Meeting documents

Maidenhead Town Forum
Thursday 3 February 2011 7.00 pm



PRESENT: Councillors D Wilson (Chairman), Mrs Hunt (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Herdson and Mrs Napier.

Non-Member: Councillor Mrs Kemp.

Also Present: Mrs Hastings (resident) and Mr Mason (resident).

Officers: Graham Brewster, Harjit Hunjan and Tanya Leftwich.


Apologies for absence were received from Tracey Smyth (Thames Valley Police).


The Chairman declared a personal interest in item (5) ‘Community Day Update / Big Society’ on the agenda as he was a member of PRoM and the Maidenhead Town Partnership. The Chairman remained in the meeting throughout and took part in the discussions.

Councillor Mrs Hunt declared a personal interest in item (4) ‘Parking by non-residents on Bell Street’ on the agenda as she owned one of the flats in St Ives Road, Maidenhead. Councillor Mrs Hunt remained in the meeting throughout and took part in the discussions.

Councillor Mrs Herdson declared a personal interest in item (5) ‘Community Day Update / Big Society’ on the agenda as she was a member of PRoM. Councillor Mrs Herdson remained in the meeting throughout and took part in the discussions.

    RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 7 October 2010 be approved.


The Chairman welcomed Mrs Hastings and Mr Mason to the meeting and went onto explain that Mrs Hastings, a resident on Bell Street, had requested this item be discussed at the Forum today. Mrs Hastings was invited to address the Forum.

Mrs Hastings informed Members that the parking in Bell Street had got steadily worse over the last few years. It was noted that each of the forty residential houses had been provided with two parking permits each. However Mrs Hastings went onto explain that over the last three years a block of fifteen flats had been built which had been allocated with two parking spaces as they were to be used primarily by commuters and therefore would not require parking provision. Members were informed that a Travelodge hotel which consisted of ninety rooms had also been built recently with no parking provision apart from four to six disabled bays at the rear of the hotel along with double yellow lines which was for loading and unloading only. Mrs Hastings went onto explain that whilst the hotel did state that it offered no parking to its guests it did not provide a link to show the location of nearby car parks. It was noted that members of the David Lloyd gym also parked in the residential parking bays on Bell Street for their convenience. Mrs Hastings informed Members that on her way to the meeting tonight she had spotted five non-resident cars parked in residential bays in Bell Street. Members noted that when football matches occurred Bell Street was usually full of cars. Mrs Hastings explained that a number of residents on Bell Street did not return from work until after 6pm and on many occasions found it difficult to park in their street as this was the time when the parking restrictions ceased.

Mr Mason informed Members that on the ground level of the Travelodge hotel there was a potential restaurant / bar area which he believed would encourage even more cars into the area as they would want to park a convenient distance from the hotel.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Hastings and Mr Mason for addressing the Forum and went onto explain that he himself had been to Bell Street and taken photographs of the various parking restrictions in place which were found on signs of varying heights. The Chairman went onto explain that the Team Leader for DC Highways, Graham Brewster, had kindly attended the meeting to address Mrs Hastings concerns.

The Team Leader for DC Highways, Graham Brewster informed the Forum that with regard to the parking issues in Bell Street there was a number of contributory factors that would need to be addressed through the parking review. Members were informed that the parking review had been agreed to be undertaken during the course of the year and would be subject to consultation with the local residents. Members noted that there were issues with parking associated with the David Lloyd fitness centre and these issues tended to occur between 17:30 and 18:30. The Team Leader for DC Highways went onto explain that whilst Mrs Hastings had acknowledged that enforcement was now visible in Bell Street as she herself had seen cars being ticketed, on one occasion she had seen the enforcement officers drive up and down the road without stopping when non-resident owned cars were illegally parked. It was requested that the Team Leader for DC Highways contact the Parking Manager, Neil Walter to notify him accordingly.

The Team Leader for DC Highways informed everyone present that with regard to issues which related to the new Travelodge hotel, Daniel Gigg, from Planning DC, had been in touch with the hotel to remind them of their requirements to satisfy their planning condition. Members were informed that the planning condition requirements were such that information needed to be displayed on the hotels website and on all promotional material in order to help direct guests to nearby public car parks. It was noted that the hotel would be contacted again and be chased to comply as they were currently in breach of their planning condition. Members agreed that one of disabled bays within the hotel site should be removed and used as a pick up/set down point. It was noted that Daniel Gigg would be asked to take this point up with Travelodge as they would need to apply to vary one of the conditions attached to the planning permission.

Members of the Forum endorsed a rationalisation of the waiting restrictions Mon –Sat with more emphasis on providing additional spaces for residents and extending the time from 8am to 8pm (rather than the current 6pm). It was believed that this would also help address issues that arose with evening games at Maidenhead Football Club as well as being of great assistance to those who arrived home from work after 6pm. It was noted that Members of the Forum agreed with the “residents first” approach and the Team Leader for DC Highways stated that he believed the consultation would result in a scheme that would meet with the residents expectations.

The Chairman requested that when the parking restrictions in Bell Street were reviewed that some thought was given to having the signage along the street at a consistent level.
    RESOLVED Unanimously: That;
      • One of the disabled bays at the Travelodge Hotel be changed to a pick up/set down point.
      • A consultation with all residents go ahead to review the parking restrictions and increase the number of residential parking spaces in Bell Street.
      • Uniformed parking restriction signage along Bell Street be installed at a consistent level.


The Community and Business Partnerships Manager, Harjit Hunjan, informed Members that it had been Margaret Hyde who had originally raised the Community Day item. Members were informed that since the introduction of the Big Society and now that the Royal Borough was one of the few vanguard authorities the Council had organised a Big Society Day, which had taken place on the 4 December 2010 at Desborough School. Members noted that the event had involved a large range of volunteers, voluntary organisations as well as partner organisations from across the Borough who had supported the event by showcasing their services on forty separate stalls.

Members were informed that the objectives of the day were to:
    • Raise awareness of the Big Society itself.
    • Test the validity of the Big Society projects by collecting opinion.
    • Communicate the wider initiatives being developed and delivered locally.
    • Collect new ideas from residents about other initiatives.
    • Identify the barriers stopping people from getting involved in civic participation.

The Community and Business Partnerships Manager explained that the event had been received very positively by residents and the question of conducting similar events or mini versions through road shows had been raised. Members were also informed that volunteers and partner organisations had fed back that they had viewed the event as having been a valuable opportunity to meet and engage with each other on how to take forward Big Society aspirations.

Members were informed that over 250 visitors had attended the event with over 150 volunteers from 24 partner organisations. The Community and Business Partnerships Manager explained that 133 Big Society suggestions and ideas had been contributed to the Big Society wall and 150 responses had been posted into the individual project suggestion boxes which had related to specific projects.

It was noted that the following key responses for the following Big Society projects had been received:
    Very favourably received:
    • Devolution to Parishes
    • Adopt-a-street
    • Participatory Budgeting
    • Ways to Volunteering
    • Guildhall Volunteering
    • Transparency
    Mixed response:
    • Incentive Scheme
    • Night-time Economy
    Less favourably received:
    • Renewable Energy
    • Total Environment

In the ensuing discussion the following points were raised:
    Ø Members noted that the Windsor & Maidenhead Voluntary Action (WMVA) were due to run a Big Society workshop on the 2 March 2011.
    Ø It was suggested that an alternative word to ‘volunteer’ be used in future as it could be deterring young people from taking part.
    Ø Councillor Mrs Endacott suggested that companies provide young people with certificates for work experience which could be included in their Curriculum Vitae’s.
    Ø The Chairman explained that there was usually a crossover of volunteers and that whilst he understood there to be a good network in place he believed that it needed to be brought together under one system/site so information was more readily available. It was suggested that good communication links be built in order to help drive the scheme.
    Ø Councillor Mrs Kemp believed it important to find out what young peoples interests were before they started their working life and target these interests by way of for volunteering opportunities. It was suggested that schools get involved to help identify their pupil’s interests.
    Ø Members believed that young people needed to be given incentives in order to encourage them to take part in volunteering within the Royal Borough.

The Community and Business Partnerships Manager informed Members that a repeat event was scheduled to take place on the 26 March 2011 at the Windsor Girls School.
    RESOLVED: That Members noted the feedback following the Big Society Day.


The Chairman invited Members to suggest potential future Capital Expenditure items which they believed would help benefit Maidenhead. Members were informed that the Participatory Budget had limited funding of approximately £50,000. The Chairman explained that the following list of proposed Capital projects had been suggested by the Chambers of Commerce (in order of priority) which Members might want to consider:

    1. Broadway car park to revert to Pay on Foot as soon as possible.

    2. High Street Paving to be upgraded as soon as possible.

    3. As an extension to 2 above, investment on paving cleansing machines to increase the cleansing frequency in the town centre dramatically compared to the current infrequent cleansing.

    4. Crown Lane access to Hines Meadow car park to be converted to entrance and exit.

    5. Business Garbage collection scheme. In particular looking at recycling opportunities.

    6. Benches and tables around the town centre for office employees to use for lunch, relaxation etc.

    7. Electronic signs at the entrances to the town indicating which car parks are available and how many places in each.

    8. Improved direction and key building signage around the town.

In the ensuing discussion the following points were raised:
    • Members felt that a number of the suggested projects by the Chambers of Commerce were already included in the Maidenhead Area Action Plan.
    • Councillor Mrs Napier suggested that the Thames Trail be completed with the available funds.
    • Councillor Mrs Kemp stated that she would like to see an increase in the cleansing frequency in the town centre.
  • The Chairman explained that the Maidenhead Civic Society had suggested that a two hour period for car parking (for example over the lunchtime period) be free of charge as operated in France.
  • It was suggested that Woodley Town Council be approached and asked for feedback following some free parking that they had offered their shoppers over the festive period.

    RESOLVED: That the following Capital Expenditure project be proposed (subject to funds being available):
      • Broadway car park to revert to Pay on Foot as soon as possible and that a two hour period for car parking (between 12noon – 2pm) be free of charge.

Members noted that the date of the next meeting (extraordinary meeting) was Tuesday 29 March 2011 at 7pm and would be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Maidenhead.

It was agreed that the agenda for the meeting on the 29 March 2011 would include the following items:
    • Business Rates Update.
    • St Marks Hospital Car Parking Charges.
    • CCTV update.
    • Update on the measures to reduce the noise due to cars speeding in St Ives Road, Maidenhead.
    • Car Parking Charges in Maidenhead – in particular when the contract was due to end for machines that request payment on entry rather than exit of car parks and the possibility of introducing a free of charge two hour parking period between 12noon – 2pm in Broadway car park.

The following item was suggested for discussion at a future meeting of the Forum:
    • 2012 Olympics Overview.


The meeting, which began at 7.00pm, ended at 9.15pm.