Meeting documents

Local Access Forum
Tuesday 3 December 2013 6.30 pm



3 December 2013


NameInterest area
Peter Thorn Chairman, land management
Harry HancockVice Chairman, walking, open spaces, Mid-Thames Ramblers
Councillor BeerWalking, cycling, Old Windsor Parish Council
Sara Church
Margaret Cubley
Horse Riding, British Horse Society
Walking, Access issues, Bisham Parish Council
John Foulger
Christine Gadd
Gordon Harris
Walking, open spaces, public rights of way
Footpaths, open spaces, Cookham Parish Council
Andrew FletcherLocal Access Forum Secretary
Tanya LeftwichClerk to the Forum

Annie Keene


Councillor John Stretton
Hilary Essen
Julie Mason
Joanne Stickland
Joanne Stickland
3 December 2013

1Welcome, Apologies and Introductions, Declarations of Interest
The Chairman Peter Thorn welcomed everyone to the twenty-ninth meeting of the Local Access Forum.

Apologies for Absence were received from Councillor John Stretton, Hilary
Essen, Julie Mason, and Joanne Stickland. The Forum wished Hilary Essen a speedy recovery.

The Forum, although not quorate, approved the minutes of the previous meeting held on 27 June 2013. It was agreed that Andrew Fletcher would seek final approval of the decisions of the LAF subsequent to the meeting.
    Matters arising from last meeting
    Item 1.1 = Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that he had sourced suitable stickers to go onto the finger signs in the Royal Borough and landowners who had expressed an interest in specific signs for their land had been contacted regarding the type of information they wished to display. It was noted that bespoke laminated signs would be supplied by the Council upon request. It was suggested that the Ramblers Association and Parish Councils might assist in fixing the stickers to the relevant signs. Councillor Beer agreed to fix the stickers to the relevant signs in Old Windsor and Sara Church agreed to cover Eton. Andrew Fletcher agreed to chase up, in the New Year, the bespoke signs that included small maps and a troubleshooting telephone number.

    Item 2.1 = Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that links to the Nature in Parks leaflets had been included in the related links on the public rights of way publications page.

    Item 2.2 = It was noted that an email had been sent to the Council’s Leisure team and Communications team to look at improving the links and combining information where possible on the RBWM website.

    Item 2.3 = The Forum was informed that the Nature in Parks leaflets currently contained contact information for members of the public.

    Item 5.1 = Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that Phil Smith had agreed to be part of the LAF Fast Response Team and it was noted that one additional member representing land management interests was needed to balance the group. Volunteers were asked to contact Andrew Fletcher.

    Item 6.1 = It was noted that the LAF annual report for 2012-2013 had been published.

    Item 6.2 = The Forum was informed that the Natural England pro-forma had been completed and sent to Natural England.

    Item 7.1 = Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that advice received was that the signs and set up for the multi-use route were fine and that provided the surface was suitable there was unlikely to be any liability issue for the Council if an accident was to occur on the multi-use path.

    Item 8.1 = Andrew Fletcher explained that the entire RBWM website was in the process of being reviewed and revamped and until then this project had been put on hold.

    Item 9.1 = Andrew Fletcher agreed to contact Healthwatch to see if they could assist the LAF in joining the Council‘s Health and Wellbeing Board or at least mention its existence and role. It was agreed that more information would be brought to the next meeting.

    Item 9.2 = It was noted that the materials from the South East Local Access Forum conference had been added to the GroupSpaces site on the 1st July 2013.



    2Members’ Update
    Harry Hancock informed the Forum that he had attended the last Bucks County Council LAF meeting which he had found very interesting. The Forum was informed that there was a closed railway line in Bucks that ran from Oxford to Cambridge which cut through the north of the county which was due to be re-opened. It was noted that the trains would run at 125mph which meant level crossings could not be used resulting in new bridges needing to be constructed which was costly. Harry Hancock informed the Forum that the Chiltern Conservation Board had been given £868,000 to develop cycling in the Chilterns and that an electric charging point had been installed in Henley Station.

    Harry Hancock went on to inform the Forum that a new group had been formed called Chiltern Romability which aimed to promote access to the countryside for disabled people of all types. It was noted that this new group campaigned for stiles / gates to be removed and were looking to make five well known beauty spots in the Chilterns a priority.

    Harry Hancock informed the Forum that Bucks County Council had transferred its Rights of Way Team to a private sub-contractor who would be responsible for maintenance on an on-going exclusive contract for seven years. It was noted that in the first year the Bucks Forum had stated that there had been a marked deterioration in the standard of service which they considered to be unacceptable. Harry Hancock went onto explain that the Bucks Forum wanted to establish reasons for the decline in service as the transfer had raised a number of concerns, and were asking what safeguards were in place to maintain standards.
    Harry Hancock agreed to provide a further update at the next meeting.

    Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that on-going discussions were taking place in Old Windsor with regard to disabled access and footpath gates. It was noted that an operated gate solution was being investigated which would allow use by mobility scooters but also prevent children running ahead into the road. Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that a roadside barrier had been considered but was not feasible as it would obstruct access to driveways. Councillor Beer explained that this would be on the busy Straight Road through Old Windsor near to the speed camera.
    3Membership update
    General Forum membership
    Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that everyone had been invited to re-apply and that all members had been approved. It was noted that Dorothy Allard had stood down from the Forum.

    LAF Fast Response Team membership
    Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that Phil Smith had joined the Fast Response Team which currently stood at three members. It was noted that the team had a post vacant for a member with land management interests. Andrew Fletcher asked members to volunteer to join the Fast Response Team if they were able.
    4Election of Chair & Vice Chair
    It was agreed that this item would be deferred to the next meeting.
    5Milestones Statement and targets 2013/2014 consultation
    Andrew Fletcher gave everyone a short presentation ‘An analysis of the Public Rights of Way network’ which covered the state of the network, a few figures about the number of gates, bridges, stiles, barriers, steps, boardwalks and signpost and waymark posts in the Royal Borough, the number of outstanding issues, a breakdown of the number of issues resolved in 2013, a breakdown of the number of outstanding issues and work in progress (before and after photos).

    The Chairman congratulated Andrew Fletcher and his team on their achievements.

    Andrew Fletcher updated the Forum on the progress of the Milestone Targets for 2013/14:
      • WM2 was currently at 12 major surface improvements or vegetation clearance with the target being 10.
      • WM3 was currently at 5 bridges having been repaired or replaced with the target being 5.
      • LD1 - Zero had been completed with the target being 4.
      • LD2 – Zero had been completed with the target being 1.
      • WP1 – the Windsor Great Park Easy Going Route leaflet had been produced with the target being 1. Andrew Fletcher showed everyone present an electronic version of the leaflet which is available on the Councils website, with paper copies available from Council offices in Maidenhead and Windsor as well as in the libraries. It was noted that copies of the leaflet would also be sent to ramblers wardens, and parish councils in the Royal Borough. Peter Thorn recorded his thanks to everyone who had contributed to the leaflet.
      • WP2 - the Public Rights of Way information booklet had been produced in partnership with LAF with the target being 1.
      • AC1 - One had been completed with the target being 1.
      • AC2 – 9 stiles had been replaced with 4 coming forward – the target being 20.
      • EN1 – 19 enforcement issues had been resolved – the target being 30.

    The following milestone targets for 2014/15 were agreed by the Forum:
      • WM1: Retain target for paths easy to use at 95%
      • WM2: Retain target for major surface and vegetation clearance works at 10
      • WM3: Retain target for the repair or replacement of bridges at 5
      • Combine the target LD1 and LD2 to the following:
        “To actively progress applications to add public rights of way to the Definitive Map including resolving significant errors in the map”
      • WP1: Retain target to produce 1 leaflet publicising access opportunities for people with special needs
      • WP2: Retain target to assist others to produce 1 new publication
      • Add new target to develop and enhance the information available online for public rights of way, including the use of social media where appropriate
      • AC1: Retain target to create 1 new strategic path, either public right of way or permitted, to fill identified gaps in the network
      • AC2: Change target to the following:
        “To make
        20 physical access improvements, including the replacement of stiles with gates or gaps, to facilitate use by those with special needs, the elderly, people with pushchairs etc.”
      • EN1: Changes target to the following:
        “To resolve
        30 enforcement issues within 4 months of first being reported”

    The Forum agreed the following work programme for the coming year:
      • Multi-use paths / routes.
      • Linking of bridleways.
      • Improvements to cycling.

    6Improvements for cycling in Maidenhead
    Peter Thorn informed the Forum that Hilary Essen was unfortunately unable to attend the meeting to address her item.

    Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that there had been 161 injury collisions involving cyclists reported over the last three years. It was noted that of these incidents they had occurred in urban areas, in the centre of Maidenhead (and towards the A4) and in the centre of Windsor (and near the A308).

    Christine Gadd explained that a safe cycling and walking route to and from Charters School was included as part of their Neighbourhood Plan.

    Peter Thorn informed the Forum that he would ask Hilary Essen to publish a note to the forum’s ‘GroupSpaces’ website and give an update at the next meeting. It was suggested that Gordon Oliver (the RBWM Principal Transport Policy Officer) be invited to attend a future meeting and address the Forum on cycling.
    Councillor Beer volunteered to attend a Windsor workshop on this subject if Hilary Essen was unable to attend.


    Councillor Beer
    7Horse riding and multi-use routes
    Sara Church informed the Forum that a lot of riders she had come into contact with had said the multi-use routes were brilliant.

    Andrew Fletcher informed the Forum that he had only received two responses to the multi-use routes – one was a complaint about horse dung and the other response from an Eton resident was to request that it be made permanent. Sara Church agreed to encourage more support for the multi-use routes from fellow horse riders. It was noted that the multi-use route would be reviewed in May 2014

    Peter Thorn suggested that Andrew Fletcher write to Parish Councils to ask them to help identify multi-user paths/routes.

    8Authorised structure register
    Andrew Fletcher referred everyone to the authorised structure register that he had distributed at the start of the meeting.
    The Forum felt that a list of authorised structures would not be particularly useful to most people, however the Forum recommended that a map containing layers of information be added to the web to show the locations of the stiles, gates, and other path furniture.
    9LAF Monitoring items
    Easy going routes
    Andrew Fletcher referred the Forum to page 13 of the agenda. Peter Thorn suggested that Andrew Fletcher write to the Access Advisory Forum & Parish Councils to ask them to help identify potential new areas for Easy Going Routes.

    Public rights of way information booklet
    Andrew Fletcher referred the Forum to page 13 of the agenda. Thanks to Julie Mason were recorded.

    Volunteer works
    Andrew Fletcher referred the Forum to pages 13&14 of the agenda. It was noted that no further volunteer works had been scheduled at present, but The Conservation Volunteers have submitted a bid for grant funding for works in 2014/2015.

    LAF members’ discussion forum
    Andrew Fletcher referred the Forum to page 14 of the agenda. Andrew Fletcher explained that he was keen to encourage everyone to use the LAF online forum at is was a useful way for members to discuss issues between scheduled meetings.

    It was suggested that the LAF online forum be opened up and made available to other interested associations such as horse riding groups, etc.


    10Activities of the LAF Fast Response Team
    The Forum was referred to pages 15-18 of the agenda.
    11Date of Next Meeting
    The date of the next meeting of the Local Access Forum was to be confirmed.

    The meeting which started at 6.30pm, ended at 9.20pm.