Meeting documents

Cycle Forum - expired May 2019
Wednesday 24 April 2013 7.00 pm


24 April 2013

PRESENT: Councillors James Evans (Chairman), Malcolm Beer and Derek Wilson.

Karl Benz (Guards Club Residents Association), Peter England (CTC), Roy Fabry (Sustrans), David Lambourne (Thames Velo), David Layzell (Maidenhead Cyclists Action Group) and Mark Powell (Resident)

ALSO PRESENT: Councillor Peter Comber

Officers: Gordon Oliver, Patrick Romaya and Simon Wright


Apologies for Absence were received from Josie Heffernan (British Cycling) and Susy Shearer (Windsor & Eton Society)


There were no declarations of interest.

    RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 11 February 2013 be approved.

The Forum considered an update on the 2013/14 capital programme. The Principal Transport Policy Officer introduced the item and outlined the outcome of the budget process, alternative funding methods and the recommendations contained in the report.

Councillor Wilson referred to the scheme at Norreys Drive, Maidenhead and clarified the route of the path and suggested that £40k seemed expensive for the scheme. The Principal Transport Policy Officer advised that works were quite significant as a new stretch of segregated pathway was being constructed utilising the existing verge. Councillor Wilson highlighted that there was a problem with HGV’s parking on the verge and this needed to be resolved.

(Councillor Beer joined the meeting at this juncture)

David Lambourne asked about the width of the proposed route and in response it was advised that the scheme was yet to be designed. David Lambourne advised that he did not generally use shared paths but they were useful when traffic was heavy on the main carriageway.

Councillor Comber outlined work being undertaken in the south of the borough with regards to neighbourhood planning. It was reported that a lack of safe cycle routes had been identified in the area particularly in regard to access to Charters School which was the largest in the borough. Potential routes were being identified and the potential benefits for health and traffic reduction were highlighted. The Forum was advised that the Chairman of the Forum and The Principal Transport Policy Officer had been involved in the discussions. It was reported that Section 106 from development in the area could be used to finance proposals.

Councillor Comber expressed concern regarding funding as shown in paragraph 2.2 of the report. The chairman said that the report was alluding to the fact that no cycling projects would be receiving money out of RBWM's main capital pot for 2013-14, as the prioritisation model adopted for deciding how to allocate RBWM's main capital budget had placed all of the proposed cycling schemes 'below the line'. Other funding was available to support cycling projects, in the form of S106 developer contributions, and also arising from the successful LSTF bid led by the Principal Transport Officer. In deciding how to allocate the central capital resources, the existence of the LSTF funding may have influenced views as to the priority which needed to be given to allocating central capital budgets to cycling schemes. Councillor Beer expressed support for the neighbourhood planning process outlined by Councillor Comber particularly as safe routes to schools was a priority.

In respect of funding it was highlighted that cycling was always a high priority when borough wide consultations had been undertaken and it was a shame this was not reflected in the budget. The Chairman acknowledged the concern and indicated that funding had been allocated from other funding streams as a result of public consultation. Councillor Wilson suggested that if a good business case could be made for specific schemes then funding could be secured from capital budgets.

Roy Fabry suggested that sometimes trying to place cycle routes alongside a road meant it was too narrow to be practical and asked whether alternative options could be implemented. The Principal Transport Policy Officer suggested that other initiatives such as closing carriageways to through traffic could be considered. David Lambourne suggested that as a vanguard authority the borough could take a more innovative approach and the Forum could lead on this. It was indicated that opportunities for wider pathways should be pursued wherever possible.

The Chairman highlighted that a number of issues had been raised about alternative approaches to cycle provision during discussion and it would be beneficial to bring forward a paper to the next meeting so that it could be debated fully. This was agreed by the Forum.

Councillor Wilson referred to an issue regarding signage on the cycle path at Braywick Road and it was agreed this would be looked at. David Lambourne highlighted the problem of motorists having to cross cycleways and suggested the provision of mirrors in accesses could help. Councillor Beer advised that this had been successful in some areas but generally the regulations did not support their use. The Principal Transport Policy Officer clarified that they were generally not implemented on public highway but if they were on private land there was no problem.

After further discussion it was:
    i) That the revised set of cycling schemes to be funded and delivered in 2013/14 be noted and agreed; and

    ii) That a report on alternative approaches to cycle provision be considered at the next meeting of the Forum.


The Forum received a report regarding cycling related social enterprises whose experience could help to inform similar projects in the Royal Borough.
The Chairman expressed his support for exploring opportunities for developing a scheme in the borough and sought members’ views on how to progress the matter.

Councillor Beer suggested a visit to the scheme at Guildford would be preferable as this was likely to be more comparable to the situation in the borough. The Chairman highlighted the work undertaken by Bikeworks in London and that it would be useful to obtain information on their activities. The Principal Transport Policy Officer agreed to look at the operating hours of Guildford Bike Project with a view to finding a suitable time to visit.

It was agreed that the Chairman in consultation with officers should look at options for a visit and advise forum members accordingly.

    i) In order to explore the concept further, that members of the Cycle Forum and other interested parties visit the existing facility at the Guildford Bike Project to see first hand what they do and learn what is involved in setting up and running such a project; and

    ii) If, following the visit, members of the Cycle Forum then feel that they wish to pursue the concept further, it is recommended that the Council’s External Funding Team be engaged to advise on suitable organisational structures and funding sources, which could be the basis of a future report to the Cycle Forum.


The Forum received the report of the Chairman in respect of work that had been undertaken, through the Libraries and Leisure O&S Panel, on promoting sport and physical activity in the borough. The Chairman introduced the report, explained the background and recommendations arising from the task and finish group that had been established. The input of the forum to a letter being sent to the relevant Cabinet members was sought. The Principal Transport Policy Officer detailed his comments that were included in the report.

David Lambourne highlighted Recommendation 2 in the cycling section and expressed support for a cycling circuit in the area. David Lambourne advised that he was involved with a circuit at Hillingdon and such a facility would assist in training for a wide range of users including those with disabilities. It was emphasised that it could be financially viable and was potentially a multi purpose facility. The Chairman asked about the requirements for a circuit. David Lambourne reported that the Hillingdon circuit was just under a mile and whilst smaller ones were in operation they were not as flexible. Karl Benz expressed support and suggested it would provide a controlled environment and the possibility of constructing a facility should be considered.

David Lambourne explained that a significant amount of work had been undertaken on this issue a number of years ago but the matter had not progressed. There did however appear to be a more positive approach from the council recently. David Lambourne outlined potential sites that had been identified and Berkshire College of Agriculture had been keen but there was a lack of funding. Councillor Wilson reported that he had visited the facility at Hillingdon and advised that Braywick had originally been considered as it was fairly central to the borough. The chairman enquired as to whether a cycle circuit might be a possible redevelopment of the Braywick Park athletics track, noting that the current track is significantly shorter than the 400 metre standard length. Members advised that the site was too small for a cycle circuit and stressed that a cycle circuit is very different to a velodrome.

The Forum expressed support for the principle of a circuit in the borough and the potential benefits in respect of hard to reach groups and the income it could generate. It was agreed that these views be forwarded to the Cabinet Members responsible for Highways and Sports & Leisure.

The Chairman thanked forum members for their support and suggested that evidence regarding the impact of the facility at Hillingdon would be beneficial. David Lambourne agreed to forward relevant links to the information.

Karl Benz asked about access to Public Health funding as a way of financing initiatives. The Chairman clarified that public health priorities were driven by statistics and funding was not generally available to areas, such as the borough, that had good indicators in respect of health. The Chairman agreed that he would liaise with Councillor Coppinger, the relevant Cabinet Member, regarding public health issues. Any links to cycling initiatives would be dependent on priorities identified by the Health and Wellbeing Board so for instance if tackling heart disease were identified as a strategic priority, then cycling initiatives might be promoted and supported because of their preventative benefit in offering good, easily accessible, cardio-vascular exercise.

Councillor Beer returned to the issue of a cycling circuit and suggested that British Cycling had significant funding available as it was the second largest recipient of lottery money. David Lambourne clarified that British cycling had to provide a forward plan of projects to be financed. Councillor Beer suggested that funding opportunities should be examined further and an open invitation be sent to councillors to visit the Hillingdon facility.

The forum noted that Braywick had indicated a desire to expand the range of sports available at the facility. The Principal Transport Policy Officer advised that match funding, likely to be in the region of £300k, would be required from the borough for a circuit. The Chairman agreed to report the details of the letter submitted to Cabinet members at the next meeting.

    1) That the Forum supports the principle of the provision of a cycling circuit in the borough and this be reflected in the letter to be sent to the relevant Cabinet members; and

    2) The possibility of inviting Council members to visit the facility at Hillingdon be investigated.


Hatch Lane, Windsor

The Chairman reported receipt of an email from Susy Shearer regarding a couple of issues at Hatch Lane, Windsor.

Firstly there was concern regarding the traffic and parking in the vicinity of the Three Elms Tesco store. It was proposed that a left turn only priority for vehicles leaving the store would help the situation.

Councillor Comber highlighted similar issues with a store that had been opened in Sunninghill and was opposite a primary school. Councillor Wilson outlined the relevant planning legislation and that planning permission was not required for change of use of pubs to convenience stores. It was acknowledged as an ongoing issue in the borough and Councillor Wilson highlighted similar concerns in respect of The Golden Harp pub in Maidenhead.

There was a consensus that the suggestion submitted by Susy Shearer should be supported as the current situation constituted a risk to cyclists in the area. It was agreed that the matter be raised with the Traffic Management Team.

Resolved: That the suggestion be supported and raised with relevant officers.

The second issue related to the other end of Hatch Lane and in particular traffic issues in that area and reference was made to a parking and traffic assessment being undertaken by Councillor Mrs Quick.

The Forum whilst acknowledging the concerns raised and supporting the principle of the assessment being undertaken considered that it was not within the remit of the Cycle Forum to pursue the matter further.

Cycle Path between North Town Moor and Strand Lane

David Layzell referred to access problems on the cycle route, Sustrans Route 50, which was also used by walkers. A copy of a number of photographs together with concerns from the East Berkshire Ramblers was circulated.

David Layzell advised that whilst the surface of the route was excellent there were problems with some of the access gates which not only impacted on cyclists but also walkers, people with pushchairs and those users with mobility problems. It was requested that the issue be raised with the landowner to see if the situation could be improved.

Roy Fabry raised concern that this had been raised with the landowner before and a solution had not been achieved. The Principal Transport Policy Officer outlined previous discussions in respect of the route and reminded the Forum that the landowner could withdraw access rights.

After further discussion it was agreed that the Chairman would talk to Councillor Hill, the relevant Cabinet Member, and Margaret Bowdery from the Ramblers Association to see how the matter could be progressed.

RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the Forum pursues the issues raised in consultation with Councillor Hill and Margaret Bowdery.

Bike Crime

Councillor Wilson highlighted recent media reports on a poster campaign that had helped reduce the number of bikes stolen where it had been implemented. There was discussion regarding bike security including registration on websites. The Principal Transport Policy Officer advised that the borough worked closely with Thames Valley Police (TVP) and there had been a 48% reduction in reported incidents.

The Chairman suggested, and it was agreed, that a report of bike security be presented at a future meeting with a representative of TVP being invited to attend.

RESOLVED: That a report on bike security be considered at a future meeting.

Online Petition

Peter England drew attention to the online petition that supported a recent campaign in the Times newspaper to increase investment and implement a number of initiatives in relation to cycling. The Principal Transport Policy Officer advised that the petition may have already closed but it appeared that names could still be added so a link to the petition could be circulated to Forum members.

Get Britain Cycling

The Principal Transport Policy Officer reported that a document entitled ‘Get Britain Cycling’ which had been produced by the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group had been published and would be available on the Cycle Forum website. Links to the summary and full reports would also be sent.

Ride Leader Course

The Chairman reminded members that details of a Ride Leader Course that was to be held in Bracknell on Saturday 27 April had been circulated.


It was noted that meetings of the forum were scheduled as follows:-

Monday 1 July 2013 – Guildhall Chamber, Windsor
Wednesday 2 October 2013 – Council Chamber, Town Hall, Maidenhead
Thursday 9 January 2014 – Guildhall Chamber, Windsor
Thursday 3 April 2014 – Council Chamber, Town Hall, Maidenhead


The meeting, which began at 7.00pm, ended at 8.50pm.

