Meeting documents

Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Monday 12 January 2009


12 JANUARY 2009

PRESENT: Councillors Mrs Howes (Chairman), Kellaway (Vice-Chairman), Holness, Beer, J Evans, Mrs Luxton and Muir.

Also present: Councillors Rayner and Werner.

Officers: Mr Herlinger, Mrs Hichens, Mrs Hornby and Mr B Smith.
part i

    Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs Wilson.


    There were none.

    59/08 MINUTES
      RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meetings held on 15 December 2008 be approved:


    Members received a presentation on the Windsor Parking Strategy including the results of the public consultation and the business case proposals from Ben Smith and also considered the accompanying report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 22 January 2009.

    Councillor James Evans commented that a web-based information service would be very helpful for visitors and in relation to the outcome of the Public Consultation it was noted that the Administration had recognised areas and Council was acting upon those results, particularly in relation to Alexandra Gardens car park and the proposed extension.

    Members noted that due to the increasing numbers of visitors to Windsor, there was an urgency to maximise use of existing parking stock, increase capacity and promote travel choices and to this end 200 additional on-street spaces had already been made available and the shuttle bus from Home Park to the town centre had been extended until 9pm to respond to demand from business users. An additional 50 weekend spaces at East Berkshire College had also been made available, additional directions signs had been introduced and investment in new technology had commenced

    Following a public consultation when around 2000 responses were received it was noted that 8 in 10 (83%) thought that finding new parking facilities was important. There was a high level of positive responses where the following opinion on proposed solutions was:
      Sharing with businesses: 81% (very good / good)
      Windsor Racecourse: 62% (very good / good)
      King Edward VII Hospital: 65% (very good / good)
      Home Park car park extension: 63% (very good / good)
      ‘Centrica’ park and ride: 62% (very good / good)
      Windsor Dials, bridge link 62% (very good / good)
      Alexandra Gardens, extended car park: 43% (very good / good)

    Councillor Rayner commented that due to the responses relating to Alexandra Gardens car park extension and after some consultation, it was agreed to withdraw the plans for provide extra car parking by extending Alexandra Gardens car park. It was also noted that extra car parking was always available at Legoland, but that when the park was closed in the winter only one bus an hour would run into the centre of Windsor, compared to when the park was open in the summer when there would be several buses running every hour and this was one of the issues that will be reviewed to increase usage and maximise the benefit of the existing park and ride.

    A discussion took place about the spaces at King Edward Court.

    Councillor Holness commented about coach parking in Windsor and whether visitors could be dropped off and coaches use a more ‘out of town’ car park. Members noted that over the past few years the times that coach visitors stayed in Windsor had changed from a full day to just in the region of 4 hours therefore leading to a higher turnover in the coach park. It was noted that at ‘slack’ times of the year the coach park attendants make a judgment call and opened the coach park to cars as an overflow car park.

    Members agreed that due to the present economic climate England had become a cheaper place to visit, and therefore it was hoped that visitor levels would increase this year. To that end, every effort should be implemented to make sure that Windsor was an attractive place to visit.

    Councillor Werner commented that he welcomed more available car parking space and was pleased that the proposal to increase capacity at the existing Alexandra Gardens car park had been withdrawn. However Cllr Werner expressed concern over the possible congestion issue with cars arriving from the M4 and having to negotiate an already congested roundabout on the way to Windsor Racecourse, and then more congestion with buses travelling from the Racecourse into Windsor Town Centre (and back again). Mr Smith commented that there would be electronic signage on the Windsor Relief Road informing visitors which car parks were available. Additionally, the traffic lights would be phased that should a bus approach, they would turn in the buses favour ensuring that the bus has priority. Mr Smith also commented that the Clarence Road roundabout would undergo some extensive refurbishment to expedite flow of traffic, subject to funding approval from the Department for Transport.

    Councillor Beer raised concerns over the possibility of hard-standing being laid at Windsor Racecourse to enable further car parking, but was assured that whatever was proposed, particularly as the Racecourse is on Green Belt land, would have to go through the Planning process. Members expressed concern on how this scheme would be funded and Mr Smith commented that this was part of the application to SEERA who advise the Department of transport on funding priorities, which was going forward to be considered at the Regional transport Board on Friday 16 January, but that should it fail the Royal Borough’s Capital would consider whether additional funding should be allocated in addition to the currently approved budget. Mr Smith also commented in relation to a question from Councillor Werner regarding the costs of the public consultation that it was in the region of £30,000.

    Councillor Rayner notified Members that all the above questions and concerns had already been raised. The Public Consultation was held before the proposal was made because they wanted residents to have their say on the proposals to be put forward. As a direct result, the proposal to increase the capacity of the existing Alexandra Gardens car park was withdrawn due to the public wanting the Gardens to stay as they are. It was considered that Alexandra Gardens was very precious to residents and visitors.

    Members were informed that the strategy was due to be considered at the Regional Transport Board on Friday 16 January 2009 to attempt to achieve funding for the scheme.

    After a full debate the following was agreed -
      RESOLVED: That the Panel welcomes the report to be endorsed and be recommended to Cabinet with the additional comments, that;
        · support be continued for the existing Park and Ride at Legoland and the site be reviewed with the possibility of making improvements to increase usage;
        · concerns be noted about what would be required at the Windsor Racecourse in relation to hard-standing and the need to thoroughly investigate this issue as part of the planning process;
        · concerns about extra congestion be noted;
        · that the Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny Panel reviews this issue every 6 months.


    Members noted the items suggested for discussion at the meeting of the Panel to be held on 26 January 2009:
        Review of Designated Public Places Order (Alcohol Consumption)
        Household Waste Incentives Scheme
        Service Monitoring Report
        Budget 2008/2009 and Council Tax
        Relationships with Thames Floor Forum
        Thames Water – How they are addressing the recently Flash Floods problem.

      RESOLVED: The Panel agreed that from here on in all Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny Panels would commence at 6.30pm

    63/08 MEETING

    The meeting, which began at 6.30pm, concluded at 7.40pm.


    DATE: …………………………………………