Meeting documents

Grants Panel
Tuesday 25 November 2014 10.00 am

GRANTS PANEL – 25.11.14


Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Document Title: Minutes of the Grants Panel – 25 November 2014
Author: Wendy Binmore
Creation Date: November 2014
    25 November 2014

    PRESENT: Mrs Christine Bateson (Acting-Chairman), Clive Bullock, Charles Hollingsworth and Lynne Jones.
      Officers: Wendy Binmore, Nick Davies, Kevin Mist, David Scott and Mark Taylor
          PART I


      Apologies were received from Cllr George Bathurst
                RESOLVED: That the Part I minutes of the meetings of the Grant Panel held on 18 August 2014 be approved.

                The Community and Business Partnerships Manager introduced the paper and stated that the policy Paper had been requested at the last Quarterly Grants Panel and it involved increasing public volunteering involvement. There was an Officers Group meeting and officers felt that all grant funding applications had to meet the Council’s corporate objectives and that applicants should not rely on the Borough as their sole source of funding.

                There would be different levels of grants and to qualify, organisations would need to prove they met the Council’s objectives. An example of that would be a grant of £1,000 or less would need to meet at least one objective and that anything up to £1,000 would be for start-up costs; and anything up to £20,000 of grant funding should meet more objectives and specific council directorate objectives which were to be produced for each directorate and made available on the grants page of the council’s website. An example of the objectives produced by the Adult Services Directorate was circulated to the Panel. Any grant applications over £20,000 would need to be moved to a commissioning based approach instead of grant funding.

                The Community and Business Partnerships Manager stated that some SLA’s went back to Panel each year and others were just endorsed or did not come to the Grants Panel; larger grants tended to be spread over three years and under the new proposals, the SLA grant funding forms would be made simpler. The Chairman commented the current forms had no simplicity and it should be easy to apply for anything up to £1,000; the Community and Business Partnership Manager confirmed he was trying to make the application forms less complicated so that applicants knew what they were obliged to produce in terms of documentation and bank details.

                RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That: the Community and Business Partnerships Manager to progress with the implementation of the Grants Criteria for the next annual grants round in 2016/17.


                Mark Taylor, Head of Libraries, Arts and Heritage Services requested that the Panel agree to transfer the funding, which was awarded to Glow Enterprise in the year 2014/15 over to the Friends of the Windsor & Royal Borough Museum so that they could hold the money to help pay for the Thames Valley History Festival. The Festival took place as per the original grant application but, Glow Enterprise who was awarded the grant had not been involved in the organisation of the Festival and the Friends of the Windsor & Royal Borough Museum had taken on that role instead. As Glow Enterprise had not been paid the grant funding, the Head of Libraries, Arts and Heritage Services requested the award be transferred over to the Friends of the Windsor & Royal Borough Museum.

                RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That: the Grants Panel agreed to transfer funds over to the Friends of Windsor & The Royal Borough from Glow Enterprise for the organisation of the Thames Valley History Festival.

                  The Panel considered the award of Council grants to local organisations for the relevant quarter and agreed that they be recorded in Part I.
                      RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That:

                      i) the grants as detailed below be approved.
                      Revenue Grants
                        BUDGET: £1,930
                            Assisted Berkshire Children to Read (ABC to Read)165
                            Bridge Trust Re:Charge R&R165
                            Family Friends165
                            Maidenhead & District Stroke Club165
                            No Handbags165
                            Punjabi Milap Group165
                          GRANTS PANEL – 25.05.13
                          Capital Grants
                            BUDGET: £3,900
                                Bridge Trusts Re:Charge R&RTo help towards paying for a laptop for their administrator in their new office.500
                                ii) That with regret, the following applications were refused:
                                Beehive Pre-School
                                First Chance Racing


                            The meeting which began at 10.00am, ended at 10.50am

