Meeting documents

Local Access Forum
Tuesday 30 November 2010



30 November 2010


NameInterest area
Harry HancockVice Chairman, Walking, Open Spaces
Paul BiddleLand Management, National Trust
Margaret BowderyWalking, East Berks Ramblers’
James CopasLand Management, Copas Farms
Margaret CubleyWalking, Access Issues, CPRE & Bisham Parish Council
Hilary EssenWalking, Health Issues, East Berks Ramblers’
John FoulgerWalking
Gordon HarrisFootpaths, Open Spaces, Cookham Parish Council
Julie MasonStrategy, Planning & Marketing
Christopher WestacottLand Management
Andrew FletcherLocal Access Forum Secretary
Tanya LeftwichClerk to the Forum

Ray SharpMid & West Berkshire LAF
Ann DarracottCivic Society
Graham BrunsdenMaidenhead Rotary Club


Councillor Beer
Councillor Stretton
Dorothy Allard
Bill Cathcart
Loren Eldred
Christine Gadd
Helen Howard
Andrew Randall
Peter Thorn
30 November 2010

1Welcome, Apologies and Introductions, Declarations of Interest
Harry Hancock welcomed everyone to the twenty-third meeting of the Local Access Forum.

Apologies for Absence were received from Councillor Beer, Councillor
Stretton, Dorothy Allard, Bill Cathcart, Loren Eldred, Christine Gadd,
Helen Howard, Andrew Randall and Peter Thorn.

There were no Declarations of Interest.

The Forum approved the minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 June 2010 subject to the following changes:
    v Page 4 – Item 5: Hilary Hancock be changed to read ‘Hilary Essen’.
    v Page 5 – Item 7: ‘The Forum noted that photos of the exit to Westmead, the exit to Bass Mead and the swing gate near the Hippo Sculpture showed a long standing issue where the landowner had modified the gates to stop repeated alleged motorbike trespassing.’
2Membership Update
Andrew Fletcher welcomed two new members to the Forum, Julie Mason (Strategy, Planning & Marketing interest) and Paul Biddle (Land Management, National Trust). Paul Biddle explained that whilst his interest in the forum remained strong his free time was very limited and he therefore intended to handover responsibility for attendance to his assistant Ranger once the post had been filled in January 2011.

Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that two members had resigned, Guy Badman and June Brayne. It was noted that Guy Badman had taken up new employment and could no longer attend meetings. Members noted that there were currently 21 and 1 members of the Local Access Forum. Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that Guy Badman would be sent a thank you letter for all his hard work to show that it had not gone unnoticed.
Andrew Fletcher
3Members’ Update
Margaret Bowdery explained that earlier this month she had had the privilege of representing the Ramblers at a Reception given by Her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle. Margaret Bowdery went on to explain that she had the opportunity of meeting Tourist Officers, Council Officers and various people from the farming community. It was noted that Margaret Bowdery had been impressed to find that footpaths and access were not only considered a tourist benefit but an economic necessity in some rural areas. Margaret Bowdery went onto inform the Forum that she had also been amazed by the huge sums of money that some people were able to secure for new paths and trails. It was noted that Margaret Bowdery had come away fired up with enthusiasm and wondered how the Forum could convince the Council that rights of way were not just a financial millstone but a valuable tourist asset which needed adequate funding for maintenance and improvements.

Margaret Cubley explained that she was in attendance as a representative of the Cookham Society. It was noted that Margaret believed that as Cookham was a tourist trap she felt the introduction of a children’s wind in the willows trail comprising of 15 minute, 30 minute and one hour walks would be beneficial.

Gordon Harris informed the Forum that a new walk through Cookham, the ‘Berkshire Loop’ of the existing ‘Chiltern Way’, had been set up by the Chiltern Society and extended 20 miles from the Cookham Bridge to the Henley Bridge. It was noted that this walk had been officially opened in October

Andrew Fletcher explained to the Forum that the Rural Forum had met, which Anthony Hurst had attended. Chris Westacott explained that the Forum had discussed crime in the countryside and the lack of broadband in certain areas. It was noted that someone from BT would be invited to present at the next Rural Forum meeting.
4Public Rights of Way Funding & Resources
Margaret Bowdery informed the Forum that for a long time she had suspected that ROWIP projects were being ignored when S.l06 money was being distributed. Margaret stated that it had been a developer who had confirmed that no request had been made for funds for the Millennium link to the Thames, despite the fact that the development ran alongside the proposed path.

Margaret Bowdery went on to explain that she had recently been informed by Andrew Fletcher that no bids for S.l06 money had been made for the missing link in the Thames Path at Bridge View, despite this being part of an ongoing project since l988.

Margaret Bowdery explained that Andrew Fletcher had also given her the S.l06 agreement detailing the funding secured from the Miller Homes development which provided £38,000 to move the Ada Lewis Fountain into the centre of Bridge Gardens. As the development lies very close to Bridge Gardens, she believed it would have been logical to use some of the £594,000 for highways secured in the agreement to move the Thames Path to the riverside.

The Forum was informed that all that was required of the developer was to provide a 3m wide footway along the frontage of the development site on the A4 Bath Road which could be shared by cyclists. Margaret Bowdery went onto explain that on the 7 August 2009 Councillor Majeed had assured Theresa May that the Council would pursue any opportunity to create a continuous riverside route in association with redevelopment in the area. It was noted that Theresa May was further assured on l7 February 2010 that if the Thames Path link over White Place Farm could not be achieved, then the money would be spent on the missing link at Bridge View. It was noted that officers had previously decided that the site was too far away but instead were prepared to spend it on improved footpath access along York Stream. Margaret Bowdery explained that she believed the possible benefit to town centre pedestrians should not have been given a higher priority than the safety of thousands of walkers using the Thames Path National Trail.

Margaret Bowdery explained that she had just learned that another Council had opened up many new paths and trails with various grants, such as £3.71M from a Liveabilty grant, £2.85M from Local Action for Rural Communities and £2.6M of Leader Plus money. It was noted that Margaret Bowdery had been informed that the Council would have an online database of sources of funding to make bids through community partnerships and that there were funds available from the Heritage Lottery Fund for Local Authorities to cover the regeneration of parks including walks and promenades, footpaths and entrances.

Margaret Bowdery informed the Forum that the Cycle Forum had been granted £200,000 of the Olympic funding for routes to and from the Rowing Lake. It was noted that earlier this year £340,000 had been found to move cyclists off the A4 onto the pavement and Margaret Bowdery questioned why a much smaller amount could not be found to move the Thames Path National Trail walkers off the A4094.

Harry Hancock thanked Margaret Bowdery for her comments and asked Andrew Fletcher to respond.

Andrew Fletcher explained that the Forum had given advice previously to the Council regarding the creation of a path at Bridge Gardens to move the Thames Path National Trail promoted route next to the river. After considering this advice the Council at it’s meeting on 3rd August 2009, the Panel resolved that: “The Council proceeds with the installation of road crossing facilities at Bridge Gardens, Ray Mead Road, subject to the outcome of a road safety audit and consultations with the local ward Councillors, and to pursue any opportunity that may arise to create a continuous riverside route, for example in association with future redevelopment of the site or area.” The local Councillors for Riverside ward had accordingly been consulted and had unanimously agreed they do not wish to proceed with the road crossing facilities.

With regard to grant funding for Public Rights of Way projects in general, Andrew Fletcher agreed to speak to the officer that dealt with grant funding and request some feedback with regard what sort of funding was available. It was requested that a presentation from the grant funding officer be presented at a future LAF meeting.

Hilary Essen stated that it was not easy to find the LAF page on the website as it was not listed or linked via the homepage. Andrew Fletcher agreed to do some further investigation and if necessary add in a key word to the homepage.

It was recommended that:
    Ø More information/feedback be provided to the LAF with regard to grants available and bids being made.
    Ø The procedures for Section 106 funding being made available for public rights of way projects be reviewed
    Ø Alternative grant funding be investigated
Andrew Fletcher

5Milestones Statement and Targets 2011 – 2012 and analysis of the existing Public Rights of Way network
The Forum was asked to look at the priorities, targets and service standards included in the Milestones Statement and Public Rights of Way Improvement Plan Annual Review 2011/12 and provide comment. It was noted that comments or recommendations received from this meeting would be incorporated into a report which would be presented to the next Rights of Way and Highway Licensing Panel meeting on the 15 March 2011. It was noted that any additional comments for inclusion in the report should be made in writing to Andrew Fletcher by no later that the 31 December 2010.

The following comments/recommendations regarding the priorities were made:
    Ø Andrew Fletcher explained that the targets for the coming year were subject to the same level of funding and resources being available, and that more information about resources would be available in January.
    Ø Harry Hancock and Margaret Bowdery felt it was essential to keep the existing Rights of Way team in place whilst maintaining existing budgets.
    Ø Hilary Essen stated that if the Royal Borough were to encourage healthy walking they needed an adequate footpath system in place.
    Ø Harry Hancock felt that due to the tourist aspect and the importance of the forthcoming Olympics essential funding needed to be maintained for footpaths, in particular with regard to the health and safety aspect.
    Ø Christopher Westacott believed there was limited help given to landowners and that it was unrealistic to expect the Council to fund footpath projects when there were other priorities such as education that needed to be taken into account.
    Ø It was requested that better communication be made with ethnic minorities with regard to the location of public footpaths. It was suggested that this could possibly be achieved via the Councils website.
    Ø Christopher Westacott suggested that in order to help cut costs where paths were blocked with crops landowners be approached and asked for footpaths to be strimmed following harvest time rather than requiring the paths to be cut before harvest time.
    Ø It was hoped that dialogue with landowners and the Rights of Way team be improved in the future.
    Ø With regard to cutting costs it was requested that the food and refreshments supplied at the meeting be stopped with immediate effect to which the majority agreed.
It was recommended that:
    Ø No change to the targets be made for the coming year.
    Ø A letter be sent from the Forum to the Chief Executive, Ian Trenholm, urging that the existing staff and resources for public rights of way be maintained.

Andrew Fletcher agreed to email both Christopher Westacott and Hilary Essen a PDF copy of the oustanding public rights of way issues summary report.

Harry Hancock thanked Andrew Fletcher and his team for a job well done which was echoed by everyone present.

Tanya Leftwich

Andrew Fletcher
6Windsor Great Park Easy Going Route
Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that one of the targets set out in the Milestones Statement 2010/11 was to produce a leaflet publicising opportunities to people with special needs.

Andrew Fletcher explained that the leaflet intended to publicise a number of routes within the Windsor Great Park for mobility restricted users. It was noted that the Council had worked in partnership with the Crown Estate office in order to develop a proposed Easy Going Route which utilised existing routes within the Great Park. The Forum was informed that a site visit had taken place on the 18 October 2010 which the Bracknell Forest Local Countryside Access Forum had also attended.

Andrew Fletcher explained that the Council aimed to publish the leaflet in the New Year, certainly by the end of March 2011. It was noted that some further work was required with regard to assessing the suitability of selected parts of the route and to clarify the extent of the facilities at the Fox and Hounds public house and find out what they were comfortable offering walkers.

The Forum noted the report and suggested that ‘non-technical’ language be used in the leaflets produced.
7Volunteer work on Public Rights of Way
Margaret Bowdery requested an update on progress Andrew Fletcher had made with volunteers via articles in the local newspapers and in the Around The Royal Borough newsletter.
Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that he had already started to make contact with existing volunteer groups such as the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers and had added to their bid vegetation clearance, ditch clearance, removal of stiles, minor bridge repairs and minor surface works. It was noted that the Public Rights of Way Team had also made contact the Anti Social Behaviour Team with regard to the community payback scheme and had provided a list of suggested work which was currently awaiting feedback. Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that he was under the impression that the Probation Service supervised the people on the community payback scheme.

The Forum noted that Andrew Fletcher would also be making contact with the Braywick volunteers in addition to the Windsor and Maidenhead volunteers.
8Local Access Forum website
Andrew Fletcher explained that this item was designed to stimulate discussion about the LAF website and to seek the Forum’s advice as to how the website could be improved and enhanced. It was noted that whilst neither website was felt to be perfect the LAF website needed the most work done to it. The Forum were informed that Julie Mason had developed a detailed and considered report on what she believed could be done to develop the website. Andrew Fletcher agreed to work with Julie Mason to make changes to the LAF website in light of this report

Hilary Essen requested that Andrew Fletcher also look into improving the Rights of Way area on the website.

Harry Hancock requested that members reported any improvement or enhancement suggestions directly to Andrew Fletcher following the meeting.
Andrew Fletcher

Andrew Fletcher

9Horse grazing issues
Hilary Essen informed the Forum that over the last few year’s landowners had changed from managing arable crops to keeping horses which she did not find surprising during the current economic climate. The Forum noted in some cases this had resulted in fields being divided up into several paddocks to cater for different horse owners. Whilst in other cases fields were being used as exercise grounds for training horses. It was explained that if horses were regularly walking along the same routes as the public footpath this put a tremendous stress on the path whilst causing concerns for walkers. It was requested that landowners be asked to re-instate their land to the quality it was before the horses had been introduced. Hilary Essen explained that she believed a Code of Practice could prove to be useful and asked whether fellow members knew whether one had already been published by another organisation. Hilary Essen went onto explain that as well as knowing what was expected by landowners another advantage of having a Code would be to let landowners know that they were being treated equally.

Hilary Essen informed the Forum that she believed stiles had been added to land which were not up to the British standard and it was hoped that a request could be made about electric fences being used to segregate horses from path users as an alternative to using stiles. It was noted that paddock kits could be purchased for between £100-£200. Hilary Essen went onto explain that when the footpaths were diverted, changes should be discussed with the Public Rights of Way Team and signage be reviewed.

Andrew Fletcher thanked Hilary for her thoughts and went onto explain that he felt the Code of Practice for horse owners would not be correct approach to take and these issues were best dealt with on a case by case basis. Andrew Fletcher noted that if landowners were found to be encouraging the horses to walk on the path for example by introducing a trough on the path then this could then be treated as an enforcement issue.

James Copas stated that he would personally prefer a personal approach and for a verbal discussion to take place rather than being given a Code of Practice to adhere to.
10Report from working group meeting: Public Rights of Way and Planning Applications
Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that a sub-group had been formed and had met on the 11th August 2010 to discuss Public Rights of Way and planning applications.

It was noted that the following actions were agreed at the meeting:
    Ø The Public Rights of Way Team and the East Berks Ramblers will identify potential opportunities via the weekly list and pass them to Development Control. These opportunities must be closely related with the application.
    Ø Anthony Hurst & Graham Stallwood to jointly review and update the Officers’ Guide.
    Ø Graham Stallwood to discuss with the lead member for Development Control the possibilities of highlighting Public Rights of Way as a particular constraint on Development Control Plans, and provide feedback to the Public Rights of Way team and East Berks Ramblers.
11LAF Monitoring Items
(a) Millennium Walk

Andrew Fletcher introduced the monitoring report and explained to the Forum that one of the priorities set out in the ‘Milestones Statement 2010/11’ was to seek to complete the missing links in the Millennium Walk.

Ann Darracott also gave an update to the Forum regarding the status of the missing links.

Andrew Fletcher requested that members of the Forum speak directly to Anthony Hurst if they required any further information or had any questions.
12Appointing observers to neighbouring Local Access Forums & Date of Next Meeting
Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that Ray Sharp form the Mid & West Berkshire Local Access Forum was present as an observer at today’s meeting. It was noted that observers helped the neighbouring boroughs keep in touch and it also gave them an insight into how other meetings were run. The Forum noted that Harry Hancock had volunteered to be an observer at the next Buckinghamshire Local Access Forum meeting. Andrew Fletcher stated that he would pass Harry’s details over to the Buckinghamshire Forum so that he could be contacted directly.

Ray Sharp informed the Forum that the next Mid & West Berkshire Local Access Forum was due to take place on the 19 January 2011. Andrew Fletcher requested that volunteers to observe this meeting should contacted him.

The date of the next meeting of the Local Access Forum, once scheduled, would be advised by the Clerk of the Forum.

The meeting which started at 6.30pm, ended at 9.10pm.
Harry Hancock

Andrew Fletcher


Tanya Leftwich