Meeting documents

Maidenhead Town Forum
Tuesday 29 March 2011 7.00 pm


29 MARCH 2011

PRESENT: Councillors D Wilson (Chairman), Mrs Hunt (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Herdson and Mrs Napier.

Non-Member: Councillor Baskerville, Majeed and Rayner.

Also Present: Mr Bermange (Resident), Mr Clayton (General Public), Mr Gorski (Resident), Mrs Gorski (Resident), Stephanie Gould (St Marks Hospital), Mike Miller (Chamber of Commerce), Allison Rees (St Marks Hospital), Peter Sands (Chamber of Commerce), Margaret Whitby (Reading VOA), PC 6010 R Buckley (Thames Valley Police), PCSO 9220 G Harmycz (Thames Valley Police).

Officers: Nick Hardwick, Elaine Henderson, Tanya Leftwich and Neil Walter.



No apologies for absence were received.


The Chairman declared a personal interest in the agenda as he was a member of PRoM and the Maidenhead Town Partnership.

Councillor Mrs Herdson declared a personal interest in the agenda as she was a member of PRoM.

Councillor Mrs Hunt declared a personal interest in item (5) ‘Business Rates Update’ on the agenda as her husband owned a business in Maidenhead and had appealed.

Councillor Mrs Napier declared a personal interest in item (4) ‘St Marks Hospital Car Parking Charges’ as she was a member of the Joint East Berkshire Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel.

    RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 3 February 2011 be approved.


The Chairman welcomed Stephanie Gould (the Director of Facilities) and Allison Rees (the Head of Operations for the east of the county) from St Marks Hospital and invited them to address the Forum. Stephanie Gould explained that she and Allison Rees worked for the Shared Services which was an in-house facilities management provider for the National Health Service across Berkshire. Members were informed that Berkshire Shared Services had introduced car parking charges at St Marks Hospital on the request from the PCT. Stephanie Gould explained that the car parking charges had been introduced in order to cover the costs of the car park so not to divert funds from medical care.

The Chairman informed the Forum that general discussions on car parking had taken place via the Joint East Berkshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the 16 December 2010. Members were informed that this item had been included in this agenda to concentrate on the parking charges at St Marks Hospital. The Chairman went onto explain that the report included in the agenda was very detailed and related to the parking charges. It was noted that the minimum parking fee at St Marks Hospital was £1, that parking at weekends was free and that a reduction in the parking charges could be sought if you had particular care needs.

The Chairman went onto inform the Forum that since the parking charges had been introduced people were parking in Courthouse Road and St Marks Road which was causing traffic congestion and distress to many of the residents. The Chairman invited Mr and Mrs Gorski, residents of Courthouse Road, to address the Forum with their concerns. Mrs Gorski informed Members that people visiting the hospital did not pay the £1 fee and instead parked in front of their house and as a result they would have people banging on their front door and causing a nuisance. Mrs Gorski requested help from the Forum to get this matter resolved.

In the ensuing discussion the following points were raised:
    • The Parking Manager explained that a public consultation had taken place and the result had been that residents had not wanted parking restrictions introduced in the surrounding areas of the hospital.
    • Allison Rees informed Members that the hospital was still working towards the ‘car park mark’ which was solely for the maintenance and security of the car park. Allison Rees went onto explain that the hospital car park did have a car park attendant in place, mainly for security reasons, from 10am – 6pm who was paid by the hospital.
    • It was noted that previous discussions had taken place with the Group Manager - Highway Services, Ben Smith and the Traffic & Road Safety Manager, Tony Carr in summer 2008 with regard to the possibility of introducing short stay parking bays on Courthouse Road, painting double yellow lines on Courthouse Road and the use of temporary spaces on the hospital site.
    • Members were informed that a review of the three hospitals (Upton Hospital in Slough, King Edward VII Hospital in Windsor and St Marks Hospital in Maidenhead) was currently underway which was looking into increasing the number of disabled bays at St Marks Hospital.
    • Members were informed that blue badge holders were able to park on double yellow lines at the hospital as long as they were not found to be obstructing the highway.
    • Stephanie Gould informed Members that the review would look into when the parking machines would need to be replaced. Councillor Mrs Herdson requested that when the parking machines were replaced that signage be clearly displayed which explained the breakdown of the cost of parking at the hospital.
    • Allison Rees informed Members that staff at St Marks Hospital did not have to pay for their parking, a decision which had been made by the PCT.
    • PC Rebecca Buckley, Thames Valley Police, suggested ‘residents only’ parking in the surrounding areas of the hospital. Councillor Rayner responded by explaining that unfortunately not all the residents agreed with parking permits which cost in the region of approximately £20 per annum.

Councillor Rayner suggested that he and Councillor Majeed formulated a scheme for the hospital and consult with the local residents, the Parking Manager, ward Councillors and St Marks Hospital to find an agreeable solution to help ease parking in and around the hospital.

The Chairman thanked Stephanie Gould and Allison Rees from St Marks Hospital for attending the meeting.


The Chairman explained that following the increase in business rates made on the 1st April 2010 by the previous Government Members of the Forum had been extremely concerned about how the increase in business rates would adversely affect both retail outlets and offices within the Royal Borough.

It was noted that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Forum had submitted a petition ‘We oppose the huge increase in business rates for 2010/11. The economic and financial situation has changes dramatically since the business rental valuation was assessed in April 2008 for implementation in 2010/11. This 50% plus rise in business rates will cause hardship for businesses and we urge the Government to review the situation in line with the Retail Price Index (RPI) to allow growth during the economic downturn’ to number 10 and were awaiting a formal response.

The Chairman had invited Margaret Whitby and Linda Rowsthame from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) along to the meeting on the 3rd June 2010 to explain how the rates had been calculated, if they were similar to other local authorities and to ask whether anything could be done to alleviate the pressure caused to retailers in the Royal Borough. The Chairman thanked Margaret Whitby (Reading Valuation Office Agency) for attending the meeting again today.

The Chairman welcomed Nick Hardwick, RBWM Business Services Manager, and Elaine Henderson, RBWM Debt Recovery Team Leader to the meeting and invited them to address the Forum. The Business Services Manager informed Members that the Council was a collecting agent of business rates and therefore reaped no benefits from the money collected from the 4500 properties within the Royal Borough, of which 1500 were located in Maidenhead. It was noted that the 2011/2012 business rates had been issued on the 15 March 2011 and that leaflets had been distributed by both the Fire Authority and the Thames Valley Police. The Business Services Manager went onto explain that relief available was in the form of small business rate relief and that due to the 2011/12 budget changes the business rates holiday had been extended to the 31 October 2012. It was noted that the Council would be contacting the businesses within the Royal Borough which qualified for business rates holiday relief. Members were informed that charitable organisations currently received 80% relief which could be topped up by the Royal Borough and that non-profit organisations could also qualify for relief with their business rates. The Business Services Manager concluded by encouraging those who found themselves in difficulties to get in touch with the Council as it could be found that they were not be receiving all the relief that they were entitled too.

The Chairman welcomed Mike Miller and Peter Sands from the Chamber of Commerce to the meeting and explained that they had been invited to the meeting so that they were fully aware of the current situation with regard to the increased business rates within the Royal Borough.

Margaret Whitby from the VOA explained that the 2005 appeals had now all been dealt with and that the Reading Office was now preparing to look at the 2010 appeals at the end of Autumn / early 2012. Margaret Whitby informed Members that the VOA was happy to look at any information believed to be incorrect and that those appealing were welcome to provide evidence to be considered. Members were informed that in Autumn 2010 the VOA started sending out valuations to rate payers along with the link to their website which explained that if the valuations were believed to be incorrect it advised what to do and how to appeal. It was noted that once an appeal was received, it would be registered, looked into and scheduled.

In the ensuing discussion the following points were raised:
    · Members were informed that the VOA had not received a significant number of appeals for 2010 sighting vacancy as the reason for their appeal.
    · It was noted that the VOA published on their website when appeals had been scheduled.
    · Members were informed that whilst the Valuation Office Agency had not in the past distinguished between fast food establishments, which were able to command more rent then regular shops, they did now.
    · It was noted that the VOA’s commitment was to respond to all appeals received from the Royal Borough within two months of receipt.
    · Members were informed that each parade of shops was looked at as a unit and that all areas of the Royal Borough had now been valued as of the 1st April 2010.
    · It was noted that if units were found to be vacant the landlord would be viable for the rates if the premise were no longer rentable or alternatively it would be the responsibility of whoever owned the lease at that time.
    · Members were informed that more appeals were submitted in the North of the UK compared to the South.
    · The Business Services Manager suggested that the Council work with the Chamber of Commerce in the form of a surgery session.
    · It was noted that all appeals received by the VOA were timetabled by area and in the absence of supporting evidence would be bulked together with similar appeals.
    · Members were informed that approximately 7% of 2005 appeals had been upheld and that a vast majority of the 7% related to office buildings.
    · Mike Miller from the Chamber of Commerce explained that he would like to see some transparency as to how the money collected was used.

Mike Miller requested that the Valuation Office Agency put together an ‘idiot's guide’ for businesses with regard to the appeal process and try where possible to reduce the length of time it took to process appeals. It was noted that the Chamber of Commerce were happy to work with the VOA to help produce the document.

Margaret Whitby from VOA agreed to provide the Forum with a list of 2010 appeals submitted to date. Margaret Whitby also agreed to look into whether the VOA planned to publish the appeal results on their website in the future.

The Chairman requested that Margaret Whitby from the VOA re-look into the rates for King Street as he believed it to be a high increase area.

The Chairman thanked Margaret Whitby, Mike Miller, Peter Sands, the Business Services Manager and the Debt Recovery Team Leader for attending and addressing the Forum.


The Chairman thanked the Parking Manager, Neil Walter, and Councillor Rayner for attending the meeting in response to a request made by the Civic Society for free lunchtime parking as used in France. The Chairman explained that any ideas to encourage people into Maidenhead needed to be investigated.

The Parking Manager informed Members that to introduce free parking into one of the car parks in Maidenhead would result in a loss of revenue of £150,000 per annum.

Councillor Rayner informed the Forum that car parking was found to be an issue in all towns and that he and the Parking Manager had worked closely with the Maidenhead Councillors, the Chamber of Commerce and the Maidenhead Partnership to look into ways of making the parking in Maidenhead easier and more affordable. It was noted that work had also taken place with the Maidenhead Town Manager and that ‘Advantage Card Wednesdays’ were hoped to be introduced in the near future which would offer people parking in Maidenhead better rates on a Wednesday. Members were informed that currently there were 150 on street parking spaces in Maidenhead which Windsor did not have. The Parking Manager went onto explain that ‘pay by phone’ had been introduced in the Nicholson’s car park and was currently being used by 600-700 people per week. It was noted that once the trials had finished people would be able to start collecting their advantage card points.

The Parking Manager explained that his team was also looking at making monthly car parking tickets available online and that this was being covered under the review.

In the ensuing discussion the following points were raised:
    • Councillor Mrs Hunt informed Members that cars parked down both sides of the High Street in Marlow and that the town was ‘vibrant’ at all different times of the day. Councillor Mrs Hunt suggested that one hour parking be introduced on both sides of Maidenhead High Street and that the double yellow lines be removed. Councillor Rayner responded by explaining that double yellow lines had been removed in Windsor and that this was something that was currently being discussed with the Parking Manager for areas of Maidenhead.
    • Councillor Mrs Herdson informed Members that she would like to see the free parking suggestion made by the Civic Society be trialled to see if the extra visitors offset the loss of revenue costs.
    • Councillor Mrs Herdson informed the Parking Manager that advantage card holder residents parking in Broadway car park were getting tickets as it was not clearly displayed that the advantage card needed to be put into the ticket machine.
    • Peter Sands informed Members that he believed people needed an incentive to bring them to Maidenhead and that free parking would be an attractive option for the Royal Borough.

The Parking Manager informed Members that since the pay on foot system was removed from the main car parks in Maidenhead it had been noted that people using the car parks were now staying on average more than two hours. Members were assured that the Parking Team was constantly looking at systems and technology to help assist residents and shoppers in Maidenhead. The Parking Manager went onto explain that queuing did create traffic congestion and that his team needed to ensure the past traffic congestion problems did not return to Maidenhead. It was noted that the Parking Manager had visited Birmingham to look at possible solutions that could be incorporated in Maidenhead.

The Chairman thanked the Parking Manager and his team for their ongoing hard work.


      The Parking Manager, Neil Walter, agreed to update the Forum at a future meeting as to whether one of the disabled parking bays at the Travelodge Hotel had been changed to a pick up/ set down point.
      The Chairman welcomed PC Rebecca Buckley and PCSO Gemma Harmycz from the Thames Valley Police to the meeting. PC Rebecca Buckley informed the Forum that Tracey Smyth had been off work on long-term sick leave and that it was unsure whether anyone would be available to attend the meeting hence no confirmation had been sent to the Clerk.

      PC Rebecca Buckley went onto explain that she and colleague PCSO Gemma Harmycz had added the concern with regard to the noise in St Ives Road caused by cars speeding to their task list which was looked at on a daily basis.
      Members were informed that speed checks were not compatible on St Ives Road due to the length of the road. PC Rebecca Buckley informed Members that whilst the noise of cars on St Ives Road was not an offence the Police would deal with they would look to stop people driving in an anti-social manner. Members were informed that the Police would use their Section 59 powers with people they found to be driving in an anti-social manner and if they offended again they would have their vehicle taken away from them. It was noted that Section 59 covered a wide range of things such as noisy mopeds, loud radios and anything which constituted people behaving in a dangerous / inconsiderate manner. Peter Sands informed PC Rebecca Buckley that loud car radios disturbed the residents in Queen Street which did not seem to have been tackled by the Police. PC Rebecca Buckley explained to Members that if calls were made to notify the Police then Officers in and around the Town Centre would be assigned to attend and investigate.

      The Chairman thanked PC Rebecca Buckley and PCSO Gemma Harmycz for attending the meeting and requested that they provide the Clerk with their email addresses so that they could be notified of future meetings.


Members noted that the date of the next meeting was Wednesday 15 June 2011 at 7pm and would be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Maidenhead.


The meeting, which began at 7.00pm, ended at 9.15pm.