Meeting documents

Local Access Forum
Tuesday 30 June 2009



30 June 2009


NameInterest area
Guy BadmanCycling, SUSTRANS
Malcolm BeerWalking
Margaret BowderyWalking
Bill CathcartLand Management
Margaret CubleyWalking, Open Spaces
Ann DarracottMaidenhead Civic Society
Loren EldredWoodland Trust
Hilary EssenWalking
John FoulgerWalking
Christine GaddWalking, Cycling
Harry HancockWalking, Open Spaces
Gordon HarrisFootpaths, Open Spaces
Cllr. Asghar MajeedRBWM Councillor
Andrew FletcherLocal Access Forum Secretary
Hollie AndrewsRBWM Public Rights of Way Assistant
Karen WilliamsClerk to the Forum


Councillor Stretton
June Brayne
Curly Carver
Dorothy Allard
Geoff Hill (Vice Chairman)

30 June 2009

1Welcome, Apologies and Introductions, Declarations of Interest, Minutes
Peter Thorn welcomed everyone to the nineteenth meeting of the Local Access Forum.

Apologies for Absence were received from Councillor Stretton, Dorothy Allard, June Brayne, Curly Carver, and Geoff Hill (Vice Chairman)

There were no Declarations of Interest.

The Forum approved the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 January 2009.

Margaret Bowdery reported that she had received no input to her comments regarding the number of outstanding path claims, some of which were on Council-owned land. Reassurances that such paths were safe had been undermined when one had been dug up in March 2009. Andrew Fletcher agreed to discuss the issue with Margaret Bowdery outside of the meeting.

In relation to the item ‘Path Improvement Plan’ Margaret Bowdery suggested that it would have been useful if the date of the Council resolution (28/9/09) had been included in the minutes as this would have provided some context. Members had been unaware that the presentation had been made after the decision to go ahead with a creation order had been made.

Actions Arising: Andrew Fletcher introduced the item and read through the actions taken from the last meeting.

[5.1]. Margaret Bowdery expressed concern that officers were not currently able to process outstanding paths. Andrew Fletcher reported that Parish Councils had been advised that if they owned the land in question, they could dedicate a path themselves.

[6.2] Margaret Bowdery commented that she did not understand why £25,000 from the capital budget had been allocated to Network Rail.

[8.1] Margaret Cubley highlighted to the Forum that a number of paths along the River Thames, for example in Cookham, were at real risk. Such paths had been used since the end of horse-powered barges, but may never have been properly registered. Andrew Fletcher advised that, by statute, paths used for over 20 years became rights of way.

It was AGREED that the Chairman should write again to the Parish Councils to ask if they wished to claim any paths not already on the definitive map. The letter should request that the Clerk refer the matter to the Chairman of the Parish council for attention.

[9.1] Margaret Bowdery stated that she had not been satisfied with the letter sent to the Chief Executive, which she felt had been worded as though the issue was moving forward, but that this was not the case. The reply had been inadequate and misleading to Forum Members. She reported that she would be attending a meeting on the issue later in the month.
Andrew Fletcher

Peter Thorn
2LAF Fast Response Team Terms of Reference
Members considered the draft terms of reference for the LAF Fast Response Team. The FRT was designed as a balanced group to deal with consultation and other issues that arose between LAF meetings.

Margaret Bowdery commented that she felt there was a lack of consultation with the LAF, for example in relation to the Waterways plan, the Steiffel Laboratories planning application and the Kinghorn planning application.

In relation to Northtown Moor, Andrew Fletcher reported that he had met with the leisure department who ran the consultation and agreed that all future public consultations would include the LAF. The issues raised by Margaret Bowdery in relation to planning applications were part of an ongoing debate, as the planning department chose who were the appropriate consultees. He agreed to pass on the LAF’s concerns to the planning department. Peter Thorn suggested that if officers were notified of any applications with footpath issues, they could be directed to the FRT.

The Terms of Reference for the FRT were AGREED.

Andrew Fletcher
3Millennium Walk Progress and Constraints
Members received an update on the progress and constraints regarding the establishment of the Maidenhead Civic Society’s Millennium Walk project.

In relation to the section between Widbrook Common and Hurley, Margaret Bowdery stated that she was exceptionally disappointed when she had read that a decision had been taken to abandon the recommendation of the LAF on the grounds of safety concerns. She reiterated the request for a site visit.

Peter Thorn explained that there were three key issues hindering progress:
    Crossing the railway line
    Crossing private land at Widbrook
    Crossing the Henley road

Andrew Fletcher reported that discussions were currently underway with the Maidenhead Civic Society and East Berks Ramblers in relation to alternative routes if these issues proved insurmountable.

Ann Darracott stated that there was a clear difference of opinion between the amenity societies and the Highways department regarding the location of electricity cables and speed on the Henley Road.

Harry Hancock suggested that a crossing be installed similar to one already in place on the A24 south Downs crossing. He suggested that a raised island would improve visibility and a mirror would increase the length of vision. Guy Badman suggested that an island would also help to slow cars as it would narrow the road. Margaret Cubley stated that the golf club had indicated they would welcome an island to slow traffic.

It was AGREED that a site visit would be arranged. Andrew Fletcher and Peter Thorn would undertake a risk assessment in preparation.

Andrew Fletcher / Peter Thorn
4Annual Report 08/09
Members received information about the preparation of the Annual Report for the activities of the LAF over the past year. Andrew Fletcher reported that an extra £185 had to be added to the budget to cover the subscription to the Byways and Bridleways journal.

It was noted that Mike Bruton was no longer a Councillor and that this should be reflected in the membership list. Andrew Fletcher agreed to amend the wording in relation to the Rights of Way Improvement Plan to read ‘It also discussed proposed realignments of the Thames Path at Bridge Gardens in Maidenhead……’. He would also remove the section about Permitted Path Packs as this had been discussed the previous year.

Andrew Fletcher
5Work Programme for the coming year
Members suggested the following items should be included in the work programme for the coming year:
    Two full meetings of the LAF
    Health walks to include: circular walks/community walks/cycle routes for families
    Millennium Path
    A joint project with Bracknell Forest in relation to new and existing cross-boundary routes.

6Stile Removal Priorities
Members received information about the number of recorded stiles in the Borough and considered which would be a priority for removal or replacement with more suitable furniture.

Margaret Bowdery commented that the Ramblers Association (RA) had undertaken a detailed stile survey every six months since 1999. Prior to 1980 the RA had been involed in the upkeep of stiles but the policy had then been amended as it was realised that stiles were obstructions to some groups. The RA had started a campaign in 2005 for stile removal and was willing to contribute money for this purpose, based on the most used paths and worn stiles. She urged the Royal Borough to adopt the policy of other local authorities that if a stile was found to be in disrepair, the landowner was required to maintain to the local authority’s specification.

Andrew Fletcher reported that the obstructed stile in Bisham had now been cleared by the landowner, following the adoption of a more stringent policy by the Borough.

Margaret Bowdery was asked to provide Andrew Fletcher with a list of stiles in order of priority for removal.

Margaret Bowdery
7National Trails – Quality Standards, Management Policy, Aims and Objectives, S,106 Funding
Margaret Bowdery stated that National Trails were the flagship of the Public Rights of Way Network and the needs of users should be considered foremost. She expressed concern that without proper funding for maintenance, they could be lost. The Thames Path attracted tourism spending which had as yet not been properly valued. She believed that the LAF deserved an explanation as to why its two requests for Path creation Orders had been refused. She believed that no Councillors had been made aware of the quality standards for National Trails and urged the Forum to recommend this should be done. She also asked why the LAFs’s two main projects had not been included in the Stieffel Laboratories planning application. Ann Darracott had negotiated to get money allocated to the Millennium Link.

Councillor Majeed supported the suggestion that Councillors on the Rights of Way and Highway Licensing Panel should be provided with information on quality standards for National Trails.

Peter Thorn suggested that the letter should be resent and that it be passed to the Rights of Way and Highway Licensing Panel by way of a report. The issue should also be added to the work programme for the coming year.

Andrew Fletcher
8Disabled Access – Priority Routes
Margaret Bowdery suggested that there should be full liaison before paths were upgraded because of the limited funds availabl, to ensure that only appropriate routes were given full access.

It was AGREED that Margaret Bowdery should discuss the priority paths for full access with Mike Bruton, and report back to Andrew Fletcher.
Margaret Bowdery
9Path Maps on the Borough Website
Andrew Fletcher referred to path maps previously available on the Borough website which were pdf documents of a parish. These maps were degraded in light of Ordnance Survey copyright laws and restrictions on file size. The Borough’s new Maps Online services offered new opportunities, but would not allow for the traditional A4 parish maps. With GIS support, the definitive map at a scale of 1:10,000 would be available on the web in the same quality as on paper.

The Forum received examples of maps available on other local authority websites.

It was suggested that any map on the Royal Borough website should include:
    Stiles, gates etc.
    The ability for footpath wardens to annotate to warn of a recent obstruction etc.
    Different colours for disabled routes, bridleways, cycle routes.
    Links to other websites to enable you to plan your route, for example parking and transport and weather forecasts.

Members were reassured that the paper copy of the definitive map would remain available.

It was AGREED that Parish Councils and the relevant amenity associations should be asked to provide feedback to Andrew Fletcher by the end of July 2009. All Members should also look at other local authority websites and provide feedback to Andrew Fletcher.
10Membership Update
Andrew Fletcher reported that there had been no membership changes since the last meeting of the Forum.

It was noted that Hollie Andrews had joined the team as the Public Rights of Way Assistant. She was currently conducting a relationship survey.

It was noted that Members who had not sent in their renewal would be contacted. Eton College, the Forestry Commission and the Royal East Berks Agricultural Association had been invited to send a representative to join the Forum, as the Council had a duty to balance the LAF between landowners and users. Members of the Rural Forum would also be invited. Any further membership suggestions should be sent to Andrew Fletcher.

It was noted that recent consultation on coastal change would be considered by the FRT.
11Any Other Business
The Forum received no items under this heading.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Local Access Forum was provisionally scheduled for Tuesday 1 December 2009.