. He also stated that he had noted that a dangerous pothole had gone unfixed for six months. Councillor Beer agreed that the potholes were bad when they were not fixed and that he would pursue this. Karl Benz added that a highways inspector had told him that planning and maintenance must be appropriate to a location such as not having a large step by an old people’s home. He said that this emphasised the point that dangerous potholes where cyclists cycle needed to be looked at. David added that road inspectors should have adequate training
      ACTION: The Principal Transport Policy Officer to take account of the above comments.

    07/12 S106 SCHEMES UPDATE

    Gordon Oliver gave an update:
      Ø Stated that the next revised costs would hopefully be published in September.
      Ø David Lambourne raised the issue of the route from Maidenhead Bridge to the town centre. He suggested that signing should be considered to alert motorists to the danger that they could present to cyclists. Karl Benz said that he lived in sight of the bridge and that he disliked it when people said that it was a pinch point as it was the roundabouts that caused traffic jams, not the bridge.
      Ø Cllr Wilson asked that the Moorbridge Road / Forlease Road / Bridge Street junction be improved.
      ACTION: The Principal Transport Policy Officer to take account of the above comments.

    Gordon Oliver gave an update:
      Ø David Lambourne said that more money needed to be spent on adult training and that Bikeability was a scheme that offered this. Karl Benz suggested that encouragement for adults to get cycling training should be advertised on the security rating collars that Brian Martin mentioned.
      Ø David Lambourn offered to help as a Sky Ride Local rider leader.
      Ø Mark Powell suggested that the STaRS needed improving.
      Ø David Lambourne also mentioned that children were riding to school on BMX bikes that were illegal to ride on the road as they had no brakes.
      ACTION: The Principal Transport Policy Officer to take account of the above comments.

    Gordon Oliver gave an update and the points and comments made are listed below:
      Ø There is no cycling on Peascod Street, but the presence of cycle parking means that people had often ignored this rule. David Lambourne said that he did not support cycle access in pedestrianised street but in Norway pedestrians and cyclists mixed quite happily and that it was all due to culture. He went on to say that motorists and pedestrians both disliked cyclists.
      Ø It was suggested that there should be a trial access period for cyclists and that their speed should be restricted to a walking pace. Gordon said that in Newbury the high street was busy but cyclists and pedestrians seemed to get on well.

    RESOLVED: That the trial access initiative be implemented. Four members of the Forum voted for the pilot (Roy Fabry, Councillor Wilson, Paul Messing, Mark Powell), one abstained (Karl Benz) and three were against (Councillor Beer, David Lambourne and Councillor Evans).


    Gordon Oliver gave an update:
      Ø Government had made funding available to tackle cycle casualty hot spots. The only location in the Borough with a significant cyclist casualty record is the junction of Pocks Lane and Slough Road. A road safety scheme has already been implemented here and officers have been unable to identify any further measures that would help to tackle the problem. Other sites cannot be considered as there are not sufficient reported casualties.

    Action: None


    Gordon Oliver gave an update:
      Ø There was lots of public support for the campaign in London.
      Ø The campaign sought to calm traffic. There would also be a trial of new headstart traffic lights to give cyclists a headstart over other vehicles, but cyclists have raised the concern of what would happen if they arrived mid-way through the green phase.
      Ø There was a concern that the comprehensive approach proposed by the campaign may not be affordable or sustainable outside London.
      Ø David Lambourne said that comparing London to Holland would be difficult as civil law abroad was different and in Holland if a car hit a cyclist then they automatically presumed to be at fault unless they could prove otherwise. In Holland people made seven times more cycle journeys but they had a quarter of the amount of injuries that had occurred in Great Britain.
      ACTION: The Principal Transport Policy Officer to take account of the above comments.

      Ø Karl Benz had been investigating funding and had identified that on the A4 was wide enough for a cycle lane in each direction between Maidenhead Bridge and the town centre. He said that he had heard frequently heard angry car horns but there were few casualties involving cyclists
      Ø Gordon Oliver said that he would be updating the cyclist map and that the deadline for requests for amendments was the end of the week.
      Ø Karl also stated that Community Wardens had information leaflets on bicycle safety and the Forum agreed that this should be circulated around schools and the wider community. (PDF:262KB)

      120702_cycle_safe.pdf 120702 Cycle Safe

    Action: Gordon Oliver should encourage Community Wardens to distribute their bike safety leaflet.

    13/12 MEETING

    The meeting, which began at 7.02pm, ended at 9.15pm.
