Meeting documents

Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Monday 3 November 2008



PRESENT: Councillors Mrs Howes (Chairman), Kellaway (Vice-Chairman), Beer, J Evans, Muir, Werner (substituting for Cllr Holness) and Mrs H Wilson

Also present: Councillors Bicknell and Burbage.

Officers: Ms Bailey, Mr Herlinger, Mr Hitchen, Mrs Hornby, Ms Kenyon, Mr Perkins, Mr D Scott and Mr Thomas
part i

    Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Holness.


    Councillor Kellaway declared a personal interest on the item “Parking Systems Review” as he was a council appointee of the Maidenhead Town Centre Management Partnership Board.

    Councillor Mrs H Wilson declared a Personal interest on the item “Draft Joint Berkshire Minerals & Waste Development Control Policies & Preferred Areas Development Plan Document” due to the company she works for dealing with Star Works.

    30/08 MINUTES
      RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meetings held on 1 September 2008 be approved subject to the inclusion under 24/08 that the Lead Petitioner was to be contacted.


    Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 27 November 2008 on Flood Monitoring. The Panel was advised this was a 6 monthly report and noted that recently a Flood Awareness month had taken place with Flood Awareness Fairs being held across the Borough. The Panel also noted the update of the flood alleviation for Clare Road and Pine Veterinary Surgery.

    Following the flooding in July 2007, Thames Water had reported that flooding was due to surface water, as the drains were unable to cope with the very heavy rain downfall.

    Concern was raised over why the Thames Flood Forum had not met, as the Environment Agency had requested the meeting to be postponed due to a number of their key staff being unavailable, which had lead to a lack of communication. It was noted that Parishes downstream, particularly in Bisham and Marlow were concerned in relation to the flooding issue.

    Members noted that a Generic Flood Plan had been published on the RBWM website, and would prove useful for Councillors within the Riverside Wards. It was note that a wide database of contacts had been informed. There was a generic Flood Plan and a Borough Emergency Plan for every type of emergency in place. Within Berkshire, each Unitary Authority had responsibility for different areas of Emergency, of which Flooding was the Royal Borough’s responsibility.

    Members noted that the Pitt Report had 92 recommendations, which the Government was taking a view on and had already put some of the recommendations in place.

    The Panel asked for an update on training for Flood Wardens and were informed that training had taken place but that it had been very poorly attended. It was noted however, that most Flood Wardens had years of experience, but that they would require further training, as they may have been unaware how best to cope in an emergency in respect of liaising with the Emergency Services.

    RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


    Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 27 November 2008 on the Partial Review of South East Plan: Gypsy and Travellers Accommodation Needs. The Panel was advised that the South East Regional Assembly was consulting on options for delivering accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers and that closing date for the consultation was 21 November 2008. The Panel noted that agreement had been reached to submit draft comments prior to the November Cabinet meeting. The Panel was also advised that all the Berkshire Unitary Authorities had worked together in respect of the Options available to them, and had agreed jointly to support Plan B, which required an additional 9 pitches within the Royal Borough for Gypsies and Travellers. The Panel noted that locating these pitches would need to be well thought through and not on the flood plain. The Panel was advised that a pitch was an appropriate size for one family.

    RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval subject to them noting that all the Berkshire Authorities would be opting for Option B, and therefore that would be the recommendation of the Panel.


      Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 27 November 2008 on the Draft Joint Berkshire Minerals & Waste Development Control Policies and Preferred Areas Development Plan Document. After much discussion it was recommended that in particular reference to the proposed additional waste uses at the Hindhay and Sheephouse Farm sites, and the additional waste site at Monkey Island Lane, that Cabinet should reconsider these with a view that these items be withdrawn from the document. Concerns were expressed regarding the impacts of intensification of waste activities through additional traffic movements, road safety and effects on residents’ amenity.

      RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval subject to Cabinet revisiting the 'Waste Preferred Areas', particularly Hindhay and Sheephouse Farms and Monkey Island Lane sites, with a view to these items being withdrawn from the document.

      34/08 LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2006-2011 – DELIVERY REPORT (2006 TO 2008)

      Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 27 November 2008 on the Local Transport Plan 2006-2011 – Delivery Report (2006 to 2008).

      RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval subject to Cabinet considering the reference to Crossrail, and would like to see evidence for the support for Airtrack.


      Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 27 November 2008 on the Parking Systems Review. The Panel noted that there were three different parking control systems in use in the Royal Borough, Pay on Foot, Pay on Exit and Pay and Display. Members noted that usage regarding the Nicholson’s MSCP since the new charges had been introduced had not been affected, but that it was being monitored on a weekly basis.

      Members noted that there were two Appendix A’s to the report and it was agreed that the second Appendix A would be amended to be clearer.

      RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval subject to the second Appendix A being amended as requested to make the document clearer.


      Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 27 November 2008 on the Review of Council’s Housing Allocation Policy, and were advised that there were two issues being considered with one being the current allocation policy and the other being the Government’s proposals for Choice Based Lettings. This meant that vacancies could be advertised for people to make direct applications rather than being nominated for a property by the Council. This would be a fundamental change to the present system, and the issue of how homeless and other vulnerable people accessed vacancies would be of great importance. The Panel noted that by 2010, every local authority should have Choice Based Lettings in place in order to comply with a Government target. Members noted that accommodation is allocated on a points system at present and that people with local connections, such as employment or residence in the Royal Borough, are given extra points. This enables them to be higher on the Waiting List, and to have a great propriety than someone without a connection. After a short discussion, members suggested that a Members Working Group addressed the issue of local connections as they felt the guidelines needed to be clearly defined.

      RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval subject to the Members Working Group addressing the issue of local connection.

      37/08 HOUSING STRATEGY 2008-2011

      Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 18 December 2008 on the Housing Strategy 2008-2011. Members noted that every local authority needed to have a Housing Strategy, not just for affordable housing but from the private sector as well. Members recommended that the report be approved at Cabinet.

      RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval.

      38/08 HOMELESSNESS STRATEGY 2008-2011

      Members considered the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 18 December 2008 on the Homelessness Strategy 2008-2011. Members noted that due to the ‘Credit Crunch’ more repossession’s were forecast in the Royal Borough which was likely to put pressure on the Housing Options Team. Bed & Breakfast accommodation is still utilised, but with a requirement to move people on within 6 weeks, a target which the Borough was meeting. Loans for deposits were being provided to enable people to access private sector tenancies. After a discussion, the Panel requested that it should be noted in which Ward temporary accommodation identified in the strategy is located. It was also noted that the Admel House Planning Application had been withdrawn and an alternative site was being sought.

      RESOLVED: That the report be recommended to Cabinet for approval subject to the list of Temporary Accommodation Available in the report being listed by Ward.


      Members received the latest Service Monitoring Report for all service areas, including areas relevant to the Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel.

      40/08 WORK PROGRAMME

      Members noted the items suggested for discussion at the meeting of the Panel to be held on 15 December 2008.

      41/08 MEETING

      The meeting, which began at 7.00pm, concluded at 9.30pm.


      DATE: …………………………………………