Meeting documents

Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Monday 27 September 2010



PRESENT: Councillors Meadowcroft (Chairman), Adams (substituting for Councillor Holness), Beer, Mrs Hunt, Mrs Kemp and Stretton

Officers: Ms Arlidge, Mr Carr, Mr Gould, Mr Herlinger, Mr Hitchen, Mrs Hornby, Mr Miller, Mr Penhaligon and Ms Penn.

part i


    Apologies were received from Councillors Holness and Mrs Howes.


    Councillor Mrs Hunt declared a Personal interest in the Part II items due to owning a flat in the centre of Maidenhead.


    Members considered the report being submitted to Cabinet on 30 September 2010 on the Preliminary Budget and noted the contents. The Panel noted that once approved by Cabinet, savings would come into effect from April 2011, the current target was £6m overall. It was also noted that the Comprehensive Savings Review was due to be announced by the government on 20 October. During the ensuing discussion, the following points were raised –
      Ø That due to the announcement in late October by the government, decisions could not be taken in relation to final decisions of the budget until December and it was agreed that this was late as savings should begin at the start of the year.
      Ø That the savings outlined in Appendix B were not primarily from staffing. These staff savings would mainly be met from natural wastage. Further savings will be required to achieve the target and these may include staff savings.
      Ø The panel also noted that staff pay would be frozen over a 2-year period. However, concern was expressed in relation to lower paid staff and requested that Cabinet reassured them that they would follow the same Government policy and principle for a £250 a year flat rate pay rise to lower paid staff and that this be reflected in the medium term financial plan.
      Ø That the ‘back office’ team in relation to car parking would be reviewed.
      Ø That a change in relation to the area cost adjustment for the relatively high cost of providing services in the area was noted as was the expectation of a lower formula grant which is based on population density and other factors. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY PANEL – 27.09.2010

      Ø That it would be easier to ‘borrow’ in-house particularly as the borrowing interest rates was 4.5% and therefore the Panel assumed it would be more cost efficient to borrow in-house. However, it was pointed out that the figure was a part of the pension fund.
      Ø In relation to Appendix A, the Panel requested that the heading be changed as it was considered to be misleading. It was agreed to take this back to Head of Finance to action. It was also suggested that the layout be looked at, as this was also considered misleading as some figures were cumulative and others related to the years in question.
      Ø The panel noted that other Directorates had larger pressures, which would be reported in the full report. It was noted in particular that Children’s Services and Adult & Community in particular had contributed the largest savings to date.
      Ø Concern was expressed in relation to the high sums that were being paid to the Environment Agency and the panel was assured that this figure and any change in arrangements would be constantly under review.
      Ø Concern was also expressed in relation to the high cost of Highway Maintenance. Members noted that this was due to investments in new lighting columns and that the use of energy savings bulbs would save money in the future.
      Ø It was noted that the CCTV figure was based on shared services with West Berks. Members also noted that the Royal Borough would run the service and that should any increase in manpower be required that it would be monitored closely. The Royal Borough would take over the existing control room and overall a profit of £50,000 was expected.

    RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Cabinet be advised the Panel endorsed the report subject to the assurance that they follow the same Government policy and principle for a £250 a year flat rate pay rise to lower paid staff and this be reflected in the medium term financial plan.


    To consider passing the following resolution:-

    "That under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting whilst discussion takes place on items 5 and 6 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 6 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972”