Meeting documents

Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Monday 12 October 2009


12 OCTOBER 2009

PRESENT: Councillors Mrs Howes (Chairman), J Evans, Mrs Hunt, Muir and Thompson (substituting for Councillor Stretton)

Officers: Mr P Brown, Mrs Hornby, Mr Oram, Mr Perkins, Mr Slaney and Mr Stallwood.
part i


    Apology for absence was received from Councillor Stretton.


    There were none.

    41/09 MINUTES
      RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meetings held on 8 September 2009 be approved.


    Members considered the report being submitted to Cabinet on 22 October 2009 on the Preliminary Budget Report. Following a brief introduction a discussion ensued during which the following points were raised –
      Ø Item 3.26. It was confirmed that savings would be delivered once approved by Cabinet and that Lead Members also agreed with this action.
      Ø Following staffing consultation any staffing proposal would be taken to Employment Panel
      Ø It was noted that the September Recommended Price Index (RPI) would not be available for a few days but that once it had been received it was agreed that Democratic Services would email the figure to Members for clarification.
      Ø The Panel noted that 10 Community Wardens had been employed in 2009/10 and that a further 4 would be employed in 2010/2011.
      Ø It was noted that the issue of car parking fees was approved at the September Cabinet meeting and was covered in page 10 of the report, under Item 6.
      Ø .
      Ø The Panel noted that Refuse Disposal and Waste Disposal were the same and that in reference to page 9, it was noted that landfill prices were increasing per tonnage, per year.
      Ø The Council had recently introduced 3 recycling schemes –
          § Composters. Further composters had been sent out to residents and this scheme had proved very popular.
          § Green Waste – A high proportion of residents had taken up this scheme at a basic cost per year.
          § RecycleBank - was a pilot scheme which had very recently been rolled out and had again been well received by residents. It was hoped this scheme would further increase recycling and thereby drive down waste tonnage in the Royal Borough.
      Ø It was agreed that an email would be sent to the Panel in relation to the exact figures on green waste costs.
      Ø The Panel noted that the contract with the waste company was due to expire in 2012, but there was a further 7 year option to renew. It was noted that savings of up to £100,000 were being sought through deficiencies.
      Ø The Panel noted that there had been complaints in relation to the website. Concern was expressed that the service to the public could be compromised if not administered properly as complaints had been received in relation to the registering of Admissions online in that applications had not been received. The Panel noted that capacity was an issue being investigated.
      Ø Item 3.16. The Panel was made aware that the potential need for an increase in employer contributions was a statutory requirement.
      Ø The Panel raised concern in relation to the potential removal of all speed cameras and hoped that traffic safety would not be compromised because of this. The Panel expressed the hope that some of the savings made once speed cameras had been removed would pay for implementing alternative traffic enforcement, such as SIDS around the Royal Borough. The Panel noted that the Safer Road Partnership was also involved with safety campaigns, and mobile cameras and that a report on speed cameras was due to be submitted to Cabinet at its next meeting.
      Ø The Panel agreed that once the final report in relation to Speed Cameras was available, it would be circulated via email for Panel’s comments.
      Ø In relation to Appendix B “Transport Policy and Planning Implementation – s106” it was noted that in future the charge for s106 would be written into the contract at the time Planning Permission was given. Offices reported that this would not require any change in the policy. The Panel commented that the Borough was particularly robust in its s106 policy and should be commended.
      Ø The Panel agreed to endorse the report, but were anxious to ensure that Lead Members were kept fully engaged in the implementation of any organisational changes required to deliver savings

    RESOLVED: UNANIMOUSLY. The Panel endorsed the Preliminary Budget Report but were anxious to ensure that Lead Members were kept fully engaged in the implementation of any organisational changes required to deliver savings proposals.

    43/09 MEETING

    The meeting, which began at 6.32pm, concluded at 7.10pm.

    CHAIRMAN: …………………………………………..

    DATE: ………………………………………………