Meeting documents

Rural Forum
Monday 25 March 2013 6.00 pm


25 MARCH 2013

Present: Councillors David Hilton (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), David Coppinger and Mrs Lynne Jones

Robert Byde (equestrian), Brenda Copas (local landowner), Geoffrey Copas (local farmer), James Copas (Copas Farms), John Emmett (local farmer), William Emmett (local farmer / NFU Chairman), Philip Everett (Crown Estate), Nick Philp (local farming co.), Andrew Randall (rural/farming), Paul Rinder (rural/farming) and Christopher Westacott (Hurley Parish Council / farming).

Officers: Harriet Baldwin, Sarah Ball, Tony Carr, Andrew Green, Mike McGaughrin and Simon Wright.


Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs Christine Bateson, Tim Parry, Councillor Colin Rayner and Mrs Barbara Story.


There were no declarations of interest.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 5 November 2012 were approved, subject to the following:

The final paragraph of Minute no. 19/12 being amended to reflect that Geoff Copas’ comments regarding surveys related to concern that the percentages quoted referred to those who had responded which was a relatively small number.


The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting and those present introduced themselves.


The Managing Director circulated a copy of the new management structure that had been implemented and explained that there were now four directorates and the areas of responsibility for each was detailed.

Councillor Coppinger highlighted that the Council would be taking responsibility for public health from 1st April 2013. In response to Nick Philp it was advised that savings as a result of the changes equated to approximately £200k. Christopher Westacott asked how the new structure was working. The Managing Director advised that so far it had worked well and the ethos of closer councillor/officer working had been embraced by all concerned.


The Policy Officer gave a verbal update and explained that the priority at the moment was to encourage as many people as possible in the borough to sign up. It was advised that information leaflets were available and people could also register online at . It was explained that the procurement process was underway but there had been some delay as one tenderer had withdrawn. The rollout would be commenced as soon as the contract was finalised.

William Emmett advised that there were some areas with no broadband coverage at all and sought confirmation that this would be addressed. In response it was explained that there would be 100% broadband coverage of which 90% was expected to be superfast. It was emphasised that the more people that registered an interest the stronger the business case would be and providers would be more likely to implement the necessary infrastructure.

Councillor Mrs Jones expressed disappointment that opportunities had been missed to make residents aware of the initiative through existing publications such as parish newsletters. The concern was acknowledged and it was agreed that this would be followed up as there was still time to get people to sign up.

The funding of the project was detailed and it was confirmed that the council had made a financial contribution.


The Policy Officer outlined details of the new legislation that had been introduced by the 2011 Localism Act. The definition of an asset of community value was detailed together with who was able to nominate, how the process worked and the rights of owners.

John Emmett asked how long the legislation had been in place, whether land could be safeguarded from other uses and who sat on the tribunals in case of a dispute. In response it was clarified that the right to bid had been available for six months, it had to demonstrated that there was a social use for land/buildings and details of the constitution of the tribunal could be forwarded. The Chairman suggested that the criteria had clear requirements and these needed to be met. The Policy Officer advised that the criteria were different for public and private land and compensation was available to private landowners.
It was emphasised that this was only a right to bid and the vendor would ultimately decide who they sold to if and when they sold the land/building. In response to James Copas it was confirmed that a landowner would be notified if an application was made. It was reiterated that there were a number of safeguards and social need had to be fully demonstrated and Councillor Coppinger emphasised that land use was the key factor in the legislation.

Andrew Randall questioned the need for legislation when people could bid anyway. The Managing Director advised that it often took longer for community groups to be able to put business plans/finance in place so this gave them time to fully prepare a bid. Philip Everett suggested that there was the potential for issues to arise such as probate and other ‘grey’ areas. It was emphasised that the detailed legislation would address a number of potential scenarios.

It was reiterated that the legislation only gave a right to bid with more time to prepare and there was no impact or variation in respect of planning legislation and the vendor retained full control of the sale.

The Forum noted that further information could be found at and also at


The Traffic and Road Safety Manager gave an update and advised that a new document in respect of setting local limits had been published. It was emphasised that whilst it was possible to set new limits issues of signage, traffic measures and enforcement also needed to be considered. The forum was advised that £60k had been allocated in the budget for rural speed measures.

Robert Byde referred to specific roads where there were a lot of other road users such as horse riders or cyclists. It was noted that a petition had been received regarding Forest Green Road and it was advised that Thames Valley Police (TVP) had indicated they could not support a blanket 40mph limit but would support a 50mph limit with 40mph advisory signage on some bends. It was emphasised that any proposals were subject to statutory consultation.

William Emmett highlighted previous discussions regarding Drift Road and sought clarification of the criteria used when assessing speed limits on different roads. It was confirmed that the number of properties fronting on to the highway and accesses off the road would be considered. It was reiterated that TVP due to their enforcement responsibilities had to be satisfied with any restrictions that were introduced. John Emmett suggested that both roads and cars were now a lot safer. The Traffic and Road Safety Manager acknowledged that it was difficult to define what constituted a ‘rural’ road and Geoff Copas advised that most accidents occurred on such roads.
Robert Byde reiterated that his main concern did not only relate to speed but more to do with awareness and better/clearer signage to advise motorists of potential hazards. Councillor Hilton emphasised the need to strike a balance to ensure that signs did not cause ‘clutter’. James Copas highlighted that often speed restrictions needed other traffic measures and this could often restrict the movement of farm vehicles as the carriageway becomes too narrow. The Traffic and Road Safety Manager reported that casualty numbers in the borough were reducing and a Road safety Officer was available to give advice when necessary. It was acknowledged that targeting advice could sometimes be difficult.

Nick Philp raised a particular concern about large groups of cyclists using rural roads which often meant there was the potential for conflict with vehicles. The Traffic and Road Safety Manager advised that British Cycling had a campaign trying to make cyclists more aware of such issues. William Emmett referred to road closures for cycling events and the need for better consultation. It was confirmed that organisers should give notice of any events and consult with frontagers. William Emmett advised that the position was less clear on events where there was a rolling closure.

Andrew Randall thanked officers for works that had been undertaken near his farm to rectify a problem and new road markings had been put in place. Councillor Mrs Jones highlighted the provision of clear road markings and temporary speed indicator equipment as positive initiatives. The Traffic and Road Safety Manager reported that speed indicator devices were expensive.

John Emmett referred to the problem of potholes and Councillor Hilton advised that the Borough undertook repair works as soon as possible.


The Team Manager – Strategy and Plans reported that the sub-group constituted to consider the use of redundant farm building and equestrian uses had met on two occasions and a draft document was being prepared. The outcomes would be considered by the wider working group in April with a view to wider consultation after that. In respect of the Local Plan a report had been considered by the Cabinet and all the sites identified were going forward for further technical assessment prior to the final site allocations coming forward.

It was noted that the Neighbourhood Plans were at various stages with some making quicker progress than others. John Emmett thanked officers for their work in respect of the various plans.

Geoff Copas expressed disappointment that Cookham had not progressed with a Neighbourhood Plan but noted that Cabinet was scheduled to consider a design statement for the village and it was suggested that this had not been drafted under the planning policy framework. Concern was raised that the statement had been driven by a relatively small group. Councillor Hilton asked what status such a document could have and in response it was confirmed that it could be Supplementary Planning Guidance and may be a material consideration in planning terms.

Councillor Mrs Jones asked if it needed to be proved that consultation had been undertaken. The forum was advised that a number of tests, including consultation, needed to be satisfied and any comments submitted taken in to account. William Emmett suggested that it seemed unfair that a lot of work was being undertaken on Neighbourhood Plans when other documents were coming forward separately. Councillor Hilton highlighted the inclusive nature of Neighbourhood Plans. Geoff Copas indicated the need for transparency in respect of any planning policy documents. The Team Manager – Strategy and Plans clarified that Neighbourhood Plans were essentially spatial planning documents whilst Design Statements were more detailed for individual areas.

Action: Draft documents to be circulated to Forum members.


Andrew Randall provided an update on farming issues. A copy of the presentation is circulated with these minutes. A copy has also been sent to all Council members.

The forum noted the update.


William Emmett highlighted the importance of encouraging as many councillors as possible to attend and see how the rural economy worked.

After discussion it was agreed that the visit be held in late June at Andrew Randall’s farm. It was suggested that councillors and their partners be invited to attend.

Action: Rural walk to be arranged for Late June 2013.


Rural Crime

The forum was advised that there had been structure changes within Thames Valley Police (TVP) in respect of rural crime. Philip Everett reported that the new Local Area Commander, Simon Bowden, was very proactive in tackling rural crime. William Emmett suggested that there needed to be a coherent approach throughout the force and from the new Police and Crime Commissioner and better communication was key to achieving this.

The Chairman referred to the work of the Crime and Disorder O&S Panel in looking at priorities for policing and the need for rural crime to be included.

Environment Agency (EA)

Geoff Copas raised issues around dredging of watercourses and ditches and also in respect of waste and licensing. Councillor Mrs Jones referred to a recent Flood Forum meeting and that representatives of the agency had been very positive at that meeting. It was agreed that representatives of the EA be invited to attend a future meeting.

Action: Representatives of the Environment Agency be invited to attend a future meeting.


The meeting, which began at 6.00pm, ended at 8.05pm.

CHAIRMAN …………………………..

DATE …………………………………..