Meeting documents

Leisure, Culture and Libraries Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Thursday 5 February 2015 6.30 pm




PRESENT: Councillors Clive Bullock (Vice-Chairman), Andrew Jenner, John Lenton (substitute), and Marion Mills.

Officers: Alan Abrahamson (Finance Partner – Adult Services), Rob Cowan (Clerk), Gillian Richards (Meetings and Events Executive), Kevin Mist (Head of Leisure Services), Christabel Shawcross (Deputy Managing Director and Strategic Director for Adult and Community Services), Mark Taylor (Head of Libraries, Arts and Heritage) and Julia White (Visitor Manager).

Also Present: Councillor Eileen Quick (Lead Member for Leisure and Libraries).

The Vice-Chairman, Councillor Clive Bullock welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised that the meeting would be recorded by the Clerk.

Recordings of the Part I sections of the meeting were available at the following link:

Apologies were received from Councillors Claire Stretton, Jesse Grey and John Penfold. Councillor John Lenton kindly agreed to substitute.

There were no declarations of interest.
      RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Part I minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 23 October 2014 and 29 October 2014 be confirmed

Julia White, Visitor Manager, noted that following the ‘British Design and Craft’ item which was discussed at the meeting on 23 October 2014, she was in the process of selecting a venue and would report back to Members with further details at a future meeting.

Members received a presentation from Gillian Richards, Meetings and Events Executive, regarding the Guildhall.

Ms Richards introduced herself as the new Meeting and Events Executive for the Guildhall. She noted that the creation of her role was part of the Council’s attempt to increase the commercial revenue generated by the Guildhall.

Members noted that Ms Richards was promoting the venue for civil ceremonies as these were a great source of income with prices ranging from £375 to £800 for a one hour booking. The Guildhall would be taking part in The Windsor Wedding Fayre in February, a joint venture with the Mercure and MacDonald Hotels.

It was noted that marketing materials such as brochures, posters and stationary were being created. The relevant pages of the website were also being updated and a twitter account had been created. An improved process for enquiries had been put in place with a dedicated email address.

Ms Richards informed the Panel that she was maximising the cross selling of the Guildhall for meetings, gala dinners and wedding ceremonies. The Mercure hotel included the Guildhall in their regular FAM trips with conference and event agents from around the country.

Ms Richards also noted that she was creating a preferred suppliers list which would aim to promote local suppliers and produce, for example Darville and Sons Tea, Windsor and Eton Brewery and Windsor Farm Shop. New equipment had been purchased including a ground coffee percolator.

The Panel noted that customers’ first impressions of the Guildhall were important. As a result a clean up of the Guildhall was underway and facilities staff had been enrolled on a WorldHost Principles of Customer Service course.

Ms Richards noted that, in the future, she aimed to develop the Guildhall’s reputation as a dinner and reception venue, to increase the number of civil ceremonies, promote the Guildhall to local businesses as a venue for meetings, investigate opportunities for using the Corn Exchange and build a calendar of regular events.

Councillor Andrew Jenner expressed concern at the low number of wedding bookings and suggested the Guildhall host a wedding fair with the local hotels to increase interest. Councillor John Lenton noted the Mayor’s Parlour could be used for meetings when not used by the Mayor.

In accordance with paragraph C2.2 of the Councils Constitution the Vice-Chairman of the Panel agreed to vary the order of business of the agenda. He brought this item into the Part I section of the meeting.

Members received a verbal update from Mark Taylor, Head of Libraries, Arts and Heritage, regarding the Magna Carta river pageants. Mr Taylor noted that
There were a number of plans which were being brought to fruition. The pageant celebrated the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta being sealed somewhere near Runnymead.

Events taking place across the Borough as part of the celebrations included a primary school dance festival with the theme of liberty, a celebratory dinner and an exhibition in Maidenhead library. A river relay along the Thames was also planned for June 2015, from Hurley to Runnymead, which would involve 200 boats over 2 days. This was expected to be a vibrant and colourful event. The relay would be similar to the Olympic touch and there was an opportunity to nominate individuals as bearers of the Magna Carta which would be a museum quality replica.

Councillor Eileen Quick also noted that lecture events would be taking place, one of which would be at the Guildhall. There would also be a re-enactment of the battle involving the barons, an archery competition and jousting. It was noted that the Council had written to businesses located on the waterfront in the hopes of involving them in the festivities.

A microsite had been created to provide information about the organised activities, available at: A 2 page spread in the upcoming edition of the Around the Royal Borough also informed residents about what had been organised.

The Panel were addressed by Mr Alan Mellins who expressed concerns regarding the organisation of the river pageants. He noted the celebrations could easily be self-funding, even generating a surplus which could be invested in leisure activities in the Borough. He believed that there had not been enough information in the press and therefore residents were not aware of what was happening. He described the event as a once in a lifetime opportunity as well as an opportunity for drawing the community together.

It was noted that a triathlon was scheduled to take place in Windsor in June 2015. Officers were in discussion with organisers to ensure the events did not clash and that participants were aware of the flotilla.

Members received a report from Alan Abrahamson, Finance Partner – Adult Services, entitled the Budget and Council Tax Report. The report contained proposals for the budget for 2015/16 and recommended a band D Council Tax of £906.95 which was a further reduction of 2.1% from 2014-15. That represented a reduction of 13.1% in nominal terms over six years and a reduction of 30.0% in real terms (against RPI).

Mr Abrahamson highlighted key developments within the Adult and Community Services Directorate budget such as funding provision to make permanent the Sunday opening of the main libraries. He also noted that the directorate planned to deliver efficiency savings of £2.3 million in its delivery of services and through the use of additional grant income, from initiatives such as the further increase of £528,000 income from the leisure centre concession contract.

Members noted the Capital Bids report for 2015/16 however wished for more time to consider the order of the bids before making recommendations to Cabinet.

Members noted the Revenue Budget 2015/16, specifically that of Heritage and Arts. It was noted that the actual of 2013/14 was £329,000 and the budget for 2014/15 was £301,000 and for 2015/16 was £309,000. Mr Taylor noted that the higher actual resulted from income from the museum.
      RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: The Panel endorsed the recommendations of the report generally however they wished to consider the prioritisation of capital bids in greater detail and submit any changes, should there be any, by 10 February 2015.

Members received a verbal update from Kevin Mist, Head of Leisure Services, regarding Parkwood’s operation of the leisure centres.

Mr Mist informed the Panel that all leisure centre staff had been tupe transferred to Parkwood, new equipment had been installed at Parkwood’s expense and work had commenced on the new café at the Magnet Leisure Centre.

The Panel also noted that there had been teething issue with the IT system as the information of 4000 members were switched to the new system. Users were also able to book into the spinning class online.

Mr Mist highlighted that Parkwood had removed a number of ‘special offers’ which had been in place for a long time when the leisure centres had been operated by the Local Authority. He noted that this had effected approximately 5% of users. It was noted that Parkwood were introducing their own ‘special offers’, such as 2 weeks free membership.

Councillor Jenner noted that the core prices would remain the same and there would be other special offers. He also noted that the new equipment was taking the leisure centres in the right direction.

Councillor Quick noted that it was unfortunate that the special offers had been removed however she highlighted the extra money generated through rent from Parkwood would help the Royal Borough.
      RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: Parkwood representatives be invited to attend a meeting of the Leisure Culture and Libraries Overview and Scrutiny Panel in approximately 6 months time to feedback to the Panel what they had done so far.

Members received a report from Alan Abrahamson, Finance Partner – Adult Services, Kevin Mist, Head of Leisure Services and Mark Taylor, Head of Libraries, Arts and Heritage, entitled the Integrated Performance Management Report.

The Panel noted the following:
    The total number of attendances at Leisure Centres was above target although it dipped below target in February and March.
    Ground Maintenance Contract had fallen just below target between April and August however it was noted that success was weather dependent and the service had been affected by changes in staff.
    Library and Museum income showed an annual peak in April when the service received s.106 money.
      RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: The Panel noted the report.

As the Chairman of the Panel, Councillor Claire Stretton, had given her apologies and was unable to speak on this item, the Vice-Chairman rescheduled the matter for the next meeting of the Panel.
      RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: The item ‘Task and Finish Group: The Eastern Gateway’ be rescheduled for the next meeting of the Panel.
      RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: The following items be added to the agenda for the next meeting (19 March 2015):
        Finance Update
        Magna Carta Update
        Task and Finish Group: The Eastern Gateway

      The following items be added to the list of ‘items suggested but not yet programmed’:
        Visitor Management
        Craft in Focus Event at Windsor or Eton
        Desborough Suite Rejuvenation
        Parkwood Leisure Centre Operations Update
        Guildhall Update

The Panel noted the following dates of future meetings:
        19 March 2015

      RESOLVED: That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting whilst discussion takes place on items 14-17 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of part I of Schedule 12A of the Act.